ghc-dup: 6875ffc60fc50ac18cc143d43a7860889e8a2b19

     1: -- Copyright Sankell Software 2011
     3: module TinyLaunchbury (
     4:                   Expr(Lambda, Apply, Var, Let, Prim, Ctor, Case),
     5:                   reduce,
     6:                   displayReduce) where
     8: import Data.List(foldl',intercalate,nub,(\\),delete)
     9: import Control.Monad.State
    10: import Control.Monad.Error
    11: import Control.Monad.Identity
    12: import Control.Arrow( second, (***) )
    13: import Data.Monoid
    16: type Name = String 
    18: data Expr =  Lambda Name Expr
    19:            | Apply Expr Name
    20:            | Var Name
    21:            | Let Bindings Expr
    22:            | Dup Name
    23:            | DeepDup Name
    24:            | Prim Name Expr Expr
    25:            | Ctor Int [Name]
    26:            | Case Expr Alts
    27:            | Int Int
    28:            | IfZero Expr Expr Expr
    29:            | Sub1 Name
    30:            deriving Eq
    32: type Binding = (Name,Expr)
    33: type Bindings = [Binding]
    34: type Alt = (Int, ([Name], Expr) )
    35: type Alts = [Alt]
    37: -- |Gets the list of variable names from the bindings
    38: binders :: Bindings -> [Name]
    39: binders = map fst
    41: -- | Displays an Expression using a more common lambda calculus syntax
    42: -- rather than just printing the syntax tree.
    43: instance Show Expr where
    44:   show (Lambda x e) = "\\" ++ x ++ "." ++ show e
    45:   show (Apply e x) = show e ++ " " ++ x
    46:   show (Var x) = x
    47:   show (Let bindings e) = "let " ++ bindingStr ++ " in " ++ show e 
    48:        where showBinding (x,e') = x ++ " = " ++ show e'
    49:              bindingStr = intercalate ", " (map showBinding bindings)
    50:   show (Dup x) = "dup " ++ x
    51:   show (DeepDup x) = "deepDup " ++ x
    52:   show (Prim fun e e') = show e ++ " " ++ fun ++ " " ++ show e'
    53:   show (Ctor ctor []) = show ctor
    54:   show (Ctor ctor args) = "<" ++ show ctor ++ " " ++ unwords args ++">"
    55:   show (Case e alts) = "case " ++ show e ++ " of " ++ caseStr 
    56:          where dispCase (ctor, (args, e')) = show (Ctor ctor args) 
    57:                                                   ++ " -> " ++ show e'
    58:                caseStr = (intercalate ", " . map dispCase) alts
    59:   show (Int i) = show i
    60:   show (IfZero e1 e2 e3) = "if " ++ show e1 ++ "==0 then " ++ show e2 ++ " else " ++ show e3
    61:   show (Sub1 x) = x ++ " - 1"
    63: type Heap = [(Name, Expr)]
    65: -- | Remove some binding from the heap.
    66: hRemoveBinding :: Name -> (Heap -> Heap)
    67: hRemoveBinding x = filter $ (/= x) . fst
    70: type StateErrorT s a m = ErrorT String (StateT s m) a
    71: runStateErrorT = runStateT. runErrorT 
    73: type StateError s a = StateErrorT s a Identity
    74: runStateError m = runIdentity. runStateErrorT m
    76: data ReduceState = RS { rsHeap :: Heap
    77:                       , rsFreshVars :: [Name]
    78:                       , rsLogIndentation :: Int
    79:                       , rsLog :: Log
    80:                       }
    82: rsInitial :: ReduceState
    83: rsInitial = RS { rsHeap = []
    84:                , rsFreshVars = freshVarNames
    85:                , rsLogIndentation = 0
    86:                , rsLog = []
    87:                }
    89: type ReduceM a =  StateError ReduceState a
    90: rmRun :: ReduceM a -> ReduceState-> (Either String a, ReduceState)
    91: rmRun = runStateError
    93: -- hides the implementation detail of fail vs throw error; makes it easier to
    94: -- swap out the underlying monad.
