nix-helpers: baca61a0da69109332c25c93d023714bc23fb903

     1: # Run a command in a Debian chroot which has the given packages installed
     2: { bash, cacert, die, fetchurl, getType, lib, nix-helpers-sources, proot
     3: , runCommand, wrap, writeScript }:
     5: with builtins;
     6: with lib;
     7: with rec {
     8:   rootfs = nix-helpers-sources.debian-image;
    10:   # See
    11:   PROOT_NO_SECCOMP = "1";
    13:   env = { debs, pkgs, post, pre, rootfs }:
    14:     runCommand "debian-chroot" {
    15:       inherit rootfs PROOT_NO_SECCOMP;
    16:       buildInputs = [ proot ];
    17:       __noChroot = true;
    18:       SSL_CERT_FILE = "${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
    19:       script = writeScript "" ''
    20:         #!${bash}/bin/bash
    21:         set -e
    23:         # Preprocessing
    24:         ${pre}
    25:         # End preprocessing
    27:         # Install packages
    28:         apt-get update
    29:         ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map (p: "apt-get install -y ${p}") pkgs)}
    30:         while read -r P
    31:         do
    32:           dpkg -i "$P"
    33:         done < <(find /root -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.deb' | sort -n)
    35:         # Postprocessing
    36:         ${post}
    37:         # End postprocessing
    38:       '';
    39:     } ''
    40:       echo "Unpacking Debian" 1>&2
    41:       mkdir "$out"
    42:       pushd "$out"
    43:         tar xf "$rootfs"
    44:       popd
    46:       echo "Installing setup script" 1>&2
    47:       cp "$script" "$out/"
    49:       echo "Pointing PATH to binary locations" 1>&2
    50:       export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH"
    52:       echo "Resetting /tmp variables" 1>&2
    53:       export TMPDIR=/tmp
    54:       export TEMPDIR=/tmp
    55:       export TMP=/tmp
    56:       export TEMP=/tmp
    58:       if [[ ${toString (length debs)} -gt 0 ]]
    59:       then
    60:         echo "Copying across .debs" 1>&2
    61:         COUNT=0
    62:         ${
    63:           concatStringsSep "\n" (map (f: ''
    64:             cp "${f}" "$out/root/$COUNT.deb"
    65:             COUNT=$(( COUNT + 1 ))
    66:           '') debs)
    67:         }
    68:       fi
    70:       echo "Setting up" 1>&2
    71:       proot -r "$out" -b /proc -b /dev -0 /
    72:     '';
    73: };
    74: { binds ? [ "/dev" "/home" "/nix" "/proc" "/run" "/tmp" ], debs ? [ ]
    75: , pkgs ? [ ], post ? "", pre ? "", rootfs }:
    76: assert isList pkgs || die {
    77:   error = "Expected 'pkgs' to be a list of package names";
    78:   type = typeOf pkgs;
    79: };
    80: assert all isString pkgs || die {
    81:   error = "Expected package names in 'pkgs' to be strings";
    82:   types = map typeOf pkgs;
    83: };
    84: assert isList debs || die {
    85:   error = "Expected 'debs' to be a list of .deb files";
    86:   type = typeOf debs;
    87: };
    88: assert all (f: elem (getType f) [ "derivation" "path" ]) debs || die {
    89:   error = "Expected each of 'debs' to be a derivation or path to a .deb file";
    90:   types = map getType debs;
    91: };
    92: wrap {
    93:   name = "in-debian-chroot";
    94:   paths = [ bash proot ];
    95:   vars = {
    96:     inherit PROOT_NO_SECCOMP;
    97:     env = env { inherit debs rootfs pkgs post pre; };
    98:   };
    99:   script = ''
   100:     #!${bash}/bin/bash
   101:     export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH"
   102:     export TMPDIR=/tmp
   103:     export TEMPDIR=/tmp
   104:     export TMP=/tmp
   105:     export TEMP=/tmp
   107:     # shellcheck disable=SC2154
   108:     proot -r "$env" ${concatStringsSep " " (map (b: "-b " + b) binds)} "$@"
   109:   '';
   110: }

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