search-optimisation-streams: addcd26a41628b3df4eb39a6596f080dbacc345b

     1: // Search and Optimisation Streams
     3: // Search is the problem of finding a value which
     4: // fits some criterion. Given a set of possible
     5: // solutions and a test function, search returns
     6: // solutions for which the test returns true.
     7: // Optimisation generalises search. Instead of a
     8: // test function, we have a fitness function which
     9: // returns numbers. Optimisation tries to return
    10: // the solution with the highest fitness.
    11: // A stream is any function which takes no arguments
    12: // and returns a result. This simple interface
    13: // represents a computation that hasn't been run yet
    14: // (also known as a "thunk"). Streams nicely capture
    15: // the problems of search and optimisation , since:
    16: // 1) Search/optimisation algorithms never halt,
    17: //    they can always give another value (even if
    18: //    it stabilises to the same one), so we need to
    19: //    represent these computations without actually
    20: //    performing them (which would take forever).
    21: //    Streams are effectively lazy lists (or
    22: //    generators, if you prefer) of the results.
    23: // 2) Different search algorithms rely on different
    24: //    numbers of parameters, and use variables at
    25: //    multiple scope levels. A thunk interface
    26: //    encapsulates all of this at the point of
    27: //    definition, so that the resulting streams are
    28: //    indistinguishable and can be composed
    29: //    interchangably. We can still use parameters
    30: //    and state, but they must be curried into the
    31: //    stream functions. This minimises shared state
    32: //    and other such nastiness.
    33: //
    34: // As a consequence of this currying, we generally
    35: // don't ending up define streams directly, but
    36: // rather curryable functions (combinators, or
    37: // 'stream factories', if you prefer) which take
    38: // any required parameters as arguments, set up any
    39: // required state and return a stream with these
    40: // built-in.
    42: ///////////////////////
    43: // Utility functions //
    44: ///////////////////////
    46: var c = curry = function(f) {
    47:     var add_args = function(old_args) {
    48:         if (old_args.length >= f.length) return apply(f, old_args);
    49:         return function() {
    50:             var new_args = [];
    51:             for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) new_args.push(arguments[i]);
    52:             return add_args(old_args.concat(new_args));
    53:         };
    54:     };
    55:     return add_args([]);
    56: };
    58: var apply = function(f, args) {
    59:     // Returns f(args[0], args[1], ...)
    60:     return f.apply(null, args);
    61: };
    63: var plus = c(function(a, b) {
    64:     // Reifies + ("add" may get confused with
    65:     // array.push)
    66:     return a+b;
    67: });
    69: var negate = function(a) {
    70:     // Reifies unary -
    71:     return -1 * a;
    72: };
    74: var multiply = c(function(a, b) {
    75:     // Likewise for * ("times" may get confused
    76:     // with iterate(f) or range(n))
    77:     return a*b;
    78: });
    80: var divide = c(function(a, b) {
    81:     // Reifies /
    82:     return a / b;
    83: });
    85: var modulus = c(function(a, b) {
    86:     // Reifies %
    87:     return a % b;
    88: });
    90: var subscript = c(function(a, b) {
    91:     // Reifies []
    92:     return a[b];
    93: });
    95: var catenate = c(function(head, tail) {
    96:     // Reifies catenation (joining arrays)
    97:     return head.concat(tail);
    98: });
   100: var cons = c(function(head, tail) {
   101:     // Reifies pairing
   102:     return [head, tail];
   103: });
   105: var choose_direction = function(a) {
   106:     // Turns 0/1 into -1/1
   107:     return 2*a - 1;
   108: };
   110: var rebase = c(function(n, b) {
   111:     // Returns the first number in the base of the
   112:     // second number. For example, rebase(12, 2)
   113:     // gives [1, 1, 0, 0], which is 12 in base 2.
   114:     // We use numbers 0 to b-1 as symbols.
   115:     var result = [];
   116:     var val;
   117:     do {
   118: 	val = (b === 1)? Math.min(1, n) : n % b;
   119:         result.unshift(val);
   120:         n = (n - val) / b;
   121:     } while (n);
   122:     return result;
   123: });
   125: var tagged_pruner = c(function(pop, n) {
   126:     // Simple function to keep the top n members of
   127:     // the given population (which are prefixed with
   128:     // their fitnesses)
   129:     if (pop.length <= n) return pop;
   130:     pop.sort(function(a, b) {
   131:         if (a[0] > b[0]) return 1;
   132:         if (a[0] < b[0]) return -1;
   133:         return 0;
   134:     });
   135:     return pop.slice(pop.length - n);
   136: });
   138: var take = c(function(n, stream) {
   139:     // Returns an array of n values taken
   140:     // from the given stream.
   141:     var result = [];
   142:     for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) result.push(stream());
   143:     return result;
   144: });
   146: var cartesian_from_polar = function(angles) {
   147:     // Takes N-1 angles, which are interpreted as
   148:     // polar coordinates in N-dimensional space (with unit radius).