    95: rmErr :: String -> ReduceM Expr
    96: rmErr e = do appendToLog $ "Error: " ++ e
    97:              h  <- fmap rsHeap get
    98:              appendToLog (show h)
    99:              throwError e
   101: -- |Like sub, but for a list of things to substite
   102: -- usefull for implementing recursive lets (i.e. letrec)
   103: subs :: [(Name,Name)] -> (Expr -> Expr)
   104: subs = foldr (.) id . map (uncurry sub)
   106: -- |e[x/y] in Launchbury's notation
   107: --  [x ↦ y]e in Pierce's notation in TaPL
   108: --  recursively descend expression tree to substitute a free variable
   109: sub ::  Name -> Name -> (Expr -> Expr)
   110: sub x y e =
   111:  let subExpr = sub x y
   112:      subName z | x == z    = y
   113:                | otherwise = z
   114:      -- subAlt (ctor, (args, e'')) = (ctor, (map subName args, subExpr e''))
   115:      subAlt = second (map subName *** subExpr)
   116:      subBn = second (subExpr)
   117:  in case e of
   118:        Lambda z e'| z == x              -> e -- only want to sub free variables;
   119:                                              -- x is no longer free
   120:                   | otherwise           -> Lambda z (subExpr e')
   121:        Apply e' z                       -> Apply (subExpr e') (subName z)
   122:        Var z                            -> Var (subName z)
   123:        Let bs e'  | elem x (binders bs) -> e -- only want to sub free variables;
   124:                                              -- x is no longer free
   125:                   | otherwise           -> Let (map subBn bs) (subExpr e')
   126:        Prim fun e' e''                  -> Prim fun (subExpr e') (subExpr e'')
   127:                                         -- substitute the variables in the ctor;
   128:                                         -- the ctor itself should be left alone 
   129:        Ctor ctor args                   -> Ctor ctor (map subName args)
   130:        Case e' alts                     -> Case (subExpr e') (map subAlt alts) 
   131:        Int n                            -> Int n
   132:        Sub1 z                           -> Sub1 (subName z)
   133:        IfZero e1 e2 e3                  -> IfZero (subExpr e1) (subExpr e2) (subExpr e3)
   134:        DeepDup z                        -> DeepDup (subName z)
   135:        Dup z                            -> Dup (subName z)
   137: freeVarNames :: Expr -> [Name]
   138: freeVarNames (Lambda z e') = delete z $ freeVarNames e'
   139: freeVarNames (Apply e' z) = nub $ z : freeVarNames e'
   140: freeVarNames (Var z) = [z]
   141: freeVarNames (Let bs e) = (nub $ concatMap (freeVarNames . snd) bs ++ freeVarNames e) \\ map fst bs
   142: freeVarNames (Dup x) = [x]
   143: freeVarNames (DeepDup x) = [x]
   144: freeVarNames (Prim fun e' e'') = nub $ freeVarNames e' ++ freeVarNames e''
   145: freeVarNames (Ctor _ args) = nub args
   146: freeVarNames (Case e alts) = nub $ freeVarNames e ++ concatMap freeVarNamesAlt alts
   147: freeVarNames (Int n) = []
   148: freeVarNames (Sub1 z) = [z]
   149: freeVarNames (IfZero e1 e2 e3) = nub $ freeVarNames e1 ++ freeVarNames e2 ++ freeVarNames e3
   151: freeVarNamesAlt :: Alt -> [Name]
   152: freeVarNamesAlt (ctr, (ns, e)) = freeVarNames e \\ ns
   154: -- helper function fro freshen; freshens an alternative in a case statement
   155: freshenAlt :: Alt -> ReduceM Alt
   156: freshenAlt (ctr, (ns,e)) = do e' <- freshen e
   157:                               return (ctr, (ns, e'))
   159: -- |freshen takes an expression, and returns the same expression with every 
   160: -- bound variable substituted for a fresh variable. 
