ghc-dup: bc93355477debfa6afb57e33e6afd603a605a2ea

     1: # 
     2: # (c) Simon Marlow 2002
     3: #
     5: import sys
     6: import os
     7: import string
     8: import getopt
     9: import platform
    10: import time
    11: import re
    13: # We don't actually need subprocess in, but:
    14: # * We do need it in
    15: # * We can't import until after we have imported ctypes
    16: # * If we import ctypes before subprocess on cygwin, then sys.exit(0)
    17: #   says "Aborted" and we fail with exit code 134.
    18: # So we import it here first, so that the testsuite doesn't appear to fail.
    19: try:
    20:     import subprocess
    21: except:
    22:     pass
    24: from testutil import *
    25: from testglobals import *
    27: # Readline sometimes spews out ANSI escapes for some values of TERM,
    28: # which result in test failures. Thus set TERM to a nice, simple, safe
    29: # value.
    30: os.environ['TERM'] = 'vt100'
    32: global config
    33: config = getConfig() # get it from testglobals
    35: # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    36: # cmd-line options
    38: long_options = [
    39:   "config=",  		# config file
    40:   "rootdir=", 		# root of tree containing tests (default: .)
    41:   "output-summary=", 	# file in which to save the (human-readable) summary
    42:   "only=",		# just this test (can be give multiple --only= flags)
    43:   "way=",		# just this way
    44:   "skipway=",		# skip this way
    45:   "threads=",           # threads to run simultaneously
    46:   "check-files-written", # check files aren't written by multiple tests
    47:   ]
    49: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "e:", long_options)
    51: for opt,arg in opts:
    52:     if opt == '--config':
    53:         execfile(arg)
    55:     # -e is a string to execute from the command line.  For example:
    56:     # testframe -e 'config.compiler=ghc-5.04'
    57:     if opt == '-e':
    58:         exec arg
    60:     if opt == '--rootdir':
    61:         config.rootdirs.append(arg)
    63:     if opt == '--output-summary':
    64:         config.output_summary = arg
    66:     if opt == '--only':
    67:         config.only.append(arg)
    69:     if opt == '--way':
    70:         if (arg not in config.run_ways and arg not in config.compile_ways and arg not in config.other_ways):
    71:             sys.stderr.write("ERROR: requested way \'" +
    72:                              arg + "\' does not exist\n")
    73:             sys.exit(1)
    74:         config.cmdline_ways = [arg] + config.cmdline_ways
    75:         if (arg in config.other_ways):
    76:             config.run_ways = [arg] + config.run_ways
    77:             config.compile_ways = [arg] + config.compile_ways
    79:     if opt == '--skipway':
    80:         if (arg not in config.run_ways and arg not in config.compile_ways and arg not in config.other_ways):
    81:             sys.stderr.write("ERROR: requested way \'" +
    82:                              arg + "\' does not exist\n")
    83:             sys.exit(1)
    84:         config.other_ways = filter(neq(arg), config.other_ways)
    85:         config.run_ways = filter(neq(arg), config.run_ways)
    86:         config.compile_ways = filter(neq(arg), config.compile_ways)
    88:     if opt == '--threads':
    89:         config.threads = int(arg)
    90:         config.use_threads = 1
    92:     if opt == '--check-files-written':
    93:         config.check_files_written = True
    95: if config.use_threads == 1:
    96:     # Trac #1558 says threads don't work in python 2.4.4, but do
    97:     # in 2.5.2. Probably >= 2.5 is sufficient, but let's be
    98:     # conservative here.
    99:     # Some versions of python have things like '1c1' for some of
   100:     # these components (see trac #3091), but int() chokes on the
   101:     # 'c1', so we drop it.
   102:     (maj, min, pat) = platform.python_version_tuple()
   103:     # We wrap maj, min, and pat in str() to work around a bug in python
   104:     # 2.6.1
   105:     maj = int(re.sub('[^0-9].*', '', str(maj)))
   106:     min = int(re.sub('[^0-9].*', '', str(min)))
   107:     pat = int(re.sub('[^0-9].*', '', str(pat)))
   108:     if (maj, min, pat) < (2, 5, 2):
   109:         print "Warning: Ignoring request to use threads as python version < 2.5.2"
   110:         config.use_threads = 0
   111:     # We also need to disable threads for python 2.7.2, because of
   112:     # this bug:
   113:     elif (maj, min, pat) == (2, 7, 2):
   114:         print "Warning: Ignoring request to use threads as python version is 2.7.2"
   115:         print "See for details."
   116:         config.use_threads = 0
   117:     if windows:
   118:         print "Warning: Ignoring request to use threads as running on Windows"
   119:         config.use_threads = 0
   121: config.cygwin = False
   122: config.msys = False
   123: if windows:
   124:     h = os.popen('uname -s', 'r')
   125:     v =
   126:     h.close()
   127:     if v.startswith("CYGWIN"):
   128:         config.cygwin = True
   129:     elif v.startswith("MINGW32"):
   130:         config.msys = True
   131:     else:
   132:         raise Exception("Can't detect Windows terminal type")
   134: # Try to use UTF8
   135: if windows:
   136:     import ctypes
   137:     if config.cygwin:
   138:         # Is this actually right? Which calling convention does it use?
