nix-helpers: 8772142e7081eeda953825f6a76ec7a1b6151b93

     1: { lib, makeWrapper, racket, runCommand }:
     3: with {
     4:   go = { racket, name ? "${}-with-deps" }:
     5:     deps:
     6:     runCommand name {
     7:       inherit deps racket;
     8:       buildInputs = [ makeWrapper racket ];
     9:     } ''
    10:       # raco writes to HOME, so make sure that's included
    11:       export HOME="$out/etc"
    12:       mkdir -p "$HOME"
    14:       # Each PKG should be a directory (e.g. pulled from git) containing
    15:       # "collections" as sub-directories. For example if PKG should allow
    16:       # (require utils/printing), it should contain PKG/utils/printing.rkt
    18:       # Collect up all packages
    19:       mkdir -p "$out/share/pkgs"
    20:       for PKG in $deps
    21:       do
    22:         cp -r "$PKG" "$out/share/pkgs/"
    23:       done
    25:       # Make our copies mutable, so we can compile them in-place
    26:       chmod +w -R "$out/share/pkgs"
    28:       # Register packages with raco
    29:       for PKG in "$out/share/pkgs/"*
    30:       do
    31:         # raco is Racket's package manager, -D says "treat as a directory of
    32:         # collections", which is how git repos seem to be arranged.
    33:         raco link --user -D "$PKG"
    34:       done
    36:       # Compile registered packages
    37:       raco setup --avoid-main -x -D
    39:       # Provide Racket binaries patched to use our modified HOME
    40:       mkdir -p "$out/bin"
    41:       for PROG in "$racket"/bin/*
    42:       do
    43:         NAME=$(basename "$PROG")
    44:         makeWrapper "$PROG" "$out/bin/$NAME" --set HOME "$out/etc"
    45:       done
    46:     '';
    47: };
    48: lib.makeOverridable go { inherit racket; }

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