warbo-utilities: 722123398b45891cdc525b2d2d947ebab1940bbb

     1: From: Chris Warburton
     2: Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 13:42:25 +0000
     3: Subject: Re: Support code-folding of debug output
     4: Message-Id: <a12e8f41fb9e993f-b9487762a4f9bd6b-artemis@nixos>
     5: References: <a12e8f41fb9e993f-0-artemis@nixos>
     6: In-Reply-To: <a12e8f41fb9e993f-0-artemis@nixos>
     8: We can use folding-mode to make Emacs automatically fold text:
    10: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/18007/folding-mode-start-fully-folded
    12: This seems to apply to opened files. Not sure how we'd do it in
    13: shell-mode as command input is streaming in... Maybe ask in #emacs?

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