   139:         # As of the time of writing, ctypes.windll doesn't exist in the
   140:         # cygwin python, anyway.
   141:         mydll = ctypes.cdll
   142:     else:
   143:         mydll = ctypes.windll
   145:     # This actually leaves the terminal in codepage 65001 (UTF8) even
   146:     # after python terminates. We ought really remember the old codepage
   147:     # and set it back.
   148:     if mydll.kernel32.SetConsoleCP(65001) == 0:
   149:         raise Exception("Failure calling SetConsoleCP(65001)")
   150:     if mydll.kernel32.SetConsoleOutputCP(65001) == 0:
   151:         raise Exception("Failure calling SetConsoleOutputCP(65001)")
   152: else:
   153:     # Try and find a utf8 locale to use
   154:     # First see if we already have a UTF8 locale
   155:     h = os.popen('locale | grep LC_CTYPE | grep -i utf', 'r')
   156:     v =
   157:     h.close()
   158:     if v == '':
   159:         # We don't, so now see if 'locale -a' works
   160:         h = os.popen('locale -a', 'r')
   161:         v =
   162:         h.close()
   163:         if v != '':
   164:             # If it does then use the first utf8 locale that is available
   165:             h = os.popen('locale -a | grep -i "utf8\|utf-8" 2>/dev/null', 'r')
   166:             v = h.readline().strip()
   167:             h.close()
   168:             if v != '':
   169:                 os.environ['LC_ALL'] = v
   170:                 print "setting LC_ALL to", v
   171:             else:
   172:                 print 'WARNING: No UTF8 locale found.'
   173:                 print 'You may get some spurious test failures.'
   175: # This has to come after arg parsing as the args can change the compiler
   176: get_compiler_info()
   178: # Can't import this earlier as we need to know if threading will be
   179: # enabled or not
   180: from testlib import *
   182: # On Windows we need to set $PATH to include the paths to all the DLLs
   183: # in order for the dynamic library tests to work.
   184: if windows or darwin:
   185:     pkginfo = getStdout([config.ghc_pkg, 'dump'])
   186:     topdir = config.libdir
   187:     for line in pkginfo.split('\n'):
   188:         if line.startswith('library-dirs:'):
   189:             path = line.rstrip()
   190:             path = re.sub('^library-dirs: ', '', path)
   191:             path = re.sub('\\$topdir', topdir, path)
   192:             if path.startswith('"'):
   193:                 path = re.sub('^"(.*)"$', '\\1', path)
   194:                 path = re.sub('\\\\(.)', '\\1', path)
   195:             if windows:
   196:                 if config.cygwin:
   197:                     # On cygwin we can't put "c:\foo" in $PATH, as : is a
   198:                     # field separator. So convert to /cygdrive/c/foo instead.
   199:                     # Other pythons use ; as the separator, so no problem.
   200:                     path = re.sub('([a-zA-Z]):', '/cygdrive/\\1', path)
   201:                     path = re.sub('\\\\', '/', path)
   202:                 os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([path, os.environ.get("PATH", "")])
   203:             else:
   204:                 # darwin
   205:                 os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([path, os.environ.get("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", "")])
   207: global testopts_local
   208: testopts_local.x = TestOptions()
   210: global thisdir_testopts
   211: thisdir_testopts = getThisDirTestOpts()
   213: if config.use_threads:
   214:     t.lock = threading.Lock()
   215:     t.thread_pool = threading.Condition(t.lock)
   216:     t.lockFilesWritten = threading.Lock()
   217:     t.running_threads = 0
   219: # if timeout == -1 then we try to calculate a sensible value
   220: if config.timeout == -1:
   221:     config.timeout = int(read_no_crs( + '/timeout/calibrate.out'))
   223: print 'Timeout is ' + str(config.timeout)
   225: # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226: # The main dude
   228: if config.rootdirs == []:
   229:     config.rootdirs = ['.']
   231: t_files = findTFiles(config.rootdirs)
   233: print 'Found', len(t_files), '.T files...'
   235: t = getTestRun()
   237: # Avoid cmd.exe built-in 'date' command on Windows
   238: if not windows:
   239:     t.start_time = chop(os.popen('date').read())
   240: else:
   241:     t.start_time = 'now'
   243: print 'Beginning test run at', t.start_time
   245: # set stdout to unbuffered (is this the best way to do it?)
   246: sys.stdout.flush()
   247: sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.__stdout__.fileno(), "w", 0)
   249: # First collect all the tests to be run
   250: for file in t_files:
   251:     print '====> Scanning', file
   252:     newTestDir(os.path.dirname(file))
   253:     try:
   254:         execfile(file)
   255:     except:
   256:         print '*** framework failure: found an error while executing ', file, ':'
   257:         t.n_framework_failures = t.n_framework_failures + 1
   258:         traceback.print_exc()
   260: # Now run all the tests
   261: if config.use_threads:
   262:     t.running_threads=0
   263: for oneTest in allTests:
   264:     oneTest()
   265: if config.use_threads:
   266:     t.thread_pool.acquire()
   267:     while t.running_threads>0:
   268:         t.thread_pool.wait()
   269:     t.thread_pool.release()
   271: summary(t, sys.stdout)
   273: if config.output_summary != '':
   274:     summary(t, open(config.output_summary, 'w'))
   276: sys.exit(0)

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