nix-helpers: 91c82e79b836adb6cd10841eb4d864dbf0bf03be

     1: # The racket argument can be overridden to break infinite loops, e.g. if we
     2: # want to replace 'racket' with 'checkedRacket' system-wide (in which case
     3: # 'then racket' will loop)
     5: { checkRacket, lib, nixpkgs1609, racket, repo1609, stdenv }:
     7: with builtins;
     8: with lib;
     9: with rec {
    10:   linuxFallback = trace (concatStringsSep " " [
    11:     "WARNING: Taking racket from nixpkgs 16.09,"
    12:     "since newer versions are marked as broken on"
    13:     "i686 nixpkgs."
    14:   ]) nixpkgs1609.racket;
    16:   macPkgs = import "${repo1609}" {
    17:     config = {
    18:       packageOverrides = super: {
    19:         dejavu_fonts = { minimal = ""; }; # Don't work on macOS
    20:       };
    21:     };
    22:   };
    24:   macFallback = trace (concatStringsSep " " [
    25:     "WARNING: Taking racket from nixpkgs 16.09,"
    26:     "since newer versions don't support macOS."
    27:   ]) macPkgs.racket;
    28: };
    29: with checkRacket;
    30: if racketWorks then
    31:   racket
    32: else if stdenv.isDarwin then
    33:   macFallback
    34: else
    35:   linuxFallback

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