SK logic in egglog: part 1, encoding and reduction

Posted on by Chris Warburton

Update: I’ve now published part 2

I’ve been really excited to try out egglog, since it seems like a great complement and application for the theory exploration systems I spent a few years playing with.

Egglog can be thought of as a powerful database, combining Datalog (a restricted form of Prolog, which is essentially first-order logic) and equality-saturation. The latter is most interesting to me, since it represents expressions via a graph of equivalence classes; very similar to the internal representation that QuickSpec v1 uses to search for conjectures (v2 switched to generating individual expressions on-the-fly, more like IsaCoSy; although much faster). I’ve played with equational systems like Maude before, but egglog seems like a sweet-spot in the design space.

You can try egglog using their online sandbox, or you can use the egglog attribute of Nixpkgs.

A trivial example

Let’s define a very simple datatype called Expr, containing values of just two forms:

This is actually just a Peano/Grassman encoding of the natural numbers, but I’m using different names since we’re going to deviate from that definition in a moment. Instead, think of it as a very simple programming language, with two sorts of expression.

A simple encoding

The most direct way to represent this in egglog is the following:

(datatype Expr
    (Id Expr))
(declare C Expr)

Running this gives:

[INFO ] Declared sort Expr.
[INFO ] Declared function Id.
[INFO ] Declared function v0___.

The datatype keyword is a shorthand for declaring a sort (i.e. a type), and for defining any number of constructors: functions which accept inputs and return a value of this sort. Here we can see that Id is such a function. Since C is a constant, rather than a function, we declare it separately; however, this results in an auto-generated nullary function with the unhelpful name v0___. That may be fine for many applications, but for these explorations I’d like something more readable.

An encoding with names

In order to preserve our constant’s name, we’ll embed it as a String inside its value. To implement this we’ll use an extra constructor E, giving us:

(datatype Expr
    (Id Expr)
    (E  String))

Now our constant value can be represented using (E "C"), and we can define a shorthand for it using egglog’s let:

(let C (E "C"))

Now we can tell when a value is our C constant, since it will contain the string "C". This can be seen if we ask egglog to draw its “database” of known values, using the --to-svg argument:

E-graph database containing constant C

The inner box (labelled E("C")) is the constant value we defined using let. The outer box is an equivalence class, whose contents are known to be equal to each other. So far egglog only knows about our value C, so it’s all alone in the only equivalence class.

Note: Yes, it’s annoying that the graphical output writes parentheses like E("C"), whilst the actual egglog language uses prefix-style (E "C"). That seems to be a quirk of the rendering; all of the actual code will always use the latter style!

How to run Expressions

Next we’ll tell egglog how to ‘run’ our language, by making Id act like an identity function, i.e. returning the given Expr as its output. We can do that using a rewrite rule, referring to the argument Expr using a variable x:

(rewrite (Id x) x)

With this rule, wrapping an Expr value in any number of calls to Id results in an equivalent Expr. Let’s test this by defining a value that wraps C in a few calls to Id, and check that it’s still equal to C:

(let thrice
    (Id (Id (Id C))))
(check (= thrice C))

Running the above through egglog gives the following:

[INFO ] Declared sort Expr.
[INFO ] Declared function Id.
[INFO ] Declared function E.
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (Id x) x).
[ERROR] Check failed: 
    (= thrice C)

Uh oh, what went wrong?

Inspecting egglog

Let’s show the value of thrice, using (query-extract thrice):

[INFO ] Declared sort Expr.
[INFO ] Declared function Id.
[INFO ] Declared function E.
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (Id x) x).
[INFO ] extracted with cost 5: (Id (Id (Id (E "C"))))
(Id (Id (Id (E "C"))))

This shows why our test failed: thrice still has three Id wrappers, so egglog doesn’t know it’s equal to C. We’ll see why our rewrite rule hasn’t been applied in the next section; first we’ll take a look at egglog’s database:

E-graph database with unreduced value thrice

There are now multiple values and multiple (equivalence) classes. Those values with arrows coming out are function calls (not the actual functions themselves), with the arrows pointing to the inputs used by that call. For example, the value pointing from Id to the class containing E("C") represents the subexpression (Id C) in our thrice value; whilst the value pointing to that (from another Id call) represents the subexpression (Id (Id C)), and so on.

Notice that arrows point to a class, rather than a specific value. The class containing C represents «anything equivalent to C», so the value representing the call (Id C) is actually more general, representing «Id applied to «anything equivalent to C»». That value lives in another equivalence class, for «anything equivalent to «Id applied to «anything equivalent to C»»». This builds up, so the value for (Id (Id C)) represents the more general «Id applied to «anything equivalent to «Id applied to «anything equivalent to C»»»», and so on. The resulting “e-graph” (equation graph) is a very compact way to store complex inter-relationships between expressions.

