feed2maildir: daad5f50439ce0af861aba06a0c6b2b47ae5064e

     1: from setuptools import setup
     3: import feed2maildir
     5: def readme():
     6:     with open('README') as f:
     7:         return f.read()
     9: setup(name='feed2maildir',
    10:       version=feed2maildir.VERSION,
    11:       description='Convert feeds to maildirs',
    12:       long_description=readme(),
    13:       url='https://github.com/sulami/feed2maildir',
    14:       author='Robin Schroer',
    15:       author_email='sulami@peerwire.org',
    16:       license='ISC',
    17:       packages=['feed2maildir'],
    18:       zip_safe=False,
    19:       install_requires=[
    20:           'feedparser>=5.1.3',
    21:           'python-dateutil>=2.2',
    22:       ],
    23:       scripts=['scripts/feed2maildir',],
    24:       classifiers=[
    25:           'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
    26:           'License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License (ISCL)',
    27:           'Environment :: Console',
    28:           'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
    29:           'Natural Language :: English',
    30:           'Operating System :: OS Independent',
    31:           'Programming Language :: Python',
    32:           'Topic :: Communications :: Email',
    33:           'Topic :: Internet',
    34:           'Topic :: Utilities',
    35:       ]
    36:       )

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