   149:     // The final element of the angle array will be taken mod 360,
   150:     // the rest will be taken mod 180.
   151:     // Returns the equivalent N components of this vector in
   152:     // cartesian space.
   153:     var normalised_angles = (function(these_angles) {
   154:         if (these_angles.length == 0) return [1];
   155:         var result = [];
   156:         for (var i = 1; i < these_angles.length + 1; i++) {
   157:             result[i] = Math.cos(these_angles[i]);
   158:             for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
   159:                 result[i] *= Math.sin(these_angles[j]);
   160:             }
   161:         }
   162:         return result;
   163:     })(angles);
   164:     return, k) {
   165:         var result;
   166:         if (k == these_angles.length - 1) {
   167:             result = v % 360;
   168:             if (result < 0) result = 360 + result;
   169:         }
   170:         else {
   171:             result = v % 180;
   172:             if (result < 0) result = 180 + result;
   173:         }
   174:         return result;
   175:     });
   176: };
   178: var times = c(function(n, val) {
   179:     var result = [];
   180:     while (n--) result.push(val);
   181:     return result;
   182: });
   184: var array_compare = c(function(a, b) {
   185:     // Compare 1D arrays a and b for equality.
   186:     // Uses ===, so won't work with nested arrays.
   187:     if (Array.isArray(a) !== Array.isArray(b)) return false;
   188:     if (!Array.isArray(a)) return a === b;
   189:     if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
   190:     for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
   191:         if (!array_compare(a[i], b[i])) return false;
   192:     }
   193:     return true;
   194: });
   196: var identity = function(x) { return x; };
   198: var n_point_crossover = c(function(points, first, second) {
   199:     // Takes two array-like solutions (first and
   200:     // second) and swaps their elements at n points,
   201:     // chosen by rand.
   202:     var new_first = first.slice(0);
   203:     var new_second = second.slice(0);
   204:     points.forEach(function(n) {
   205:         var chunk1 = new_first.splice(n * new_first.length);
   206:         var chunk2 = new_second.splice(n * new_second.length);
   207:         new_first = new_first.concat(chunk1);
   208:         new_second = new_second.concat(chunk2);
   209:     });
   210:     return [new_first, new_second];
   211: });
   213: var flip_bit = c(function(rand, string) {
   214:     // Takes an array of booleans and a random number
   215:     // between 0 and 1. Indexes the array using the
   216:     // random number and flips the bit.
   217:     if (string.length === 0) return string;
   218:     var index = Math.floor(rand * string.length - 1);
   219:     var copy = string.slice(0, index);
   220:     copy.push(!string[index]);
   221:     return copy.concat(string.slice(index));
   222: });
   224: /////////////////////////////
   225: // Streams and combinators //
   226: /////////////////////////////
   228: var constant = function(val) {
   229:     // A constant stream always gives the same
   230:     // value. This combinator makes constant
   231:     // streams.
   232:     return function() {
   233:         return val;
   234:     };
   235: };
   237: var zeros = function() {
   238:     // A stream of 0s
   239:     return constant(0);
   240: };
   242: var ones = function() {
   243:     // A stream of 1s
   244:     return constant(1);
   245: };
   247: var reduce = c(function(init, f, stream) {
   248:     // Reduce combines the results of a
   249:     // stream using a reduction function.
   250:     // For function f, initial value init
   251:     // and stream values a, b, c, ...
   252:     // reduce returns:
   253:     // f(init, a)
   254:     // f(f(init, a), b)
   255:     // f(f(f(init, a), b), c)
   256:     // ...
   257:     var comb = function() {
   258:         comb = function() {
   259:             init = f(init, stream());
   260:             return init;
   261:         };
   262:         return init;
   263:     };
   264:     return function() {
   265:         return comb();
   266:     };
   267: });
   269: var counter = function() {
   270:     // A useful example of a reduction.
   271:     // Produces a stream of the Naturals
   272:     return reduce(0, plus, ones());
   273: };
   275: var hoard = function(comb) {
   276:     // A reducer which appends all results to an
   277:     // array
   278:     return reduce([], catenate, comb);
   279: };
   281: var delayer = c(function(vals, stream) {
   282:     // Returns each element of the given
   283:     // array, then becomes the given stream
   284:     var index = 0;
   285:     return function() {
   286:         if (index < vals.length) return vals[index++];
   287:         else return stream();
   288:     };
   289: });
   291: var delay = c(function(val, stream) {
   292:     // Returns the given value, then becomes
   293:     // the given stream
   294:     return delayer([val], stream);
   295: });
   297: var map = c(function(f, comb) {
   298:     // Maps the given function over the given
   299:     // stream.
   300:     return function() {
   301:         return f(comb());
   302:     };
   303: });
   305: var iterate = c(function(f, val) {
   306:     // Takes a function f and a value x, returns
   307:     // the stream f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))), ...
