nix-helpers: a3b492440ecc15ba9f7302200ebafa7fc5913bd8

     1: { attrsToDirs', hello, runCommand, writeScript }:
     3: {
     4:   # Our filename contains a "'" which means it isn't a valid Nix store path.
     5:   # Make sure we can still include it.
     6:   punctuated = attrsToDirs' "attrsToDirsTest" {
     7:     foo = { bar = ./.. + "/attrsToDirs'/default.nix"; };
     8:   };
    10:   # Nix complains if strings refer to store paths, so check that we avoid this
    11:   storePaths =
    12:     attrsToDirs' "storePathTest" { foo = { bar = "${hello}/bin/hello"; }; };
    14:   # Combine the above problems
    15:   punctuatedStore = attrsToDirs' "punctuatedStorePathTest" {
    16:     foo = { bar = "${./..}/attrsToDirs'/default.nix"; };
    17:   };
    19:   # Check that dependencies of (strings of) paths become dependencies of the
    20:   # resulting derivation.
    21:   dependenciesPreserved = with rec {
    22:     file1 = writeScript "test-file1" "content1";
    23:     file2 = writeScript "test-file2" "content2";
    24:     link1 = runCommand "test-link1" { inherit file1; } ''
    25:       mkdir "$out"
    26:       ln -s "$file1" "$out/link1"
    27:     '';
    28:     link2 = runCommand "test-link2" { inherit file2; } ''
    29:       ln -s "$file2" "$out"
    30:     '';
    31:     dir = attrsToDirs' "dirsWithDeps" {
    32:       entry1 = "${link1}/link1";
    33:       entry2 = "${link2}";
    34:     };
    35:   };
    36:     runCommand "dependenciesPreservedTest" { inherit dir; } ''
    37:       function fail {
    38:         echo "$*" 1>&2
    39:         exit 1
    40:       }
    42:       [[ -d "$dir"        ]] || fail "No such directory '$dir'"
    43:       [[ -e "$dir"/entry1 ]] || fail "No entry1 in '$dir'"
    44:       [[ -e "$dir"/entry2 ]] || fail "No entry2 in '$dir'"
    46:       file1=$(readlink -f "$dir"/entry1)
    47:       file2=$(readlink -f "$dir"/entry2)
    49:       [[ -e "$file1" ]] || fail "Destination '$file1' not found"
    50:       [[ -e "$file2" ]] || fail "Destination '$file2' not found"
    52:       grep 'content1' < "$file1" > /dev/null || fail "No content in '$file1'"
    53:       grep 'content2' < "$file2" > /dev/null || fail "No content in '$file2'"
    55:       mkdir "$out"
    56:     '';
    57: }

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