nix-helpers: 404cb2973717e60ea802bd21251368c7c850d15e

     1: { bash, coreutils, fail, hello, lib, mupdf, runCommand, writeScript }:
     3: with lib;
     4: with rec {
     5:   makeCommand = path: output:
     6:     with { esc = ''"$'' + output + ''"/${escapeShellArg path}''; }; ''
     7:       if [[ -e ${esc} ]]
     8:       then
     9:         "${coreutils}/bin/rm" -vrf ${esc}
    10:       fi
    11:       true  # End with a success code
    12:     '';
    14:   makeCommands = outputs: p:
    15:     concatStringsSep "\n" (map (makeCommand p) outputs);
    16: };
    17: pkg: paths:
    18: overrideDerivation pkg (old: {
    19:   builder = writeScript "${}-without-bits" ''
    20:     #!${bash}/bin/bash
    21:     "${old.builder}" "$@"
    22:     ${concatStringsSep "\n"
    23:     (map (makeCommands (old.outputs or [ "out" ])) paths)}
    24:   '';
    25: })

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