   308:     var result = val;
   309:     return function() {
   310:         result = f(result);
   311:         return result;
   312:     };
   313: });
   315: var simple = function() {
   316:     // SIMPLE, as defined by Jurgen Schmidhuber.
   317:     // Returns every binary sequence in ascending
   318:     // order.
   319:     return enumerate([0, 1]);
   320: };
   322: var bbj = c(function(i, o, inc, input, n) {
   323:     // A simple, potentially Turing Complete language,
   324:     // BitBitJump. We have an unbounded memory full of
   325:     // zeros, the start of which is initialised to the
   326:     // binary form of n.
   327:     // We have a program counter (initially 0), an
   328:     // address length (initially 2) and a single
   329:     // instruction which runs over and over:
   330:     // Read 2 addresses x and y, starting at the
   331:     // program counter; copy the bit at x to the bit
   332:     // at y; read a third address from after the
   333:     // program counter, and use this as the new
   334:     // program counter.
   335:     // This implementation uses a bignum (arbitrary
   336:     // size integer) library to store the memory and
   337:     // addresses, but the algorithm just uses +, -, *,
   338:     // /, % and power-of.
   339:     // We parameterise this implementation with input,
   340:     // output and address-size-increment. i is a pair
   341:     // [magic address, destination]; writing 1 to the
   342:     // magic address will read a value from the input
   343:     // stream and write it to the destination address.
   344:     // Similarly o is [magic address, source]; writing
   345:     // a 1 to the magic address will append whatever is
   346:     // at the source address to the output we return.
   347:     // inc is a magic address; writing a 1 to it will
   348:     // increment the address size, which makes us
   349:     // Turing Complete. Note that you can disable any
   350:     // of these by using negative numbers as the magic
   351:     // addresses (hence "potentially Turing Complete",
   352:     // since we're not if inc is inaccessible address)
   353:     load('biginteger.js');
   354:     var one = BigInteger(1);
   355:     var two = BigInteger(2);
   356:     i[0] = BigInteger(i[0]);
   357:     i[1] = BigInteger(i[1]);
   358:     o[0] = BigInteger(o[0]);
   359:     o[1] = BigInteger(o[1]);
   360:     inc = BigInteger(inc);
   361:     var pc = BigInteger(0);
   362:     var mem;
   363:     var w = BigInteger(2);
   364:     if (Array.isArray(n)) mem = BigInteger.parse(n.join(''), 2);
   365:     else mem = BigInteger(n);
   366:     var output = [];
   367:     return function() {
   368: 	// Read a word from the program counter
   369: 	var x = mem.remainder(
   370: 	    two.pow(
   371: 		pc.add(w)
   372: 	    )
   373: 	).subtract(
   374: 	    mem.remainder(
   375: 		two.pow(pc)
   376: 	    )
   377: 	).quotient(
   378: 	    two.pow(pc)
   379: 	);
   381: 	// Read the next word
   382: 	var y = mem.remainder(
   383: 	    two.pow(
   384: 		pc.add(w).add(w)
   385: 	    )
   386: 	).subtract(
   387: 	    mem.remainder(
   388: 		two.pow(
   389: 		    pc.add(w)
   390: 		)
   391: 	    )
   392: 	).quotient(
   393: 	    two.pow(
   394: 		pc.add(w)
   395: 	    )
   396: 	);
   398: 	// Split the memory into above and below the bit to set
   399: 	var higher = mem.subtract(
   400: 	    mem.remainder(
   401: 		two.pow(
   402: 		    y.add(one)
   403: 		)
   404: 	    )
   405: 	);
   406: 	var lower;
   407: 	if ( lower = mem.remainder(
   408: 	    two.pow(
   409: 		y.subtract(one)
   410: 	    )
   411: 	);
   412: 	else lower = 0;
   414: 	// Read the bit we're copying
   415: 	var val = mem.remainder(
   416: 	    two.pow(
   417: 		x.add(one)
   418: 	    )
   419: 	).subtract(
   420: 	    mem.remainder(
   421: 		two.pow(x)
   422: 	    )
   423: 	).quotient(
   424: 	    two.pow(x)
   425: 	).valueOf();
   427: 	// Update the memory (or invoke magic)
   428: 	if (val &&[0]) === 0) {
   429: 	    val = input();
   430: 	    y = i[1];
   431: 	}
   432: 	else if (val &&[0]) === 0) {
   433: 	    output.push(
   434: 		mem.remainder(
   435: 		    two.pow(
   436: 			o[1].add(one)
   437: 		    )
   438: 		).subtract(
   439: 		    mem.remainder(
   440: 			two.pow(o[1])
   441: 		    )
   442: 		).quotient(
   443: 		    two.pow(o[1])
   444: 		).valueOf()
   445: 	    );
   446: 	    val = mem.remainder(
   447: 		two.pow(
   448: 		    y.add(one)
