nix-helpers: f611b8c9e11ad78f4f1de9c2abda81979b5b05a8

     1: { fail, hello, mupdf, runCommand, without }:
     3: with builtins;
     4: with rec {
     5:   go = { label, pkg, toRemove }:
     6:     runCommand "can-remove-${label}" {
     7:       buildInputs = [ fail ];
     8:       p = without pkg toRemove;
     9:     } ''
    10:       [[ -e "$p" ]] || fail "Dir '$p' not found"
    11:       ${concatStringsSep "\n"
    12:       (map (p: ''[[ -e "$p/${p}" ]] && fail "Didn't remove '$p/${p}'"'')
    13:         toRemove)}
    14:       mkdir "$out"
    15:     '';
    16: }; {
    17:   canRemoveSimple = go {
    18:     label = "simple-package";
    19:     pkg = hello;
    20:     toRemove = [ "bin/hello" ];
    21:   };
    23:   canRemoveMultiOutput = go {
    24:     label = "multi-output-derivation";
    25:     pkg = mupdf;
    26:     toRemove = [ "bin/mupdf-gl" "bin/mupdf-x11-curl" ];
    27:   };
    28: }

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