lazy-lambda-calculus: 182ac9dbf2170112648f06c7c453b43cc2de7446

     1: with builtins;
     2: with rec {
     3:   nixpkgsSrc = fetchTarball {
     4:     name   = "nixpkgs1909";
     5:     url    =;
     6:     sha256 = "0mhqhq21y5vrr1f30qd2bvydv4bbbslvyzclhw0kdxmkgg3z4c92";
     7:   };
     9:   # TODO: Point this at IOHK's repo once i686 support is included
    10:   # See
    11:   haskellNixSrc = fetchTarball {
    12:     name   = "haskell-nix";
    13:     url    =;
    14:     sha256 = "1pnkywswfa71hgc2c3g2cijfk9nysbpyh6jjh455h810n4yhs522";
    15:   };
    17:   pkgs = import nixpkgsSrc { overlays = import "${haskellNixSrc}/overlays"; };
    18: };
    19: pkgs.haskell-nix.cabalProject {
    20:   src         = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit { src = ./.; };
    21:   ghc         = pkgs.buildPackages.pkgs.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc865;
    22:   index-state = "2020-01-11T00:00:00Z";
    24:   # Avoid 'Neither the Haskell package set or the Nixpkgs package set contain
    25:   # the package: alex (build tool dependency).'
    26:   # The issue AFAIK seems to be that "bootstrap" packages (used by GHC) can
    27:   # either be fixed, to avoid excessive rebuilding; or reinstallable, to allow
    28:   # overrides, etc. There are some packages which are the wrong way around
    29:   # somewhere in the dependencies of lazysmallcheck2012 (not sure which, maybe
    30:   # terminfo), so we specify them explicitly here. Found this via trial and
    31:   # error, thanks to
    32:   modules = [
    33:     { reinstallableLibGhc = true; }
    34:     {
    35:       nonReinstallablePkgs = [
    36:         "array"
    37:         "array"
    38:         "base"
    39:         "binary"
    40:         "bytestring"
    41:         "Cabal"
    42:         "containers"
    43:         "deepseq"
    44:         "directory"
    45:         "filepath"
    46:         "ghc"
    47:         "ghc-boot"
    48:         "ghc-boot"
    49:         "ghc-boot-th"
    50:         "ghc-compact"
    51:         "ghc-heap"
    52:         "ghc-prim"
    53:         "ghc-prim"
    54:         "ghci"
    55:         "ghcjs-prim"
    56:         "ghcjs-th"
    57:         "haskeline"
    58:         "hpc"
    59:         "integer-gmp"
    60:         "integer-simple"
    61:         "mtl"
    62:         "parsec"
    63:         "pretty"
    64:         "process"
    65:         "rts"
    66:         "stm"
    67:         "template-haskell"
    68:         "terminfo"
    69:         "text"
    70:         "time"
    71:         "transformers"
    72:         "unix"
    73:         "Win32"
    74:         "xhtml"
    75:       ]; }
    76:   ];
    77: }

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