Haskell Strings

Posted on by Chris Warburton

This post is taken from my comment on Hacker News, in response to a blog post about Haskell’s string types.

I agree with that post, although the arguments it uses aren’t the strongest. In particular:

The main reason given for String being slow is that it’s immutable and hence leads to many duplicate Strings being created. In fact, the main reason Strings are slow is that their linked-list structure has a lot of overhead, and may be scattered around in memory. For example, the String "abc" will be represented something like this:

╔═══╤═══╗   ╔═══╤═══╗   ╔═══╤═══╗
║ * │ *─╫──►║ * │ *─╫──►║ * │ *─╫──►□
╚═╪═╧═══╝   ╚═╪═╧═══╝   ╚═╪═╧═══╝
  │           │           │
  ▼           ▼           ▼
 'a'         'b'         'c'

The value □ represents the empty list (e.g. a null pointer). Those arrows are pointers, which can point to locations arbitrarily far away. From this we can see that just storing a (fully evaluated) String is expensive, since each character requires a pair of pointers (in addition to the unique characters themselves). Processing the contents of this String is also slow, since we need to dereference two pointers for each character (one to get the Char, one to get the tail of the String). Since the data may not be contiguous in memory, this can make poor use of the CPU caches, which might otherwise speed up these dereferences.

Compare this to a C-style string, which would look like this in memory:

║ a │ b │ c │ 0 ║

This “packed” representation requires no long-distance dereferencing, the memory is contiguous so it will make good use of the cache, and we can process the characters directly without having to chase pointers.

That article describes the ByteString type as a “list of Word8 objects”, but that’s a bit misleading. Firstly we often say “list” to mean a chain-of-pointers like the first diagram above, e.g. that’s exactly what Haskell’s built-in list type is, and Haskell’s String is such a list. ByteStrings store their Word8 objects more like the second diagram, so it would be better to call them an “array of Word8 objects”. Secondly, ByteStrings use a clever three-layered structure to speed up common operations:

This makes ByteString really fast, for three reasons:

As an example, let’s say we read the ByteString "[\"foo\", \"bar\"]" (without the backslashes), we parse it as JSON to get a list of ByteStrings ["foo", "bar"], then we concatenate that list to get the single ByteString "foobar", here’s how it might look in memory:

                BS══╤═══╗                 BS══╤═══╗
"foobar":       ║ * │ *─╫────────────────►║ * │ *─╫──►□
                ╚═╪═╧═══╝                 ╚═╪═╧═══╝
                  │                         │
                  │                         │
                  │                         │
                  │  List╤═══╗   List╤═══╗  │
["foo", "bar"]:   │  ║ * │ *─╫──►║ * │ * ║  │
                  │  ╚═╪═╧═══╝   ╚═╪═╧═╪═╝  │
                  │    │           │   │    │
                  │    │           │   ▼    │
                  │    │           │   □    │
                  │    ▼           ▼        │
                  │  BS══╤═══╗   BS══╤═══╗  │
"foo" and "bar":  │  ║ * │ * ║   ║ * │ * ║  │
                  │  ╚═╪═╧═╪═╝   ╚═╪═╧═╪═╝  │
                  │    │   │       │   │    │
                  │    │   ▼       │   ▼    │
                  │    │   □       │   □    │
                  ▼    ▼           ▼        ▼
                 Chunk═══╤═══╗   Chunk═══╤═══╗
(chunks)         ║ 3 │ 2 │ * ║   ║ 3 │ 9 │ * ║
                 ╚═══╧═══╧═╪═╝   ╚═══╧═══╧═╪═╝
                           │               │
         BS══╤═══╗         │               │
Input:   ║ * │ *─╫──►□     │               │
         ╚═╪═╧═══╝         │               │
           │               │               │
           ▼               │               │
         Chunk╤═══╤═══╗    │               │
(chunk)  ║ 14 │ 0 │ * ║    │               │
         ╚════╧═══╧═╪═╝    │               │
                    │      │               │
                    │      │               │
                    │      │               │
                    ▼      ▼               ▼
(array) ║ [ │ " │ f │ o │ o │ " │ , │   │ " │ b │ a │ r │ " │ ] ║

(Note that the exact position where arrows “land” doesn’t matter; they’re pointing to the entire datastructure they “hit”)

Here we can see that there’s only one copy of the underlying text; that the substrings foo and bar are simply chunks with length 3, offset by appropriate amounts; and that the resulting foobar ByteString is just a list of these two chunks.

This approach of “store things once, then do all processing with indices” can be very fast (even faster than C in some cases https://chrisdone.com/posts/fast-haskell-c-parsing-xml ). Whilst we can obviously write this sort of algorithm in any language, re-using arrays and chunks like this relies on them being immutable, which is more idiomatic in Haskell. In particular:

The difference between lazy and strict ByteStrings is just whether the overall list-of-chunks is lazy (chunks generated on-demand, useful for streaming) or strict (chunks are generated up-front, closer to using one big array, hence potentially faster and more predictable).

The Text type is just a ByteString paired with a particular encoding method, e.g. UTF8.

The linked article also talks about fusion, claiming that’s why Text (and hence ByteString) is faster, or avoids intermediate allocations. Fusion is great, but care must be taken if we’re going to rely on it; e.g. very minor changes to an expression (say, to make debugging easier) can stop things from fusing, greatly changing the compiled code’s speed and memory usage.

On the subject of fusion, it’s worth noting that Haskell’s built-in list type is also subject to fusion (and hence so is String, since that’s just a list of Char values). List fusion often resulting in zero allocation; e.g. generating a list of Chars, then counting them, might compile down to a single loop with a single counter variable, and no Chars/lists/Strings in sight! Again, it can be tricky to ensure that this happens. One approach is to test for it with something like https://hackage.haskell.org/package/inspection-testing