ghc-dup: 8f1a700c37804de370e554526034f5e2e64066b9

     1: {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ExistentialQuantification, RecordWildCards #-}
     3: -- compile me with 
     4: -- > ghc -with-rtsopts=-T -O
     6: import Data.Word
     7: import Data.List
     8: --import Data.List.Split
     9: import Data.Bits
    10: import Data.Function
    11: import System.Environment
    12: import System.Mem
    13: import System.IO
    14: import GHC.Stats
    15: import Control.Monad
    16: import System.Process
    17: import Data.Maybe
    18: --import GHC.HeapView hiding (Box, value)
    19: import Text.Printf
    20: import Data.Ord
    21: import GHC.Dup
    23: -- Specification
    25: type S = Word32
    26: data Tree = Node Word32 [Tree]
    27: firstChild (Node _ (t:_)) = t
    28: value n = popCount n
    30: countDown :: Word32 -> Bool
    31: countDown 0 = True
    32: countDown n = countDown (n-1)
    33: {-# NOINLINE countDown #-}
    35: succs n = [n * 3, n * 5, n * 7, n * 9]
    36: succsSlow n = if countDown (min (2^23) n) then [n * 3, n * 5, n * 7, n * 9] else []
    38: -- CTree stuff 
    39: newtype CTree = CTree { unCTree :: forall a. (S -> [a] -> a) -> a }
    40: toCTree :: Tree -> CTree
    41: toCTree (Node s ts) = CTree $ \f -> f s $ map (\t -> unCTree (toCTree t) f) ts
    42: fromCTree :: CTree -> Tree
    43: fromCTree ct = unCTree ct Node
    45: ctree :: S -> CTree
    46: ctree s = CTree $ \f -> f s $ map (\s' -> unCTree (ctree s') f) (succs s)
    48: ctreeSlow :: S -> CTree
    49: ctreeSlow s = CTree $ \f -> f s $ map (\s' -> unCTree (ctreeSlow s') f) (succsSlow s)
    52: crate :: Int -> CTree -> Int
    53: crate d t = unCTree t crate' d
    54:   where
    55:   crate' :: S -> [Int -> Int] -> (Int -> Int)
    56:   crate' n st 0 = value n
    57:   crate' n st d = maximum (map ($ d-1) st)
    60: csolve :: CTree -> [S]
    61: csolve t = fst (unCTree t csolve')
    62:   where
    63:   csolve' :: S -> [([S],Int -> Int)] -> ([S],Int -> Int)
    64:   csolve' n rc = 
    65:     ( n : pickedChild
    66:     , \d -> if d == 0
    67:             then value n
    68:             else maximum (map (($ d-1) . snd) rc))
    69:     where
    70:     pickedChild = fst (maximumBy (comparing (($ depth) . snd)) rc)
    73: -- UTree stuff
    74: data UTree' = UNode S [UTree]
    75: type UTree = () -> UTree'
    76: utree n = \_ -> UNode n (map utree (succs n))
    77: utreeSlow n = \_ -> UNode n (map utreeSlow (succsSlow n))
    79: usolve :: UTree -> [S]
    80: usolve t = usolve' (t ())
    81:   where
    82:   usolve' (UNode n ts) = n : usolve pickedChild
    83:     where
    84:     ratedChilds = [ (t, urate depth t) | t <- ts ]
    85:     pickedChild = fst (maximumBy (comparing snd) ratedChilds)
    87: urate :: Int -> UTree -> Int
    88: urate 0 t = case t () of (UNode n _)  -> value n
    89: urate d t = case t () of (UNode _ ts) -> maximum (map (urate (d-1)) ts)
    92: -- Regular tree stuff
    94: t1 = tree 1
    95: tree n = Node n (map tree (succs n))
    96: treeSlow n = Node n (map treeSlow (succsSlow n))
    98: depth = 4
   100: solve :: Tree -> [S]
   101: solve (Node n ts) = n : solve pickedChild
   102:   where
   103:   ratedChilds = [ (t, rate depth t) | t <- ts ]
   104:   pickedChild = fst (maximumBy (comparing snd) ratedChilds)
   106: rate 0 (Node n _) = value n
   107: rate d (Node _ ts) = maximum (map (rate (d-1)) ts)
   109: solveDup t = case dup t of Box t -> solve t
   111: solveDeepDup t = case deepDup t of Box t -> solve t
   113: solveRateDup (Node n ts) = n :
   114:     solveRateDup (fst (maximumBy (comparing snd) [ (t, rateDup depth t) | t <- ts ]))
   116: solveRateRecDup (Node n ts) = n :
   117:     solveRateRecDup (fst (maximumBy (comparing snd) [ (t, rateRecDup depth t) | t <- ts ]))
   119: solveDeepDupRateDup t = case deepDup t of Box t -> go t
   120:     where go (Node n ts) = n :
   121:             go (fst (maximumBy (comparing snd) [ (t, rateDup depth t) | t <- ts ]))
   123: rateDup d t = case dup t of Box t2 -> rate d t2
   124: {-# NOINLINE rateDup #-}
   126: rateRecDup 0 t = case dup t of Box (Node n _) -> value n
   127: rateRecDup d t = case dup t of Box (Node _ ts) -> maximum (map (rate (d-1)) ts)
   128: {-# NOINLINE rateRecDup #-}