   161: freshen :: Expr -> ReduceM Expr
   162: freshen l@(Lambda x e)     = do y <- getFreshVar
   163:                                 e' <- (freshen . sub x y) e
   164:                                 return $ Lambda y e'
   165: freshen (Apply e x)        = do e' <- freshen e 
   166:                                 return $ Apply e' x
   167: freshen v@(Var _)          = return v
   168: freshen l@(Let bs e)       = do let vs = map fst bs 
   169:                                     es = map snd bs
   170:                                 vs' <- getFreshVars (length bs)
   171:                                 -- let is mutually recursive, so any binding
   172:                                 -- can refer to any other binding
   173:                                 let subFreshF = freshen . subs (zip vs vs')
   174:                                 es' <- mapM subFreshF es
   175:                                 e' <- subFreshF e
   176:                                 return $ Let (zip vs' es') e'
   177: freshen (Prim fun e e')    = liftM2 (Prim fun) (freshen e) (freshen e') 
   178:                            -- if the constructor's args needed to be freshened
   179:                            -- they already were
   180: freshen c@(Ctor ctor args) = return c
   181: freshen (Case e alts)      = liftM2 Case (freshen e) (mapM freshenAlt alts)
   182: freshen c@(Int _)          = return c
   183: freshen c@(Sub1 _)         = return c
   184: freshen c@(IfZero e1 e2 e3)= do e1' <- freshen e1
   185:                                 e2' <- freshen e2
   186:                                 e3' <- freshen e3
   187:                                 return $ IfZero e1' e2' e3'
   188: freshen c@(DeepDup _)      = return c
   189: freshen c@(Dup _)          = return c
   191: type ErrorOr a = Either String a
   192: type Log = String
   194: appendToLog :: String -> ReduceM ()
   195: appendToLog msg = modify $ \s ->  s {rsLog = rsLog s ++ "\n" 
   196:                                           ++ (replicate (rsLogIndentation s) '|'
   197:                                           ++ msg)}
   198: -- | returns whatever x is bound to in the heap, or calls rmErr if it isn't in
   199: -- the heap
   200: heapLookup :: Name -> ReduceM Expr
   201: heapLookup x = do me <- fmap (lookup x . rsHeap) get
   202:                   -- return the error if me is nothing; return me otherwise
   203:                   maybe (rmErr $ "Illigal free variable: " ++ x 
   204:                                ++ " isn't in the heap.") return me
   206: heapModify ::  (Heap -> Heap) -> ReduceM ()
   207: heapModify f = modify $ \s -> s { rsHeap = f (rsHeap s) }
   209: -- | Removes a binding from the heap.
   210: heapRemove :: Name -> ReduceM ()
   211: heapRemove x = heapModify (hRemoveBinding x)
   213: -- | Adds a binding to the heap
   214: heapAdd :: Name -> Expr -> ReduceM ()
   215: heapAdd x e = heapModify ((x,e):)
   217: getFreshVar :: ReduceM Name
   218: getFreshVar = do (v:vs) <- fmap rsFreshVars get
   219:                  modify (\s -> s {rsFreshVars = vs})
   220:                  return v
   222: getFreshVars :: Int -> ReduceM [Name]
   223: getFreshVars = sequence . flip replicate getFreshVar
   225: withLogIndent :: ReduceM b -> ReduceM b
   226: withLogIndent funarg = do s@(RS _ _ i _) <- get
   227:                           put $ s {rsLogIndentation = i+1}
   228:                           result <- funarg
   229:                           s' <- get
   230:                           put $ s' {rsLogIndentation = i}
   231:                           return result 
   233: realReduce :: Expr -> ReduceM ()
   234: realReduce e = do e' <- reduceM e
   235:                   appendToLog $ "Ans: " ++ show e'
   236:                   appendToLog $ "Final heap: " 
   237:                   h  <- fmap rsHeap get
   238:                   appendToLog (show h)
   241: evalAndGetLog :: ReduceM a -> String
   242: evalAndGetLog = rsLog . snd . flip rmRun rsInitial
   244: evalAndGetExpr :: Expr -> Either String Expr
   245: evalAndGetExpr = fst . flip rmRun rsInitial . reduceM
   247: -- |Reduces an expression, and returns a string containing the log appended with
   248: -- the result
   249: reduce :: Expr -> String
   250: reduce =  evalAndGetLog . realReduce
   252: -- | Prints the result of reduce to stdout.  The main reason for this function
   253: --  is that the log contains newline Chars, and newlines don't format correctly
   254: --  in ghci.
   255: displayReduce :: Expr -> IO ()
   256: displayReduce = putStrLn . reduce
   259: freshVarNames :: [Name]
   260: freshVarNames = ["$" ++ show x | x <- [1..]]
   262: showHeap h = "{" ++ heapStr ++ "}" 
   263:   where showElem (x, e) = x ++ " -> " ++ show e
   264:         heapStr = intercalate ", " $ map showElem h
   268: -- |Performs long-step reduction of an expression, logging the steps taken along the way.
