nix-helpers: 012cc9cd7a3fa43841ed35c4f9c08b1ef7f57957

     1: { die, dummyBuild, lexSort, pathsTo }:
     3: with rec {
     4:   inherit (builtins) isString;
     5:   simple = pathsTo isString { x = 42; };
     6:   nested = pathsTo isString { x = { y = { z = "hello"; }; }; };
     7:   nestWant = [[ "x" "y" "z" ]];
     8:   multi = pathsTo isString {
     9:     w = "";
    10:     x = {
    11:       y = "";
    12:       z = "";
    13:       q = 42;
    14:     };
    15:   };
    16:   multiWant = [ [ "w" ] [ "x" "y" ] [ "x" "z" ] ];
    17: }; {
    18:   check = assert simple == [ ] || die {
    19:     error = "Shouldn't have paths when nothing matches";
    20:     result = simple;
    21:   };
    22:     assert nested == nestWant || die {
    23:       error = "Paths to nested value didn't match expected";
    24:       expected = nestWant;
    25:       result = nested;
    26:     };
    27:     assert lexSort multi == multiWant || die {
    28:       error = "pathsTo failed when multiple results expected";
    29:       expected = multiWant;
    30:       result = lexSort multi;
    31:     };
    32:     dummyBuild "pathsTo-check";
    33: }

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