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Re: Bad number of arguments for type constructor

It looks like `tip` does produce `(foo, bar, ...)` tuples for types with
multiple parameters, e.g.

datatype ('local1, 'local2)
           = Global697361706c616e6e65722f70726f705f34342e736d74325061697232 "'local1"

This might be leading to the problems with our datatype list, because
we're not expecting this when we're parsing.

We get things like:

|> ThyConstraintParams.add_datatype' @{context} @{typ "(('local1 Global6772616d6d6172732f7061636b7261745f756e616d6269675061636b7261742e736d74326c697374) , 'local2) Global697361706c616e6e65722f70726f705f34342e736d743250616972"}

On the face of it, this doesn't look too bad. Isabelle is complaining
about entries like:

|> ThyConstraintParams.add_datatype' @{context} @{typ "('local1 Global6772616d6d6172732f7061636b7261745f756e616d6269675061636b7261742e736d74326c697374) , 'local2"}

What is it about this line which Isabelle doesn't like? I think it's the
fact we have a comma-separated pair without enclosing parentheses. This
probably got picked up as a 'Group' by IsabelleTypeArgs.hs, and hence
got unwrapped during rendering.

I think the best way to handle this is to add another constructor to the
'Type' ADT, to represent tuples. That way, they're distinct from groups
and can be handled differently during 'named type' extraction.