Actually running Expressions

The reason our rewrite rule didn’t change anything is that we didn’t tell egglog to run! We do this by calling run, but we have to decide how much to run: egglog rules can cause expressions to grow and grow, so we need to provide a cutoff. Due to egglog’s unification/canonicalisation mechanism, we’ll see that only a single application of our rewrite rule will be needed, which we can do with (run 1):

[INFO ] Declared sort Expr.
[INFO ] Declared function Id.
[INFO ] Declared function E.
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (Id x) x).
[INFO ] Ran schedule (repeat 1 (run)).
[INFO ] Report: Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (Id x)))       ((union rewrite_var__ x))          ): search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 3
    Ruleset : search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, rebuild 0.000s

Now we can try our check and query-extract again:

[INFO ] Declared sort Expr.
[INFO ] Declared function Id.
[INFO ] Declared function E.
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (Id x) x).
[INFO ] Ran schedule (repeat 1 (run)).
[INFO ] Report: Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (Id x)))       ((union rewrite_var__ x))          ): search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 3
    Ruleset : search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, rebuild 0.000s
[INFO ] Checked fact [Eq([Var((), ResolvedVar { name: "thrice", sort: EqSort { name: "Expr" } }), Var((), ResolvedVar { name: "C", sort: EqSort { name: "Expr" } })])].
[INFO ] extracted with cost 2: (E "C")
(E "C")

Success! Now let’s look at the database:

E-graph database with reduced expression

Now that egglog has run our rewrite rule, it’s discovered that all of the previous values are equivalent. Furthermore, the number of values has collapsed to just two: representing C and «Id applied to «anything equivalent to C»». The previous represention of (Id (Id C)) has unified with that of (Id C), since both of their inputs are now encompassed by the same class «anything equivalent to C»; and likewise for (Id (Id (Id C))). In fact, that single Id call now represents any number of wrappers around C, showing them all to be equivalent!

A larger example: SK logic

Now we’ve seen the basics of egglog, we can use it for a real programming language; specifically SK combinatory logic! This time we’ll use a binary constructor App, to represent the application of one combinator to another; and use the same String trick to represent two constants S and K:

(datatype Com
    (App Com Com)
    (C String))
(let S (C "S"))
(let K (C "K"))

SK expressions are evaluated according to the following rules, which reduce a K once it’s applied to two expressions; and an S once it’s applied to three:

(rewrite (App (App K x) y) x)
(rewrite (App (App (App S x) y) z) (App (App x z) (App y z)))

SK logic is a universal programming language, although it can be a bit unwieldy to read and write due to the complete absence of any naming mechanism. We’ll use our String-embedding trick to define useful constants, and use a union rule to unify their name with their SK definition.

For example, here is the identity function. Sometimes this is implemented using its own rewrite rule (giving SKI logic), but that’s redundant since the S and K rules are all we need:

(let I (C "I"))
(union I (App (App S K) K))

Here’s a Church-encoding of booleans and if/then/else:

(let TRUE  (C "TRUE"))
(let FALSE (C "FALSE"))
(let IF    (C "IF"))
(union TRUE  K)
(union FALSE (App S K))
(union IF    I)

We’ll test these using the following expression:

(let test
    (App (App (App IF (App I FALSE)) S) (App K TRUE)))

Let’s walk through how we expect this to evaluate, assuming we’ve got the SK definitions of each correct:

Before running anything, let’s query the initial value of test and take a look at the database:

[INFO ] Declared sort Com.
[INFO ] Declared function App.
[INFO ] Declared function C.
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App K x) y) x).
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App (App S x) y) z) (App (App x z) (App y z))).
[INFO ] extracted with cost 17: (App (App (App (C "IF") (App (C "IF") (C "FALSE"))) (C "S")) (App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE")))
(App (App (App (C "IF") (App (C "IF") (C "FALSE"))) (C "S")) (App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE")))
Initial e-graph database of SK values

Note: Calls with multiple inputs are shown with multiple arrows emerging; the order of the arrows from left-to-right matches the order of the inputs.

