nix-helpers: 3626477c86e9632157b3757afe2aaa432c56dffb

     1: { cabal-install, callPackage, ghc, hackageIndex, lib, runCommand }:
     2: with { oldHackageIndex = hackageIndex; };
     3: { name, cabalFile, doCheck ? true, doBench ? false
     4: , hackageIndex ? oldHackageIndex }:
     5: with {
     6:   plan = runCommand "${name}-plan.json" {
     7:     buildInputs = [
     8:       cabal-install
     9:       ghc
    10:       (callPackage ./fakeCurl.nix { inherit hackageIndex; })
    11:     ];
    12:     CABAL_CONFIG = builtins.toFile "dummy-cabal.config" ''
    13:       repository repo
    14:         url:
    15:         secure: True
    16:         root-keys: []
    17:         key-threshold: 0
    18:     '';
    19:   } ''
    20:     export HOME="$PWD"
    21:     mkdir -p "$HOME/.cache/cabal"
    22:     cabal update
    23:     cp ${lib.escapeShellArg "${cabalFile}"} ./${
    24:       lib.escapeShellArg "${name}.cabal"
    25:     }
    26:     cabal build --dry-run ${if doCheck then "--enable-tests" else ""} ${
    27:       if doBench then "--enable-benchmarks" else ""
    28:     }
    29:     mv dist-newstyle/cache/plan.json "$out"
    30:   '';
    31: };
    32: plan // {
    33:   json = lib.importJSON plan;
    34: }

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