nix-helpers: 9a3c10c6184861c90adf35d6c081ad4cd0113df9

     1: # Create a directory containing 'files'; the directory structure will be
     2: # relative to 'base', for example:
     3: #
     4: #   dirContaining /foo/bar [ /foo/bar/baz /foo/bar/quux/foobar ]
     5: #
     6: # Will produce a directory containing 'baz' and 'quux/foobar'.
     7: { mergeDirs, runCommand }:
     9: with builtins;
    10: base: files:
    11: mergeDirs (map (f:
    12:   runCommand "dir" {
    13:     base = toString base;
    14:     file = toString base + "/${f}";
    15:   } ''
    16:     REL=$(echo "$file" | sed -e "s@$base/@@g")
    17:     DIR=$(dirname "$REL")
    18:     mkdir -p "$out/$DIR"
    19:     ln -s "$file" "$out/$REL"
    20:   '') files)

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