   269: reduceM :: Expr -> ReduceM Expr
   270: reduceM e = let logCase msg = do s <- get
   271:                                  appendToLog $ msg ++ show e
   272:                                              ++ " : " ++  showHeap (rsHeap s) 
   273:  in case e of
   274:         Lambda e' x ->  logCase "Returning lambda: " >> return (Lambda e' x)  
   275:         Apply e' x  -> do logCase "Reducing apply: "
   276:                           Lambda y' e'' <- withLogIndent $ reduceM e'
   277:                           withLogIndent $ reduceM (sub y' x e'')
   278:         Var x ->      do logCase "Reducing variable: " 
   279:                          e' <- heapLookup x
   280:                          heapRemove x
   281:                          z <- withLogIndent $ reduceM e'
   282:                          appendToLog $ "Rebinding var " ++ x ++ " to " ++ show z
   283:                          heapAdd x z
   284:                          freshen z
   285:         Let bs e' -> do logCase "Reducing let: "
   286:                         mapM_ (uncurry heapAdd) bs
   287:                         withLogIndent $ reduceM e'
   288:         Dup x -> do logCase "Reducing dup: "
   289:                     z <- heapLookup x
   290:                     x' <- getFreshVar
   291:                     heapAdd x' z
   292:                     withLogIndent $ reduceM (Var x')
   293:         DeepDup x -> do logCase "Reducing deepDup: "
   294:                         z <- heapLookup x
   295:                         case z of 
   296:                             DeepDup y -> withLogIndent $ reduceM (DeepDup y)
   297:                             _ -> do
   298:                                 x' <- getFreshVar
   299:                                 let fv = freeVarNames z
   300:                                 fv' <- getFreshVars (length fv)
   301:                                 thunks <- forM (zip fv fv') $ \(v,v') -> do
   302:                                     e'<- heapLookup v
   303:                                     heapAdd v' $ DeepDup v
   304:                                 let z' = subs (zip fv fv') z
   305:                                 heapAdd x' z'
   306:                                 withLogIndent $ reduceM (Var x')
   307:         Prim fun e1 e2 -> do  logCase "Reducing primitive: " 
   308:                               n1 <- withLogIndent $ reduceM e1
   309:                               n2 <- withLogIndent $ reduceM e2
   310:                               result <- executePrimitive fun n1 n2  
   311:                               appendToLog $ "Primitive evaluated to " 
   312:                                             ++ show result
   313:                               return result 
   314:         Ctor ctor args -> do logCase "Returning constructor: " 
   315:                              return $ Ctor ctor args
   316:         Case e' alts  -> 
   317:           do logCase "Reducing case statement: " 
   318:              e''@(Ctor ctor args) <- withLogIndent $ reduceM e'
   319:              case lookup ctor alts of
   320:                 Just (altNs, altE) -> withLogIndent $ reduceM $ subs (zip altNs args) altE
   321:                 Nothing -> rmErr $ "non-exhaustive patterns in case " ++ show e
   322:                                 ++ "; no match for constructor " ++ show e''
   324:         Int n -> do logCase "Returning Integer: "
   325:                     return $ Int n
   327:         Sub1 x -> do logCase "Reducing Sub1: "
   328:                      Int n <- withLogIndent $ reduceM (Var x)
   329:                      return $ Int (n-1)
   331:         IfZero e1 e2 e3 ->
   332:             do logCase "Reducing IfZero: "
   333:                Int n <- withLogIndent $ reduceM e1
   334:                if (n == 0)
   335:                   then withLogIndent $ reduceM e2
   336:                   else withLogIndent $ reduceM e3
   339: executePrimitive :: Name -> Expr -> Expr -> ReduceM Expr
   340: executePrimitive f (Ctor n1 []) (Ctor n2 []) = 
   341:   let fReal = lookup f [("+",(+))
   342:                         ,("-",(-))
   343:                         ,("/",(div))
   344:                         ,("*",(*))]
   345:   in case fReal of 
   346:       Just fun -> return $ Ctor (fun n1 n2) []
   347:       Nothing -> rmErr $ "primitive " ++ f  
   348:                        ++ " doesn't exist for nullary constructors"
   349: executePrimitive f e e' = rmErr $ "e = " ++ show e ++ " e' = " ++ show e'
   351: -- Some example expressions, plus some functions to make constructing 
   352: -- expressions easier
   353: mkNum x = Ctor x []
   355: addExpr  = Prim "+" 
   356: multExpr = Prim "*" 
   358: add x y = addExpr (mkNum x) (mkNum y)
   359: addVar x y = addExpr (Var x) (mkNum y)
   360: addVars x y = addExpr (Var x) (Var y)
   361: multVars x y = multExpr (Var x) (Var y)
   362: applyVars x y = Apply (Var x) y
   364: simpleExpr = Let [("u", add 3 2),
   365:                   ("v", addVar "u" 1)]
   366:                  $ addVars "v" "v"
   368: -- Recursive, but refers to x before x is put back on the heap.
