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= PHP Core Extensions =

This is a "polyfill" which provides some core language functionality not offered
by PHP 'out of the box'. Includes:

== Callable Operators ==

In regular PHP, we can't treat operators as functions, eg.

    $total = array_reduce($penalties,
                          function($x, $y) { return $x - $y; },
    if ($errors) { throw current($errors); }

PHP Core provides an 'op' function to work around this:

    $total = array_reduce($penalties, op('-'), $score);
    array_map(op('throw'), $errors);

Core's higher-order functions apply 'op' automatically.

== Partial Application ==

By default, PHP's functions are all-or-nothing: you can either call them now,
with whatever values you have, or you must wait until later:

    $r1 = func($a, $b, $c, null, null, null);

    $r2 = function($d, $e, $f) use ($a, $b, $c) {
      return func($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f);

Partial application lets you pass in some arguments now and the rest later:

    $r3 = papply('func', $a, $b, $c);

== Currying ==

Curried functions don't need partial application: they collect up the right
number of arguments automatically:

    $f = curry(function($w, $x, $y, $z) { return func_get_args(); });
    $g = $f(10);
    $h = $g(20);
    $i = $h(30, 40); // $i === [10, 20, 30, 40]

They also pass surplus arguments to their return value:

    $action = curry(function($action) { return "ldap_{$action}"; });
    $action('bind', $connection, $dn, $password);

Some of Core's higher-order functions will automatically curry their arguments
and results.

== Named Closures ==

PHP separates functions into those which are named (AKA 'global functions') and
those which are anonymous (AKA 'Closure instances'):

    function i_am_named($x) { return $x; }
    $i_am_anonymous = function($x) { return $x; };

PHP allows named functions to be treated like anonymous functions:

    $i_act_anonymously = 'i_am_named';

Core allows anonymous functions to be named:

    defun('i_act_named', $i_am_anonymous);

== Extras ==

A few handy functions are provided too:

 - compose: Function composition
 - call: Like call_user_func but uses op and curry
 - uncurry: Like call_user_func_array but uses op and curry
 - up_to: Like range but handles 0 correctly
 - arity: Counts a function's arguments (handles defun, papply, op and curry)


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