   449: 		)
   450: 	    ).subtract(
   451: 		mem.remainder(
   452: 		    two.pow(y)
   453: 		)
   454: 	    ).quotient(
   455: 		two.pow(y)
   456: 	    ).valueOf();
   457: 	}
   458: 	else if (val && y === inc) {
   459: 	    w = w.add(one);
   460: 	    val = mem.remainder(
   461: 		two.pow(
   462: 		    y.add(one)
   463: 		)
   464: 	    ).subtract(
   465: 		mem.remainder(
   466: 		    two.pow(y)
   467: 		)
   468: 	    ).divide(
   469: 		two.pow(y)
   470: 	    ).valueOf();
   471: 	}
   472: 	mem = higher.add(
   473: 	    two.pow(y).multiply(
   474: 		BigInteger(val)
   475: 	    )
   476: 	).add(lower);
   478: 	// Read the next word and jump where it says
   479: 	pc = mem.remainder(
   480: 	    two.pow(
   481: 		pc.add(
   482: 		    w.multiply(BigInteger(3))
   483: 		)
   484: 	    ).subtract(
   485: 		mem.remainder(
   486: 		    two.pow(
   487: 			pc.add(w).add(w)
   488: 		    )
   489: 		)
   490: 	    )
   491: 	).quotient(
   492: 	    two.pow(
   493: 		pc.add(w).add(w)
   494: 	    )
   495: 	);
   496: 	return output;
   497:     };
   498: });
   500: var bbj_pure = bbj([-1, -1], [-1, -1], -1, function(){});
   502: var bbj_io = bbj([0,1], [2,3], 4);
   504: var bbj_outputter = bbj([-1, -2], [0, 1], 2, function(){});
   506: var bbj_lazy = function(){  };
   508: /////////////////////////////
   509: // Streams and combinators //
   510: /////////////////////////////
   512: var constant = function(val) {
   513:     // A constant stream always gives the same
   514:     // value. This combinator makes constant
   515:     // streams.
   516:     return function() {
   517:         return val;
   518:     };
   519: };
   521: var zeros = function() {
   522:     // A stream of 0s
   523:     return constant(0);
   524: };
   526: var ones = function() {
   527:     // A stream of 1s
   528:     return constant(1);
   529: };
   531: var reduce = c(function(init, f, stream) {
   532:     // Reduce combines the results of a
   533:     // stream using a reduction function.
   534:     // For function f, initial value init
   535:     // and stream values a, b, c, ...
   536:     // reduce returns:
   537:     // f(init, a)
   538:     // f(f(init, a), b)
   539:     // f(f(f(init, a), b), c)
   540:     // ...
   541:     var comb = function() {
   542:         comb = function() {
   543:             init = f(init, stream());
   544:             return init;
   545:         };
   546:         return init;
   547:     };
   548:     return function() {
   549:         return comb();
   550:     };
   551: });
   553: var counter = function() {
   554:     // A useful example of a reduction.
   555:     // Produces a stream of the Naturals
   556:     return reduce(0, plus, ones());
   557: };
   559: var hoard = function(comb) {
   560:     // A reducer which appends all results to an
   561:     // array
   562:     return reduce([], catenate, comb);
   563: };
   565: var delayer = c(function(vals, stream) {
   566:     // Returns each element of the given
   567:     // array, then becomes the given stream
   568:     var index = 0;
   569:     return function() {
   570:         if (index < vals.length) return vals[index++];
   571:         else return stream();
   572:     };
   573: });
   575: var delay = c(function(val, stream) {
   576:     // Returns the given value, then becomes
   577:     // the given stream
   578:     return delayer([val], stream);
   579: });
   581: var map = c(function(f, comb) {
   582:     // Maps the given function over the given
   583:     // stream.
   584:     return function() {
   585:         return f(comb());
   586:     };
   587: });
   589: var iterate = c(function(f, val) {
   590:     // Takes a function f and a value x, returns
   591:     // the stream f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))), ...
   592:     var result = val;
   593:     return function() {
   594:         result = f(result);
   595:         return result;
   596:     };
   597: });
   599: var simple = function() {
   600:     // SIMPLE, as defined by Jurgen Schmidhuber.
   601:     // Returns every binary sequence in ascending
   602:     // order.
   603:     return carrying_counter(2);
   604: };
   606: var fast = c(function(symbols, run) {
   607:     // FAST, as defined by Jurgen Schmidhuber.
   608:     // Runs every program using the given
   609:     // symbols for an ever-increasing number
   610:     // of steps. Each result is the output of
   611:     // the next program.
