ghc-dup: 401c3478b90480404526eda4b73da14edc1bb232

     1: Name:           TinyLaunchbury
     2: Version:        1.0.1
     3: License:        BSD3
     4: License-File:   LICENSE 
     5: Author:         Elliot Stern, David Sankel
     6: Maintainer:     Elliot Stern <>
     7: Synopsis:       Simple implementation of call-by-need using Launchbury's semantics
     8: Category:       Compilers/Interpreters
     9: Description:    A simple implementation of Launchbury's operational semantics for lazy languages.
    10: Build-Type:      Simple
    11: Cabal-Version:   >= 1.2
    13: Library
    14:     Build-Depends:   base >= 4  && < 5,
    15:                      mtl >= 1   && < 3.0
    16:     Exposed-Modules: TinyLaunchbury

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