nix-helpers: 002d75cb1f28edc79103e96715ed9a711e78f031

     1: { asPath, hello, nothing }:
     3: with builtins;
     4: with import ./util.nix { };
     5: assert typeOf rootPath == "path" || die {
     6:   error = "rootPath should be a path";
     7:   actualType = typeOf rootPath;
     8: };
     9: assert toString rootPath == "/" || die {
    10:   error = "rootPath should be /";
    11:   rootPath = toString rootPath;
    12: };
    13: assert typeOf (asPath ./.) == "path" || die {
    14:   error = "asPath of a path should produce a path";
    15:   actualType = typeOf (asPath ./.);
    16: };
    17: assert toString (asPath ./.) == toString ./. || die {
    18:   error = "asPath result didn't match input";
    19:   input = toString ./.;
    20:   output = toString (asPath ./.);
    21: };
    22: assert typeOf (asPath "${hello}/bin/hello") == "path" || die {
    23:   error = "asPath couldn't handle store paths";
    24:   actualType = typeOf (asPath "${hello}/bin/hello");
    25: };
    26: nothing

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