   612:     // The step function should return a pair
   613:     // [p, output] where p can be anything, as
   614:     // long as it can be passed as step's
   615:     // input. step should also accept an array
   616:     // of symbols instead, as this is how it's
   617:     // initialised. If no output is generated
   618:     // in a step, then make the output []
   619:     var phase = 1;
   620:     return map (
   621:         function(a) {
   622: 	    var r = run(a);
   623: 	    skipper(
   624:                 constant(Math.pow(symbols.length, phase - a.length)),
   625:                 r
   626: 	    )();
   627: 	    return r();
   628:         },
   629:         phases(
   630:             function() {
   631:                 return enumerate(symbols);
   632:             },
   633:             function () { return phase++; }
   634:         )
   635:     );
   636: });
   638: var fast_bbj_out = function() { return fast([0,1], bbj_outputter); };
   640: var fast_bbj_in = function(input) { return fast([0,1], bbj_io(input)); };
   642: var uniform_randoms = function() {
   643:     // Generates random x where 0 <= x < 1
   644:     return Math.random;
   645: };
   647: var scaled_randoms = function(ns) {
   648:     // Generates random floats x where
   649:     // 0 <= x < n
   650:     return map(
   651:         function(a) {
   652:             return ns()*a;
   653: 	},
   654:         uniform_randoms()
   655:     );
   656: };
   658: var random_ints = function(ns) {
   659:     // Generates random integers x where 0 <= x < n
   660:     return map(
   661:         Math.floor,
   662:         scaled_randoms(ns)
   663:     );
   664: };
   666: var random_bits = function() {
   667:     // Generates random bits
   668:     return random_ints(constant(2));
   669: };
   671: var random_steps = function() {
   672:     // Chooses randomly between 1 and -1
   673:     return map(
   674:         plus(-1),
   675:         map(
   676:             multiply(2),
   677:             random_bits()
   678:         )
   679:     );
   680: };
   682: var random_walker = function(steps) {
   683:     // Unbiased 1D random walk generator, using a stream
   684:     // of step sizes.
   685:     return reduce(
   686:         0,
   687:         plus,
   688:         product(
   689:             multiply,
   690:             random_steps(),
   691:             steps
   692:         )
   693:     );
   694: };
   696: var random_walk = function() {
   697:     // Standard 1D random walk
   698:     return random_walker(ones());
   699: };
   701: var product = c(function(f, as, bs) {
   702:     // Combines two streams using a function
   703:     return function() {
   704: 	return f(as(), bs());
   705:     };
   706: });
   708: var make_pareto = function(scale) {
   709:     // Returns samples from a Pareto distribution,
   710:     // an inverse power law.
   711:     // This implements Math.pow(Math.random(), -1 / scale)
   712:     return map(
   713: 	function(r) {
   714: 	    return Math.pow(1.0 - r, -1 /scale());
   715: 	},
   716: 	uniform_randoms()
   717:     );
   718: };
   720: var pareto = function() {
   721:     // Standard Pareto distribution
   722:     make_pareto(ones());
   723: };
   725: var levy_flight = function() {
   726:     // 1D Levy Flight; a random walk with random step
   727:     // sizes, chosen with a heavy-tailed probability
   728:     // density (in this case a Pareto distribution)
   729:     return random_walker(pareto());
   730: };
   732: var make_exponential = function(base) {
   733:     // Gives random (natural) numbers from an
   734:     // exponentially decaying probability distribution.
   735:     return function() {
   736: 	var sample = 1 - Math.random();
   737: 	var result = 0;
   738: 	while (1.0 / Math.pow(base, result+1) < sample) {
   739: 	    sample -= 1.0 / Math.pow(base, result+1);
   740: 	    result++;
   741: 	}
   742: 	return result;
   743:     };
   744: };
   746: var binary_exponential = function() { return make_exponential(2); };
   748: var zip_with = c(function(f, comb1, comb2) {
   749:     // Combines two streams using the given function
   750:     return function() {
   751:         return f(comb1(), comb2());
   752:     };
   753: });
   755: var guess = c(function(step, symbols, symbol_choice, phase_choice) {
   756:     // GUESS, as defined by Jurgen Schmidhuber.
   757:     // Creates random programs and runs them
   758:     // for a random number of steps. Returns
   759:     // the output generated by the program.
   760:     // [] means no output for a given step.
   762:     // t controls each run to force halting
   763:     var t;
   764:     // A stream of input symbols.
   765:     // We decrease t as input is read, so
   766:     // that longer programs are given less
   767:     // time.
   768:     var input = finite_chooser(
   769:         symbols,
   770:         filter(
   771:             function(x) {
   772:                 t /= symbols.length;
   773:                 return true;
   774:             },
   775:             symbol_choice
   776:         )
   777:     );
   778:     return function() {
   779:         t = phase_choice();
   780: 	var steps_taken = 0;
   781:         var max_cell = 0;
   782:         var mem = function(index) {
   783:             while (index > max_cell) {
   784: 	        mem[max_cell++] = input();
   785:             }
   786: 	    return mem[index];
   787:         };
   789: 	var output = [];
   790: 	var instance = step(mem);
   791: 	var result;
   792: 	while (steps_taken <= t) {
   793: 	    result = instance();
   794: 	    if (result !== []) output.push(result);
   795: 	};
   796: 	return output;
   797:     };
   798: });
   800: var guess_bbj_out = function() { return guess(bbj_lazy, [0, 1], random_bits(), binary_exponential()); };
   802: var make_scattered = c(function(ns, nil, comb, choice) {
   803:     // Creates arrays a with lengths taken from ns.
