nix-helpers: b2dcb7c79390b8d50049436ee21290bf4d9811f3

     1: # Add extra dependencies to a derivation; for example, if we only want a
     2: # build to succeed if some external tests pass. This version allows the name to
     3: # be overridden too, e.g. so we can add a test suite to "foo-untested" and
     4: # rename it to "foo". The "withDeps" function avoids renaming.
     6: { lib }:
     8: with lib;
     9: name: deps: drv:
    10: overrideDerivation drv (old:
    11:   (if name == null then { } else { inherit name; }) // {
    12:     extraDeps = (old.extraDeps or [ ]) ++ deps;
    13:   })

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