Lazy Lambda Calculus
Recently I’ve been playing with meta-programming in [lambda calculus] 1 (originally I tried using [combinatory logic] 2 but the combinators rapidly became too large to understand :( ). For this, I wanted an LC implementation with the following characteristics:
- Implemented in Haskell
- Terms which I can pattern-match against (ie. not just regular functions)
- [De Bruijn indices] 3
- A non-diverging (ie. [co-recursive] 4) evaluation function
I tried implementing this myself, and here’s the infrastructure I built to do it:
-- Peano-style natural numbers
data Nat = Z
| S Nat
-- Co-inductive wrapper to allow undefined output (infinite Laters)
data Partial a = Now a
| Later (Partial a)
-- We can map functions over partial results
instance Functor Partial where
fmap f (Now x) = Now (f x)
fmap f (Later x) = Later (fmap f x)
-- Partiality is a monad
instance Monad Partial where
return = Now -- Immediate value
Now x) >>= f = Later (f x)
(Later x) >>= f = Later (x >>= f)
-- LC terms
data Term a = Const a -- Opaque Haskell values
| Var Nat -- De Bruijn index
| Lam (Term a) -- Anonymous function
| Term :@ Term -- Function application
My first attempt hit problems with [closure] 5. Specifically, I was trying to make an evaluation function with Terms as input and output, but this gave me nowhere to store the associated environment:
-- (Broken) evaluation function
eval' :: [Partial (Term a)] -> Term a -> Partial (Term a)
:es) (Var Z) = e
eval' (e:es) (Var (S n)) = eval' es (Var n)
eval' (e:@ r) = let ev = eval' e in
eval' e (l do l' <- ev l
case l' of
Lam f -> Later (eval' (ev r : e) f)
-> error "Can only apply Lams"
_ = t
eval' e t
= eval' [] eval
To see why this is incorrect, we can use [SmallCheck] 6. Let’s check the property that closed terms (ie. those with no free variables) remain closed after evaluation:
-- Predicate to see if a Term has fewer than n free variables
Var m) = m < n
closed' n (Lam f) = closed' (S n) f
closed' n (:@ r) = closed' n l && closed' n r
closed' n (l = True
closed' _ _
= closed' 0
-- Helper functions
-- Force a result in n steps, or else fail
force :: Nat -> Partial a -> Maybe a
Z _ = Nothing
force S n) (Now x) = Just x
force (S n) (Later x) = force n x
force (
-- A conservative decision procedure
= case force n x of
trueIn n x Just b -> b
Nothing -> False
-- A lax decision procedure
= case force n x of
notFalseIn n x Just b -> b
Nothing -> True
-- Our test
= closed x ==> notFalseIn n (fmap closed (eval x))) closedTest n x
We run this and get the following result:
5 closedTest
depthCheck LSC: Counterexample found after 49175 tests.
Var 0: S (S _)
Var 1: Lam (Lam (Var 1)) :@ Lam (Lam (Lam (Const _)))
*** Exception: ExitFailure 1
This tells us that it found a counterexample when n
at least 2 and x
Lam (Lam (Var 1)) :@ Lam (Lam (Lam (Const _)))
(for any
wildcard ’_’). These incomplete results are thanks to [Lazy SmallCheck]
which tries to identify exactly which parts of the input cause the
Why does this fail? Well, when this Term is evaluated, we get
Later (Now (Lam (Var 1)))
. There are two Partial wrappers
around the Term, which is why the error only appears after forcing at
least 2 steps. The Term itself, Lam (Var 1)
, is not closed
since a single Lam only gives us access to Var 0
. This
should never happen, so what’s gone wrong?
The input contains an ‘outer’ function Lam (Lam (Var 1))
which is returning an ‘inner’ function, which in turn returns the
‘outer’ function’s argument. The outer function is applied to another
Term, so we get back the inner function. However, this inner function
needs some way to reference the outer function’s argument, but our Term
datatype doesn’t give us anywhere to store this reference. Instead,
we’re forced to throw it away, so the Var 1
Term is left
‘dangling’ as a free variable, which violates our property.
I tried keeping track of the environment inside the constructors of
Term, but everything got very messy very quickly, so I gave up and
Googled around for a solution. I found [this presentation] 8
which contains an interpreter for a quite complex language, featuring
native booleans and integers, primitive operations on those types,
and until
loops, explicit recursion,
etc. Most of this is unnecessary for what I want, but it does feature
lambdas, application, variables and an evaluator which uses
(although the presentation calls it
). Here’s a stripped-down version, with the extraneous
stuff removed:
type Name = String
data Term = Var Name
| Lam Name Term
| Term :@ Term
data Val = F (Val -> Partial Val)
type Env = [(Name, Val)]
eval' :: Term -> Env -> Partial Val
Var x) env = return (unsafelookup x env)
eval' (Lam x f) env = return (F (\\a -> eval' f (update x a env)))
eval' (:@ x) env = do F f' <- eval' f env
eval' (f <- eval' x env
x' f' x'
One problem that’s immediately apparent is that Term
lost the Const
constructor. Since Const values are opaque
to the interpreter, they’re simple enough to add back in:
type Name = String
data Term a = Var Name
| Lam Name (Term a)
| Term a :@ Term a
| Const a
data Val a = F (Val a -> Partial (Val a))
| C a
type Env a = [(Name, Val a)]
eval' :: Term a -> Env a -> Partial (Val a)
Const x) env = return (C x)
eval' (Var x) env = return (unsafelookup x env)
eval' (Lam x f) env = return (F (\\a -> eval' f (update x a env)))
eval' (:@ x) env = do F f' <- eval' f env
eval' (f <- eval' x env
x' f' x'
Now let’s switch to de Bruijn indices instead of String variables:
data Term a = Var Nat
| Lam (Term a)
| Term a :@ Term a
| Const a
data Val a = F (Val a -> Partial (Val a))
| C a
type Env a = [Val a]
eval' :: Term a -> Env a -> Partial (Val a)
Const x) env = return (C x)
eval' (Var n) env = let Just x = lookUp n env in return x
eval' (Lam f) env = return (F (\\a -> eval' f (a:env)))
eval' (:@ x) env = do F f' <- eval' f env
eval' (f <- eval' x env
x' f' x'
Now this is looking very similar to my previous, broken solution.