   804:     // Element a[choice()] = comb(), everything else
   805:     // is nil().
   806:     return function() {
   807:         var index = choice();
   808:         var result = [];
   809:         var length = ns();
   810:         for (var i=0; i < length; i++) {
   811:             if (i == index) result.push(comb());
   812:             else result.push(nil());
   813:         }
   814:         return result;
   815:     };
   816: });
   818: var make_manhattan_steps = c(function(n, directions, steps) {
   819:     // Generalises a 1D stream of steps to N
   820:     // dimensions. The steps are 0 in every direction
   821:     // except for those chosen by a stream of integers
   822:     // between 0 and N-1 inclusive.
   823:     return make_scattered(
   824:         constant(n),
   825:         constant(0),
   826:         steps,
   827:         directions
   828:     );
   829: });
   831: var finite_chooser = c(function(array, choices) {
   832:     // Chooses values from the given array, according
   833:     // to the indices given by choices
   834:     return function() {
   835: 	return array[choices()];
   836:     };
   837: });
   839: var chooser = c(function(streams, choices) {
   840:     // Interleaves N streams according to a stream of
   841:     // integer choices from 0 to N-1
   842:     return function() {
   843:         return (streams[choices()])();
   844:     };
   845: });
   847: var interleave = function(streams) {
   848:     // Turns an array of streams into a stream of their
   849:     // results, cycling through the array.
   850:     var choice = 0;
   851:     return chooser(
   852:         streams,
   853:         function() { return choice = ++choice % streams.length; }
   854:     );
   855: };
   857: var vectors = function(streams) {
   858:     // Makes an N-dimensional vector from N scalars,
   859:     // using one stream for each dimension.
   860:     return function() {
   861:         var result = [];
   862:         var n = streams.length;
   863:         for (var i=0; i < n; i++) {
   864:             result.push((streams[i])());
   865:         }
   866:         return result;
   867:     };
   868: };
   870: var parallel_map = c(function(fs, stream) {
   871:     // Takes a stream of arrays and an array of functions, returning
   872:     // arrays where element i is functions[i](input[i])
   873:     return map(
   874:         function(arr) {
   875:             return, k) { return fs[k](v); });
   876:         },
   877:         stream
   878:     );
   879: });
   881: var nested_map = c(function(f, stream) {
   882:     // Takes a stream of arrays and maps the given function over
   883:     // all of the members.
   884:     return map(
   885:         function(arr) { return; },
   886:         stream
   887:     );
   888: });
   890: var tag = c(function(f, comb) {
   891:     // Returns pairs of [f(x), x] where x is drawn from the given
   892:     // stream.
   893:     return function() {
   894:         var val = comb();
   895:         return [f(val), val];
   896:     };
   897: });
   899: var carrying_counter = function(n) {
   900:     // A stream of all sequences of numbers which
   901:     // are less than the given integer. For
   902:     // example, given 3 we would get the stream:
   903:     // [0], [1], [2], [0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2],
   904:     // [1. 0], [1, 1], etc.
   905:     var result = [-1];
   906:     var index = 0;
   907:     return function() {
   908:         result[index] = result[index] + 1;
   909:         while (result[index] >= n) {
   910:             result[index] = 0;
   911:             index--;
   912:             if (index < 0) {
   913:                 result.push(0);
   914:                 index = result.length - 1;
   915:             }
   916:             else result[index] = result[index] + 1;
   917:         }
   918:         index = result.length - 1;
   919:         return result;
   920:     };
   921: };
   923: var enumerate = function(alphabet) {
   924:     // Returns all strings of the given alphabet, in
   925:     // size-increasing lexicographic order. The
   926:     // alphabet is an array of arbitrary symbols.
   927:     var counter = carrying_counter(alphabet.length);
   928:     return function() {
   929:         return counter().map(function(v) {
   930:             return alphabet[v];
   931:         });
   932:     };
   933: };
   935: var phases = c(function(stream_builder, ns) {
   936:     // Takes a stream-of-streams-of-arrays. Also
   937:     // takes a stream of numbers.
   938:     // We take a number, and a stream of arrays,
   939:     // and keep returning the arrays until one's
   940:     // length is more than our number. We then
   941:     // take the next number and stream, etc.
   942:     var n = ns();
   943:     var stream = stream_builder();
   944:     return function() {
   945: 	var result = stream();
   946:         while (result.length > n) {
   947: 	    n = ns();
   948: 	    stream = stream_builder();
   949: 	    result = stream();
   950: 	}
   951: 	return result;
   952:     };
   953: });
   955: var filter = c(function(f, comb) {
   956:     // Only returns those values from the given
   957:     // combinator for which f(value) == true.
