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Re: exception not_a_datatype_exp fun raised

Looks like this comes from Isaplanner. When we add datatypes, we do
things like:

       @{typ "'local1 => ('local2 Global6772616d6d6172732f7061636b7261745f756e616d6269675061636b7261742e736d74326c697374)"}

This add_datatype' functions looks like this:

    fun add_datatype' ctxt (Type(dn,_)) = add_datatype ctxt dn
      | add_datatype' ctxt _ = raise ERROR "add_datatype': not a Type type";

This is pattern-matching on its second argument (the '@{typ ...}' one),
looking for a 'Type' constructor. We can see 'Type' being used
elsewhere, e.g.

    resulttyp = Type(nm, my_typargs)

It looks like this constructor has a type name ('nm') as the first part
of its argument an a collection of arguments ('my_typeargs') as the

Hence "add_datatype'" is ignoring any type parameters and just picking
out the top-most type constructor name.

In the case of something like the '@{typ ...}' argument above, this will
pick the function type constructor '=>' and ignore all of the parameters
(argument and return types). On the one hand: that's annoying, since it
means a lot of the stuff we include is getting discarded. On the other
hand, it's probably the source of this exception. On the gripping hand,
we can probably simplify this by just plucking out all 'GlobalXXX' names
which appear in the relevant types, deduping and passing them in.

If we follow the implementation of "add_datatype'", we see that the name
is given to "add_datatype", which is defined as:

    fun add_datatype ctxt dn =
        let val (consts,rws) = get_datatype_consts_and_termrws ctxt dn
        in add_termrws ctxt rws o add_consts consts end;

The exception is coming from 'get_datatype_consts_and_termrws', which is
defined as:

    fun get_datatype_consts_and_termrws ctxt nm =
        let val dinfo = get_dinfo_in_ctxt ctxt nm
        in (consts_of_datatype' dinfo, termrws_of_datatype' dinfo) end;

Likewise, if we look at 'get_dinfo_in_ctxt' we get:

    fun get_dinfo_in_ctxt ctxt datatype_name =
        get_dinfo_in_thy (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) datatype_name;

Which just calls out to:

    fun get_dinfo_in_thy thy datatype_name =
        (case (Symtab.lookup (BNF_LFP_Compat.get_all thy []) datatype_name)
         of NONE => raise not_a_datatype_exp datatype_name
          | SOME dinfo => dinfo);

Here's the exception we're getting (the line numbers match up too).

From what it looks like, '=>' is some syntactic sugar for a 'fun' type
constructor, and that doesn't appear in the theory's symbol table.

We can do one of two things: get 'fun' included somehow (e.g. taking it
from a more extensive symbol table, like from Pure or somewhere, if
there is such a thing); just pass raw names.

I think we should do the latter.