nix-helpers: 63df8bf65f2ad71ffd1e9d0bb97d4bde9d5f94ee

     1: { die, lib, pathsTo }:
     3: with builtins;
     4: with lib;
     5: with {
     6:   addPath = x: path: str:
     7:     with {
     8:       pre = if str == null then "" else str + "\n";
     9:       name = concatStringsSep "." path;
    10:       drv = attrByPath (path ++ [ "drvPath" ]) (die { inherit path; }) x;
    11:     };
    12:     pre + name + "	" + drv;
    13: };
    14: x:
    15: fold (addPath x) null (reverseList (pathsTo isDerivation x))

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