   369: -- will very quickly fail.
   370: errorExpr = Let [("x", Var "x")] (Var "x")
   372: fastExpr  = Let [("u", add 2 3),
   373:                  ("f", Let [("v", addVar "u" 1)]
   374:                            (Lambda "x" (addVars "v" "x"))),
   375:                  ("a", mkNum 2),
   376:                  ("b", mkNum 3)]
   377:                 $ addExpr (applyVars "f" "a") (applyVars "f" "b")
   381: slowExpr = Let [("u", add 2 3),
   382:                  ("f", (Lambda "x"
   383:                                (Let [("v", addVar "u" 1)]
   384:                                     (addVars "v" "x")))),
   385:                  ("a", mkNum 2),
   386:                  ("b", mkNum 3)]
   387:                  $ addExpr (applyVars "f" "a") (applyVars "f" "b") 
   389: slowExprHaskell = let u = 3+5
   390:                       f = let v = u+1 in \x -> v + x
   391:                   in f 2 + f 3
   393: -- f reduces to \x.f x and is replaced onto the heap before
   394: -- we apply x to it.  
   395: infinteLoopExpr = Let [("f", Lambda "x" (applyVars "f" "x")),
   396:                        ("a", mkNum 2)]
   397:                   $ applyVars "f" "a" 
   401: nestedExpr = let applyAdd var expr = Apply (Apply expr "add") var 
   402:              in Let [("add", Lambda "x" $ Lambda "y" (addVars "x" "y"))
   403:                  ,("a", mkNum 1)
   404:                  ,("addA", applyVars "add" "a")
   405:                  ,("b", mkNum 2)
   406:                  ,("addB", applyVars "add" "b")
   407:                  ,("applyAToB", applyVars "addA" "addB")
   408:                  ,("c", mkNum 3)
   409:                  ,("addC", applyVars "add" "c")
   410:                  ,("applyCToAB", applyVars "applyAToB" "addC")
   411:                  ,("d", mkNum 4)
   412:                  ]
   413:                  $ applyVars "applyCToAB" "d"
   415: enumTest = Let
   416:     [("enum", Lambda "n" $ IfZero (Var "n")
   417:         (Ctor 0 [])
   418:         (Let [
   419:             ("n-1", Sub1 "n"),
   420:             ("tail", Apply (Var "enum") "n-1")
   421:             ] $ Ctor 1 ["n", "tail"] )),
   422:       ("0", Int 0),
   423:       ("5", Int 5),
   424:       ("walk", Lambda "n'" $ Lambda "e" $ Case (Var "e") [
   425:         (0, ([], Var "n'")),
   426:         (1, (["h","t"], Let [("n'-1", Sub1 "n'")] $
   427:             Apply (Apply (Var "walk") "n'-1") "t"))]),
   428:       ("list", Apply (Var "enum") "5")
   429:     ] $ Apply (Apply (Var "walk") "0") "list"
   431: enumTest2 = Let
   432:     [("enum", Lambda "n" $ IfZero (Var "n")
   433:         (Ctor 0 [])
   434:         (Let [
   435:             ("n-1", Sub1 "n"),
   436:             ("tail", Apply (Var "enum") "n-1")
   437:             ] $ Ctor 1 ["n", "tail"] )),
   438:       ("0", Int 0),
   439:       ("5", Int 5),
   440:       ("walk", Lambda "n'" $ Lambda "e" $ Case (DeepDup "e") [
   441:         (0, ([], Var "n'")),
   442:         (1, (["h","t"], Let [("n'-1", Sub1 "n'")] $
   443:             Apply (Apply (Var "walk") "n'-1") "t"))]),
   444:       ("list", Apply (Var "enum") "5"),
   445:       ("list'", DeepDup "list"),
   446:       ("list''", DeepDup "list'")
   447:     ] $ Apply (Apply (Var "walk") "0") "list"

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