   958:     // WARNING: This will only terminate once it
   959:     // finds a value which passes the test! Only
   960:     // use it when you know this will take a
   961:     // finite number of attempts (or else make sure
   962:     // to have another process ready to kill this
   963:     // one!)
   964:     return function() {
   965:         var val = comb();
   966:         while (!f(val)) {
   967:              val = comb();
   968:         }
   969:         return val;
   970:     };
   971: });
   973: var skipper = c(function(ns, comb) {
   974:     // Discards n values from the given combinator,
   975:     // then returns the next one. The number to
   976:     // discard is taken from a combinator too.
   977:     return function() {
   978:         var n = ns();
   979:         while (n--) {
   980:             comb();
   981:         }
   982:         return comb();
   983:     };
   984: });
   986: var chunk = c(function(ns, comb) {
   987:     // Reads numbers from ns and returns arrays of
   988:     // that many values from comb.
   989:     return function() {
   990: 	return take(ns(), comb);
   991:     };
   992: });
   994: var make_population = c(function(ns, source, kill) {
   995:     // Maintains a population with sizes taken from ns.
   996:     // The source combinator is used when new values are
   997:     // needed, and the kill function is used to prune a
   998:     // population, via kill(pop, n).
   999:     var pop = [];
  1000:     return function() {
  1001:         var size = ns();
  1002:         while (pop.length < size) {
  1003:             pop.push(source());
  1004:         }
  1005:         while (pop.length > size) {
  1006:             pop = kill(pop, size);
  1007:         }
  1008:         return pop;
  1009:     };
  1010: });
  1012: var survivors = c(function(ns, comb, fitness) {
  1013:     // Makes a population where each has a fitness, and
  1014:     // keeps the fittest when pruning.
  1015:     return make_population(
  1016:         ns,
  1017:         tag(fitness, comb),
  1018:         tagged_pruner
  1019:     );
  1020: });
  1022: var make_breeders = c(function(ns, f, kill) {
  1023:     // Makes a population where the new members are a
  1024:     // function of the existing members. The population
  1025:     // size is set by ns, the function to make new
  1026:     // members is f and the pruning function is kill.
  1027:     var pop = [];
  1028:     var comb = make_population(
  1029:         ns,
  1030:         function() {
  1031:             return f(pop);
  1032:         },
  1033:         kill
  1034:     );
  1035:     return function() {
  1036:         pop = comb();
  1037:         return pop;
  1038:     };
  1039: });
  1041: var make_survival_breeders = c(function(ns, f, fitness) {
  1042:     // Makes a population where the new members are a
  1043:     // function of the existing members. Each is given a
  1044:     // fitness, and the fittest are kept during pruning.
  1045:     return make_breeders(
  1046:         ns,
  1047:         function(pop) {
  1048:             var val = f(pop);
  1049:             return [fitness(val), val];
  1050:         },
  1051:         tagged_pruner
  1052:     );
  1053: });
  1055: var make_fittest = function(comb) {
  1056:     // Returns the fittest individual from a population
  1057:     // of fitness-tagged values (ie. [f(x),x] )
  1058:     return function() {
  1059:         var pop = comb();
  1060:         var fittest = 0;
  1061:         var fitness = pop[0][0];
  1062:         for (var i=0; i < pop.length; i++) {
  1063:             if (pop[i][0] > fitness) {
  1064:                 fittest = i;
  1065:                 fitness = pop[i][0];
  1066:             }
  1067:         }
  1068: 	return pop[fittest][1];
  1069:     };
  1070: };
  1072: var mutate = c(function(choices, step) {
  1073:     return map(function(a) {
  1074:         if (choices()) {
  1075:             return step(a);
  1076:         }
  1077:         return a;
  1078:     });
  1079: });
  1081: var extremal_optimiser = c(function(source, fitness, size) {
  1082:     // Performs extremal optimisation. This is similar
  1083:     // to a genetic algorithm but rather than finding
  1084:     // fit solutions and breeding them, we find weak
  1085:     // solutions and replace them. This results in a
  1086:     // hill climbing behaviour with occasional jumps
  1087:     // between hills.
  1089:     // We maintain a population of solutions drawn
  1090:     // from source, where the weakest are pruned
  1091:     // if the population size decreases. When called,
  1092:     // we set the population to size-1 (pruning the
  1093:     // weakest solution) then set it back to size and
  1094:     // return the result.
  1095:     return skipper(ones(),
  1096: 	survivors(
  1097: 	    interleave(constant(size-1), constant(size)),
  1098: 	    source,
  1099: 	    fitness
  1100: 	)
  1101:     );
  1102: });
  1104: var informed_chooser = function(next) {
  1105:     // Returns arrays with elements taken from
  1106:     // the given function. Each time, we call
  1107:     // it with the partial array we've built
  1108:     // so far. It should return pairs [a, b]
  1109:     // where a is a boolean for whether to
  1110:     // stop and b is the value to push on the
  1111:     // array.