What’s the difference? Rather than evaluating Terms into Terms, we
evaluate them into “Vals”, which can contain Haskell functions. These
Haskell functions can be closures, with access to whichever
variable was in scope when they were defined; hence
we’re implementing closures in LC by using Haskell’s own closures!
Unfortunately there is actually a bug in this interpreter, which
prevents it satisfying the properties I want. Specifically, it never
uses Later
to delay a result! This means that, even though
it builds a Partial result, it will still diverge because it tries to
put everything in a Now
constructor. This makes it
dangerous to evaluate arbitrary Terms, since the evaluator may get
caught in a loop. What we need to do is add a Later
time the evaluator performs beta-reduction, ie. in the
f :@ x
eval' :: Term a -> Env a -> Partial (Val a)
Const x) env = return (C x)
eval' (Var n) env = let Just x = lookUp n env in return x
eval' (Lam f) env = return (F (\\a -> eval' f (a:env)))
eval' (:@ x) env = do F f' <- eval' f env
eval' (f <- eval' x env
x' Later (f' x')
With this addition, the interpreter is now safe to run on arbitrary Terms, which allows us to use property-checking tools like SmallCheck and [QuickCheck] 9.
In fact we can make another change, to turn this from a
[call-by-value] 10
interpreter into a [call-by-need] 11
interpreter. When we evaluate an application f :@ x
, we are
currently evaluating f
to get a closure F f'
then we are evaluating x
to get a Val x'
, then
we are using application f' x'
to get our result. This
forces us to evaluate our argument x
, even if it’s never
used. If x
causes an infinite loop, then our program is
guaranteed to get stuck in a loop.
Instead, we can use call-by-need, like Haskell, such that we only
evaluate x
if it’s needed. To do this we need to get rid of
the line x' <- eval' x env
, since that will wait for the
evaluation of x
to finish. We still need to evaluate
, and we still need to do it in the context of the correct
, so what can we do? The solution is to put
Partial Vals in the environment, rather than fully-evaluated
ones. Such an interpreter looks like this:
-- Environments now contain Partial Vals
type Env a = [Partial (Val a)]
-- Function Vals now accept Partial arguments
data Val a = F (Partial (Val a) -> Partial (Val a))
| C a
-- Evaluation now takes an Environment of Partial Vals
eval' :: Term a -> Env a -> Partial (Val a)
Const c) env = Now (C c)
eval' (Var n) env = let Just x = lookUp env n in x
eval' (Lam f) env = Now (F (\\a -> eval' f (a:env)))
eval' (:@ x) env = do F f' <- eval' f env
eval' (f Later (f' (eval' x env))
Now we will only get trapped in infinite loops when they’re unavoidable, and even then it won’t cause Haskell to get stuck, since we’re using the Partial monad.
Now we can use SmallCheck to test some properties of our interpreter. The ones I’ve tried so far, without issue, are:
-- Helpers
-- Force n steps of evaluation
= force n (eval x)
evalN n x
-- Apply a function Val to a constant
$$) (F f) x = f (Now (C x))
-- Conservative and lax predicates for checking that y evaluates to x
= trueIn n (fmap (== C x) (eval y))
equalIn n x y = notFalseIn n (fmap (== C x) (eval y))
notDiffIn n x y
-- Handy Terms
= Lam (Var 0 :@ Var 0) :@ Lam (Var 0 :@ Var 0)
= Lam (Lam (Var 1 :@ (Var 0 :@ Var 0)) :@
yComb Lam (Var 1 :@ (Var 0 :@ Var 0)))
-- Tests
= let x' = evalN n x in
evalCoterminates x n ==> isJust x' || isNothing x'
closed x
= evalN n (Lam ((0 :@ 0) :@ (0 :@ 0))) == Nothing
omegaDiverges n
= trueIn 1 (fmap (== C x) (eval (Lam 0) >>= ($$ x)))
evalApp x
= equalIn 3 x (Lam 0 :@ Lam 0 :@ Const x)
evalSteps x
= equalIn 2 x (i :@ Const x)
idWorks x
= equalIn 7 x (yComb :@ Lam (Lam 0) :@ Const x)
yTerminates x
= let t = Lam (Lam (Var 1)) :@ Const x :@ y in
trueWorks n x y ==> notDiffIn n x t
closed t
= let f = Lam (Lam (Var 0)) :@ x :@ Const y in
falseWorks n x y ==> notDiffIn n y f
closed f
= let z = Lam (Lam (Var 1)) :@ Const x :@ y in
zeroWorks n x y ==> notDiffIn n x z
closed z = equalIn 5 x (zComb :@ Lam (Lam (Var 0)) :@ Const x) zFalse x
I’m reasonably confident that this interpreter is correct, but if anyone can spot a problem (or an improvement) then please let me know!
As usual, the code for this is living in [Git] 12.