State, Effects and Monads in Functional Programming and Haskell
This is a long reply to a comment on Reddit which became too long to submit there ;)
User gnus-migrate says:
Changing a system’s state does not mean overwriting a variable’s reference. It’s a more general idea than that.
Of course, I agree. They go on:
For example if you type a word in a text field, you’re changing the state of your browser. If you store a field in a web app’s database you’re changing the state of that web app. If you interface with the outside world in any shape or form you are dealing with state, and no amount of immutability will protect you from that.
Yet these things can’t be expressed in the semantics of FP
(beta-reduction of lambda abstractions). Sure, you can bolt on some
extra things to a language’s semantics, like the imperative execution of
side-effects found in Scheme and ML, or the execution of the
IO action by Haskell’s runtime system, but that’s just
moving the state out of the FP part and implementing it with
something else. That’s a perfectly reasonable thing to do, but by
managing to avoid the problem (of state in FP), such approaches
don’t solve it (since they don’t need to). Hence we can’t point
at them as “how state works in FP”, since the whole idea is that the bit
we’re pointing to isn’t the bit that’s FP.
My example in the parent comment showed how to emulate the behaviour of a particular form of state (mutable variables), using only immutable data and recursion (which can be expressed in FP semantics; e.g. with Church encoding). We can do the same thing for these examples, by building up an immutable sequence tracing out the entire history of the resource (like a block universe); whether that’s a variable (like I showed), a browser (which I’ve never seen done) or a database (AKA “log-structured storage”).
It’s obvious that you still have to manage state at the macro level right?
I don’t think it is. Sometimes we can just fill up disk/RAM by evaluating more and more of an infinite immutable data structure, since we know that we’ll be finished with it long before it gets too big. This is stateless (but incrementally evaluated). In this sense, garbage collection is an optimisation, and we can sometimes get away without it (relying on the OS to reclaim all memory when we’re finished).
Often such naïve “block universe” implementation is inadequate for our resource constraints, so we’re required to find some optimisation (like garbage collection, or tail-call elimination, or collapsing together log entries, etc.). Optimisations don’t alter the semantics, so our programming model and mental model can remain the same, but they allow the implementation to run within the available resources. Such optimisations may make use of state, but only in a way which doesn’t alter the semantics, and hence in a way that’s “invisible” to FP (in the same way that, say, registers use state in a way that’s invisible to OO objects, L1 cache is stateful in a way that’s invisible to C, etc.)
Well I need to read a file, how do I do it? Well you need the IO monad, it’s not really pure so it’s sort of an exceptional case in the language
Sorry if you found Haskell difficult (so did I; I gave up 4 times until on my 5th attempt it clicked!). Rather than “not managing state”, I actually think what you’ve said here are the sorts of misconceptions that confuse newcomers and make things unnecessarily difficult to learn! :)
Let’s unpick them. Firstly, you don’t “need the IO monad” in Haskell:
- You never need a monad in any language. They can sometimes be useful though.
- Monads are nothing more (or less) than a general interface for combining particular sorts of values (e.g. lists) in particular ways (e.g. concatenation).
- Monads are only useful if you need to combine such values in such ways.
- Reading a file isn’t one of those situations.
- There are many alternatives to monads, e.g. Haskell has
, various forms of algebraic effects, etc. - You can always avoid these interfaces and just use the underlying
datastructures and functions. For example, instead of using
join :: (Monad m) => m (m a) -> m a
to flatten a list of lists, you can useconcat :: [[a]] -> [a]
; the only thing you lose is polymorphism. - If you know you want to use
, since that’s the type ofmain
, you don’t need the polymorphism thatMonad
Hence by trying to use “the IO monad” you’re constraining yourself
for no reason: if you want to use IO
, why limit yourself to
its monad interface? If you want to limit yourself to the monad
interface, why hard-code IO
when the whole point of
is to abstract over the type? It’s like saying “I
need to dependency inject a MySqlDatabaseConnection
”, when
the whole point of dependency injection is to avoid hard-coding details
like the choice of DB: either inject a DatabaseConnection
or just hard-code the MySqlDatabaseConnection
and do what
you like with it.
Secondly, I take issue with the phrase “the IO monad”. If we look at
the definition of e.g. readFile,
where’s the “monad”? I see an IO
, but I see no
. That’s because values of type IO a
just values! So many Haskell newcomers get derailed trying to
figure out what it is about IO
that makes it special and
“monadic”. The answer? It’s only special because it’s in the type of
main :: IO a
; the only thing which makes it “monadic” is
that it
has a Monad
instance, but so do lists,
, ST
Either a
, etc. so that’s not particularly special.
has a Functor
instance, an
instance, a Monoid
instance, etc.
but we don’t get obsessed with understanding the “alternativeness” of
“the IO alternative”.
