nix-helpers: d76d6e8a6c5ded37a6e2bde1fd8e587cada27704

     1: # Evaluate and/or build all derivations in a release.nix file
     2: { attrsToDirs', bash, fail, git, lib, gnutar, wrap }:
     4: with rec {
     5:   inherit (lib) cleanSource concatStringsSep escapeShellArg;
     7:   # TODO: It might be better to check if the import is callable, rather than
     8:   # not-an-attrset. In particular, it would be nice to support {__functor = ...}
     9:   nix_release_eval = wrap {
    10:     name = "nix_release_eval";
    11:     paths = [ bash fail ];
    12:     script = ''
    13:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
    14:       set -e
    16:       if [[ "x$1" = "x-h" ]] || [[ "x$1" = "x--help" ]] || [[ "x$1" = "x-?" ]]
    17:       then
    18:         {
    19:           echo "nix_release_eval: Find all Nix derivations defined in a file"
    20:           echo
    21:           echo "Set the F env var to the path you'd like to import. If F is not"
    22:           echo "set, we default to looking for a ./release.nix file, then"
    23:           echo "./nix/release.nix, then ./default.nix and finally"
    24:           echo "./nix/default.nix; the first one found will be used, or we abort"
    25:           echo "if none is found."
    26:           echo
    27:           echo "We import this path in a Nix derivation, and check if it's an"
    28:           echo "attrset; if so, we look through it recursively for derivations."
    29:           echo "If it's not an attrset, we try calling it with argument '{}'"
    30:           echo "and search for derivations in the result. This behaviour works"
    31:           echo "well for functions with default arguments, since it avoids the"
    32:           echo "need for a separate .nix file just to perform that call."
    33:         } 1>&2
    34:         exit 0
    35:       fi
    37:       [[ -n "$1" ]] && F="$1"
    38:       [[ -z "$F" ]] && [[ -e     release.nix ]] && F='release.nix'
    39:       [[ -z "$F" ]] && [[ -e nix/release.nix ]] && F='nix/release.nix'
    40:       [[ -z "$F" ]] && [[ -e     default.nix ]] && F='default.nix'
    41:       [[ -z "$F" ]] && [[ -e nix/default.nix ]] && F='nix/default.nix'
    42:       [[ -z "$F" ]] &&
    43:         fail "Error: No file given and didn't find release.nix or default.nix"
    45:       echo "Finding derivations from '$F'" 1>&2
    46:       F="$F" nix eval --show-trace --raw ${
    47:         escapeShellArg ("(" + concatStringsSep " " [
    48:           ''with { raw = import (./. + ("/" + (builtins.getEnv "F"))); };''
    49:           "with { val = if builtins.isAttrs raw then raw else raw {}; };"
    50:           ''(import "${cleanSource ../..}").drvPathsIn val''
    51:         ] + ")")
    52:       }
    53:     '';
    54:   };
    56:   nix_release = wrap {
    57:     name = "nix_release";
    58:     file = ./;
    59:     paths = [ bash fail git gnutar ];
    60:     vars = { inherit nix_release_eval; };
    61:   };
    62: };
    63: attrsToDirs' "nix_release" { bin = { inherit nix_release nix_release_eval; }; }

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