nix-helpers: d90aa77fc0da55221c0f8cc588c35709c05ace7a

     1: { checkedRacket, fetchFromGitHub, fetchgit, hasBinary, racketWithPackages }:
     3: with {
     4:   result = racketWithPackages.override { racket = checkedRacket; } [
     5:     # Dependency of grommet
     6:     (fetchgit {
     7:       url = "";
     8:       rev = "ec498f6";
     9:       sha256 = "06ax30r70sz2hq0dzyassczcdkpmcd4p62zx0jwgc2zp3v0wl89l";
    10:     })
    12:     # Hashing
    13:     (fetchgit {
    14:       url = "";
    15:       rev = "50f1b6a";
    16:       sha256 = "1rb7i8jx7gg2rm5flnql0hja4ph11p7i38ryxd04yqw50l0xj59v";
    17:     })
    19:     # Shell commands
    20:     (fetchFromGitHub {
    21:       owner = "willghatch";
    22:       repo = "racket-shell-pipeline";
    23:       rev = "7ed9a75";
    24:       sha256 = "06z5bhmvpdhy4bakh30fzha4s0xp2arjq8h9cyi65b1y18cd148x";
    25:     })
    26:   ];
    27: }; {
    28:   example-usage = result;
    29:   example-has-racket = hasBinary result "racket";
    30: }

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