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Normalise each equation

If our input contains 'un-normalised' equations, we'll currently output
them un-normalised too. That's annoying.

Things which make an equation un-normalised are:

 - Variable indices should count up from 0, i.e. an equation like
   'li7 ~= reverse (reverse li7)' should normalise to
   'li0 ~= reverse (reverse li0)'
 - Variable indices should be ascending, from left to right, i.e. an
   equation like 'cons i1 (cons i0 li0) ~= swap (cons i0 (cons i1 li0))'
   has 'i1' occurring to the left of 'i0', so it should normalise to
                 'cons i0 (cons i1 li0) ~= swap (cons i1 (cons i0 li0))'
 - The left/right sides of an equation should be in lexicographical
   order, i.e. 'times 2 n0 ~= plus n0 n0' should normalise to
   'plus n0 n0 ~= times 2 n0' since 'p' comes before 't'

These are pretty trivial changes, but they let us compare equations more
easily, since we no longer need to care about alpha-equivalence or