So far the only equivalences egglog knows are those constants we explicitly defined with union. The value of test looks a little funny, since some of those definitions overlap and egglog may pick different representatives from the equivalence classes than the ones we originally wrote. The rewrite rules for S and K haven’t reduced anything yet. Let’s see what happens after using (run 1):

[INFO ] Declared sort Com.
[INFO ] Declared function App.
[INFO ] Declared function C.
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App K x) y) x).
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App (App S x) y) z) (App (App x z) (App y z))).
[INFO ] Ran schedule (repeat 1 (run)).
[INFO ] Report: Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (App (App K x) y)))       ((union rewrite_var__ x))     ...: search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 0
    Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (App (App (App S x) y) z)))       ((union rewrite_var__ ...: search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 2
    Ruleset : search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, rebuild 0.000s
[INFO ] extracted with cost 17: (App (App (App (C "IF") (App (C "IF") (C "FALSE"))) (C "S")) (App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE")))
(App (App (App (C "IF") (App (C "IF") (C "FALSE"))) (C "S")) (App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE")))
SK database after running for 1 step

A little simplification has occurred, combining some of the App calls (e.g. look at those which apply I), but the changes are not significant enough to affect the value of test. Let’s try again with (run 2):

[INFO ] Declared sort Com.
[INFO ] Declared function App.
[INFO ] Declared function C.
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App K x) y) x).
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App (App S x) y) z) (App (App x z) (App y z))).
[INFO ] Ran schedule (repeat 2 (run)).
[INFO ] Report: Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (App (App K x) y)))       ((union rewrite_var__ x))     ...: search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 2
    Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (App (App (App S x) y) z)))       ((union rewrite_var__ ...: search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 2
    Ruleset : search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, rebuild 0.000s
[INFO ] Rebuild before command:          0ms
[INFO ] extracted with cost 11: (App (App (C "FALSE") (C "S")) (App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE")))
(App (App (C "FALSE") (C "S")) (App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE")))
SK database after running for 2 steps

Again, some more simplification has occurred: this time the IF expression has simplified, since egglog has discovered that (App I FALSE) and (App IF (App I FALSE)) are both equivalent to FALSE.

(Notice that this is similar to our Expr example, since IF is defined as I, so (App IF (App I FALSE)) is a bit like (Id (Id C)))

Using (run 3) leads to further changes, but no direct effect on the value of test:

[INFO ] Declared sort Com.
[INFO ] Declared function App.
[INFO ] Declared function C.
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App K x) y) x).
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App (App S x) y) z) (App (App x z) (App y z))).
[INFO ] Ran schedule (repeat 3 (run)).
[INFO ] Report: Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (App (App K x) y)))       ((union rewrite_var__ x))     ...: search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 3
    Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (App (App (App S x) y) z)))       ((union rewrite_var__ ...: search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 4
    Ruleset : search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, rebuild 0.000s
[INFO ] extracted with cost 11: (App (App (C "FALSE") (C "S")) (App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE")))
(App (App (C "FALSE") (C "S")) (App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE")))
SK database after running for 3 steps

Finally (run 4) is able to fully reduce test. The database seems to be saturated now, since running for longer does not lead to any more changes:

[INFO ] Declared sort Com.
[INFO ] Declared function App.
[INFO ] Declared function C.
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App K x) y) x).
[INFO ] Declared rule (rewrite (App (App (App S x) y) z) (App (App x z) (App y z))).
[INFO ] Ran schedule (repeat 4 (run)).
[INFO ] Report: Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (App (App K x) y)))       ((union rewrite_var__ x))     ...: search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 4
    Rule (rule ((= rewrite_var__ (App (App (App S x) y) z)))       ((union rewrite_var__ ...: search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, num matches 4
    Ruleset : search 0.000s, apply 0.000s, rebuild 0.000s
[INFO ] extracted with cost 5: (App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE"))
(App (C "TRUE") (C "TRUE"))
SK database after running for 4 steps

Beyond β-equivalence

Our rewrite rules for reducing S and K expressions correspond to the β-reduction rule of λ-calculus, so we can say that an expressions like (App (App K (App S S)) S) is β-equivalent to the expression (App S S) (and vice-versa). There are other forms of equivalence we might want to implement, although the α-equivalence and η-equivalence of λ-calculus aren’t directly applicable to SK logic (since it lacks names and abstractions).

I am particularly interested in implementing extensional equivalence, which holds for two expressions which return equal results when applied to any argument; e.g. if (App f x) is equivalent to (App g x) regardless of x, then f and g are extensionally equivalent. In the example above, the expressions (App FALSE K) and (App FALSE S) are extensionally-equivalent; in fact, all expressions of the form (App FALSE something) are equivalent, since FALSE (defined as (App S K)) will entirely ignore its first argument. Whilst (App FALSE K) appears in the same equivalence class as I, egglog hasn’t put (App FALSE S) in that class.

Unfortunately my attempts to capture this in egglog so far have ended up collapsing the entire SK language into one big equivalence class, which is not particularly useful. Hence I’ve decided to punt on that for now, and stick a “part 1” in the title. Part 2 begins my investigation of this problem, using the excellent testing ecosystem of Haskell!