warbo-utilities: 100a78dc53c4205be6d0a09b5163d479e87a6d9f

     1: From: Chris Warburton
     2: Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 01:52:53 +0000
     3: State: resolved
     4: Subject: Support code-folding of debug output
     5: Message-Id: <a12e8f41fb9e993f-0-artemis@nixos>
     6: resolution: fixed
     8: It's a good idea to dump out ephemeral information as we go, in case
     9: it's useful for diagnosing an error which occurs later. For example, we
    10: might print out the content of a file, then try parsing it, etc.
    12: Yet this data is useless when things work properly, which (if we're
    13: doing it right) should be most of the time.
    15: Since we use Emacs to run commands, perhaps we could delimit such
    16: messages in a way that Emacs will automatically code-fold them. That way
    17: they're there if we need them, but we can skip over them when we don't
    18: care.

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