   130: dosomethingwith :: Tree -> IO S
   131: dosomethingwith t = return $! solve t !! 1
   132: {-# NOINLINE dosomethingwith #-}
   134: runSize = 10000
   135: --runSize = 10
   137: data Run = forall t . Run {
   138:     gTree :: S -> t,
   139:     gSolve :: t -> IO S,
   140:     gDosomethingwith :: t -> IO S,
   141:     gFirstChild :: t -> t,
   142:     gEvalAll :: t -> IO S}
   145: regularSolver :: (Tree -> [S]) -> Run
   146: regularSolver s = Run
   147:     tree
   148:     (\t -> return $! s t !! 10000)
   149:     (\t -> return $! solve t !! 1)
   150:     firstChild
   151:     (\t -> return $! solve t !! 10000)
   153: regularSolverSlow :: (Tree -> [S]) -> Run
   154: regularSolverSlow s = Run
   155:     treeSlow
   156:     (\t -> return $! s t !! 10000)
   157:     (\t -> return $! solve t !! 1)
   158:     firstChild
   159:     (\t -> return $! solve t !! 10000)
   161: data RunDesc = Original 
   162: 	| SolveDup 
   163: 	| RateDup 
   164: 	| RateRecDup 
   165: 	| SolveDeepDup 
   166: 	| SolveDeepDupRateDup
   167: 	| Unit 
   168: 	| Church
   169:     deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
   171: runDescDesc Original = "original"
   172: runDescDesc SolveDup = "\\textsf{solveDup}"
   173: runDescDesc SolveDeepDup = "\\textsf{solveDeepDup}"
   174: runDescDesc RateDup = "\\textsf{rateDup}"
   175: runDescDesc RateRecDup = "\\textsf{rateRecDup}"
   176: runDescDesc Unit = "unit lifting"
   177: runDescDesc Church = "church encoding"
   180: runs :: [((Bool,RunDesc), Run)]
   181: runs = [
   182:     ((False,Original), regularSolver solve),
   183:     ((False,SolveDup), regularSolver solveDup),
   184:     ((False,RateDup), regularSolver solveRateDup),
   185: --    ((False,RateRecDup), regularSolver solveRateRecDup),
   186:     ((False,SolveDeepDup), regularSolver solveDeepDup),
   187: --    ((False,SolveDeepDupRateDup), regularSolver solveDeepDupRateDup),
   188:     ((False,Unit), Run
   189:         utree
   190:         (\t -> return $! usolve t !! 10000)
   191:         (\t -> return $! usolve t !! 1)
   192:         id
   193:         (\t -> return $! usolve t !! 10000)
   194:     ),
   195:     ((False,Church), Run
   196:         ctree
   197:         (\t -> return $! csolve t !! 10000)
   198:         (\t -> return $! csolve t !! 1)
   199:         id
   200:         (\t -> return $! csolve t !! 10000)
   201:     ),
   202:     ((True,Original), regularSolverSlow solve),
   203:     ((True,SolveDup), regularSolverSlow solveDup),
   204:     ((True,RateDup), regularSolverSlow solveRateDup),
   205: --    ((True,RateRecDup), regularSolver solveRateRecDup),
   206:     ((True,SolveDeepDup), regularSolverSlow solveDeepDup),
   207:     ((True,Unit), Run
   208:         utreeSlow
   209:         (\t -> return $! usolve t !! 10000)
   210:         (\t -> return $! usolve t !! 1)
   211:         id
   212:         (\t -> return $! usolve t !! 10000)
   213:     ),
   214:     ((True,Church), Run
   215:         ctreeSlow
   216:         (\t -> return $! csolve t !! 10000)
   217:         (\t -> return $! csolve t !! 1)
   218:         id
   219:         (\t -> return $! csolve t !! 10000)
   220:     )
   221:     ]
   223: data Variant = Unshared | Shared | SharedThunk | SharedEvaled | SharedFull | RunTwice deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Enum, Bounded)
   225: vardesc Unshared = "no sharing"
   226: vardesc Shared = "shared tree"
   227: vardesc SharedThunk = "add. thunk"
   228: vardesc SharedEvaled = "partly eval'ed"
   229: vardesc SharedFull = "fully eval'ed"
   230: vardesc RunTwice = "run twice"
   232: skipped = [(SharedEvaled, Unit), (SharedEvaled, Church),
   233:            (SharedFull, Unit), (SharedFull, Church)]
   235: mainStats slow = do
   236:     let slowT = if slow then "slow:" else ""
   237:     printf "\\makeatletter\n"
   238:     printf "\\begin{tabular}{l"
   239:     forM_ [minBound..maxBound::Variant] $ \variant -> do
   240:         printf "rr"
   241:     printf "}\n"
   242:     printf " \\\\\n"
   243:     forM_ [minBound..maxBound::Variant] $ \variant -> do
   244:         printf "& \\multicolumn{2}{c}{%s}" (vardesc variant)
   245:     printf " \\\\\n"
   246:     forM_ [minBound..maxBound::Variant] $ \variant -> do
   247:         printf "& MB & sec."