The thing is, the key to how Haskell works isn’t that
is some magical type; it isn’t (it’s just a
wrapper around a State
which contains
). Rather, the “magical” bit is what happens when
you call something main
: inexplicably, out of nowhere, GHC
will run that value as a program, simply because we gave it a
particular name! WTF? That’s unlike anything else in the entire
language, and (unlike IO
) there’s no way to emulate it in
any other way. Yet, nobody seems to be the least bit phased by this!
Except a few who are used to scripting languages which execute files top
to bottom, but even Python has a common idiom of
if __name__ == "__main__":
, so that confusion doesn’t
usually last long.
Thirdly, “it’s not really pure” is completely wrong. From the links
above, we see that IO
is just an alternative name for
State RealWorld
. The idea of RealWorld
is that
it should represent “the state of the world”. For example, let’s say we
wrote the following program:
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
main = join (fmap putStrLn (readFile "foo.txt"))
GHC will perform various rewrites, optimisations, etc. but it cannot
alter the order in which the RealWorld
values (hidden in
the IO a
values) are modified and combined; simply because
altering the order in which any values are modified and
combined would be incorrect (e.g. consider (1 + 2) * 3
vs. 1 + (2 * 3)
), unless we have some sort of equivalence
So we need some way to represent “the state of the world” as a value;
as I’ve said above, we can emulate state by storing the entire history
of everything that’s happened, which we can do with a list. In this
case, the IO String
returned from
readFile "foo.txt"
will be a pair containing a
and a RealWorld
something like
["The file 'foo.txt' was read"]
. Likewise, the
inside the putStrLn ...
call will be
something like ["The string ... was printed"]
The join
function turns an IO (IO a)
(containing two RealWorld
values and an a
something like (world1, (world2, foo))
) into an
IO a
(containing one RealWorld
and an
). It combines the two incoming RealWorld
values by appending the “history” of the outer one to the end of the
“history” of the inner one. Hence the result will be
["The file 'foo.txt' was read", "The string ... was printed"]
This same process happens for everything involving IO
every “action” that produces an IO a
is simply writing down
a description of that action in the RealWorld
returning; it’s not actually “doing” the action (since there’s no way to
even express such a thing in Haskell). Every function which combines
values, e.g. those in the IO
instance of
, Applicative
, etc. is just appending
these “histories” together (or discarding them, but such functions
usually aren’t as useful).
So now we know what a main
value looks like: it’s a pair
containing some value (often ()
), which gets ignored, and a
containing a complete, ordered history of every
“action” that we would like the program to take (but it can’t,
since there’s no such concept in FP). This is all pure, immutable,
Now here’s the key insight: a “list of actions to take” is nothing
other than an imperative computer program! Hence the value of
(which is the return value of our Haskell
code; not our Haskell code itself!) actually defines an
imperative program which would, if it were ever executed, cause
the world to follow the “history” it describes.
That’s the pure FP semantics, but the naïve implementation described
above would be very inefficient. We can easily optimise it without
altering the semantics: rather than generating a “history” of the world,
and executing it as a program, we can interleave the two. First we write
an interpreter for this separate, imperative language, then we couple
together the evaluation of Haskell code (to find the next “action” in
the “history” in main
) with the execution of these actions
as statements in the imperative language. Results of the execution are
sent back to be bound as Haskell variables (which, as far as Haskell is
concerned, is the values they’ve always had) which we can use to
evaluate as far as the following action. The old “actions” can be
garbage collected, and the whole thing is very similar to how tail-call
elimination optimises our emulation of stateful behaviour. In fact,
since “actions” are executed as they’re encountered, there’s no need to
store them anywhere at all; which is why RealWorld
is just
an empty type.
In this sense, Haskell is basically an elaborate macro system, for a
really rubbish imperative language (one lacking loops, branches,
arithmetic, etc.). Since side-effects (including state) are easily
implemented in an imperative language’s semantics, its that
language’s execution that is impure. Haskell itself just incrementally
generates a big list of instructions; it’s up to us whether we want to
execute them or not (GHC and GHCi often conflate evaluation of Haskell
with execution of imperative code; Idris doesn’t make this mistake,
e.g. see the :x
instruction in the Idris REPL).
Finally, implementations like GHC go one step further: compiling the Haskell code (via various intermediate languages) into equivalent imperative code, which allows one language implementation (usually compiled machine code, but there’s also ghc-js, etc.) to perform both the Haskell evaluation and the imperative execution.