  1112:     return function() {
  1113: 	var result = [];
  1114: 	filter(
  1115: 	    function(a) {
  1116: 		if (!a[0]) result.push(a[1]);
  1117: 		return a[0];
  1118: 	    },
  1119: 	    function() { return next(result); }
  1120: 	)();
  1121: 	return result;
  1122:     };
  1123: };
  1125: var levin_builder = function(matrix) {
  1126:     // Returns arrays of numbers based on their
  1127:     // probability, where the given matrix tells
  1128:     // us the probability of each symbol
  1129:     // based on the program so far. The
  1130:     // probability of ending the array is 1 -
  1131:     // the sum of the symbol probabilities.
  1132:     return informed_chooser(
  1133: 	function(so_far) {
  1134: 	    var probs = matrix['['+so_far.join(',')+']'];
  1135:             var sample = Math.random();
  1136:             for (var i = 0; i < probs.length; i++) {
  1137: 		if (sample <= probs[i]) return [false, i];
  1138: 		sample -= probs[i];
  1139: 	    }
  1140: 	    return [true, probs.length];
  1141: 	}
  1142:     );
  1143: };
  1145: var levin_search = c(function(matrices, step) {
  1146:     // How do we get the number of steps to take?
  1147:     return levin_builder(matrices());
  1148: });
  1150: var oops = c(function(symbols, step, test) {
  1151:     // Schmidhuber's "Optimal Ordered Problem
  1152:     // Solver". Similar to FAST, but remembers the
  1153:     // last successful program. When given a new
  1154:     // problem, it interleaves new programs with
  1155:     // continuations of the old program, to
  1156:     // potentially speed up the search.
  1157:     var solution_stream = fast(symbols, step);
  1158:     return filter(
  1159:         function(a) {
  1160: 	    if (test(a)) {
  1161: 		solution_stream = interleave(
  1162: 		    map(
  1163: 			concat(a),
  1164: 			phases(
  1165: 			    function() {
  1166: 				return enumerate(symbols);
  1167: 			    },
  1168: 			    counter()
  1169: 			)
  1170: 		    ),
  1171: 		    fast(symbols, step)
  1172: 		);
  1173: 		return true;
  1174: 	    }
  1175: 	    return false;
  1176: 	},
  1177:         function() {
  1178: 	    return solution_stream();
  1179: 	}
  1180:     );
  1181: });
  1183: var adaptive_levin = function() {
  1184:     // Runs a Levin Search, but our probability
  1185:     // matrix is updated whenever we find an
  1186:     // acceptable solution.
  1187: };
  1189: var ratchet = function(stream) {
  1190:     // Always returns the best solution found so far
  1191:     var best;
  1192:     var fittest = -Infinity;
  1193:     return map(
  1194:         function(a) {
  1195:             if (a[0] > fittest) {
  1196:                 fittest = a[0];
  1197:                 best = a[1];
  1198:             }
  1199:             return best;
  1200:         },
  1201:         stream
  1202:     );
  1203: };
  1205: var exhaustive = c(function(stream, symbols) {
  1206:     // Makes the given search stream exhaustive by
  1207:     // taking every other result from a brute-force
  1208:     // enumeration of the given symbols
  1209:     return interleave([stream, enumerate(symbols)]);
  1210: });
  1212: var tabu = c(function(ns, stream) {
  1213:     // Remembers up to n previous results,
  1214:     // and only gives out a value if it's
  1215:     // not in it's remembered list. n is
  1216:     // drawn from ns on each call.
  1217:     var mem = [];
  1218:     return function() {
  1219: 	var n = ns();
  1220: 	while (mem.length > n) mem.shift();
  1221: 	var val;
  1222: 	do {
  1223: 	    val = stream();
  1224: 	} while (;
  1225: 	mem.push(val);
  1226: 	if (mem.length > n) mem.shift();
  1227: 	return val;
  1228:     };
  1229: });
  1231: var innovator = function(stream) {
  1232:     // Remembers all previous values,
  1233:     // only gives out values it's not
  1234:     // seen before.
  1235:     // NOTE: Don't ask for more values
  1236:     // than there are in your domain.
  1237:     // For example, asking for 3 bits
  1238:     // will hang!
  1239:     return tabu(map(plus(1), counter()), stream);
  1240: };
  1242: var aixi = function(predictor, experimentor, inputs, rewards) {
  1243:     // AIXI, as defined by Marcus Hutter.
  1244:     // AIXI tries to give output which
  1245:     // maximises the rewards, using
  1246:     // information from the input stream.
  1247:     // First we try to build a model of
  1248:     // the input an reward streams, which
  1249:     // predictor is used for.
  1250:     // Once we have a good model, we find
  1251:     // a good output for the model using
  1252:     // experimentor.
  1253: }

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