   248:     printf " \\\\ \\midrule \n"
   249:     hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
   250:     forM_ (map fst runs) $ \run -> when (fst run == slow) $ do
   251:         printf "%s%%\n" (runDescDesc (snd run))
   252:         forM_ [minBound..maxBound::Variant] $ \variant ->
   253:             if (variant, snd run) `elem` skipped
   254:             then putStr "&\n&\n"
   255:             else do
   256:             out <- readProcess "./PaperStats" [show run, show variant] ""
   257:             let (_, _, alloc, time) = read out :: (String, Variant, Integer, Double)
   258:             -- print (run, variant, alloc, time)
   259:             printf "&\n {\\def\\@currentlabel{%s}\\label{stats:%s%s:%s:mem}%s}" (showLargeNum alloc) slowT (show (snd run)) (show variant) (showLargeNum alloc)
   260:             printf " &\n {\\def\\@currentlabel{%.2f}\\label{stats:%s%s:%s:time}%.2f}" time slowT (show (snd run)) (show variant) time
   261:             return ()
   262:         printf " \\\\\n"
   263:     printf "\\end{tabular}\n"
   264:     printf "\\makeatother\n"
   266: showLargeNum = intercalate "\\," . map reverse . reverse . splitEvery 3 . reverse . show 
   268: splitEvery _ [] = []
   269: splitEvery n l = take n l : splitEvery n (drop n l)
   272: mainRun :: (Bool, RunDesc) -> Variant -> S -> IO ()
   273: mainRun n variant k = do
   274:     case fromJust $ lookup n runs of
   275:         Run{..} -> do
   276:             case variant of
   277:                 Unshared -> do
   278:                     let t = gTree k
   279:                     gSolve t
   280:                 Shared -> do
   281:                     let t = gTree k
   282:                     gSolve t
   283:                     performGC
   284:                     gDosomethingwith t
   285:                 SharedThunk -> do
   286:                     let t = gTree k
   287:                     let t' = gFirstChild t
   288:                     gSolve t'
   289:                     performGC
   290:                     gDosomethingwith t
   291:                 SharedEvaled -> do
   292:                     let t = gTree k
   293:                     gFirstChild t `seq` return ()
   294:                     performGC
   295:                     gSolve t
   296:                     performGC
   297:                     gDosomethingwith t
   298:                 SharedFull -> do
   299:                     let t = gTree k
   300:                     gEvalAll t
   301:                     performGC
   302:                     gSolve t
   303:                     performGC
   304:                     gDosomethingwith t
   305:                 RunTwice -> do
   306:                     let t = gTree k
   307:                     gSolve t
   308:                     performGC
   309:                     gSolve t
   310:                     performGC
   311:                     gDosomethingwith t
   312:     performGC
   313:     stats <- getGCStats
   314:     print (show n, variant, peakMegabytesAllocated stats, cpuSeconds stats)
   316: main = do
   317:     args <- getArgs
   318:     case args of 
   319:         [] -> mainStats False
   320:         ["slow"] -> mainStats True
   321:         [n,s] -> mainRun (read n) (read s) (fromIntegral (length args))
   322: {-
   323: main = do
   324:     [n] <- getArgs 
   325:     let k = read n
   326:     print k
   327:     performGC
   328:     let t = tree k
   330:     --t `seq` return ()
   331:     --print $ rate 1 t
   333:     print $ solve t !! runSize
   334:     print $ solve t !! runSize
   335:     hFlush stdout
   336:     print $ solve t !! 1
   338: -}

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