Bicubic Penis Enlargement
I’m sending this from the wonderous
world of dialup Internets. Be Un Limited have awful customer service, I
really mean it. I think I’m going to send them a letter by snail mail
complaining about their email response, although knowing my luck the
postage will be astronomical since it’ll be to Bangalore. Which reminds
me, I must post Loz’s two sets of bike lock keys
In other
business the
FSS is running its own
forum now (since MyFreeForum have policies which
suck like a Dyson), and we should have a mailing list sooner rather than
later if Billy from
Space is able to help us set up
the box I took down to be a server. Jake from Access Space is also
really interested in the society which is cool, and James is
enthusiastic like always.
My timetable for this year is much less
harsh than last year (I don’t even have any Physics labs this semester),
which means I have more time free to advance the society, which has
already had a ton of effort poured into it and we haven’t even run our
first meeting yet. Soon though….