warbo-utilities: 0676efd21375585a3ba0f3b5b8e0a4d007db4445

     1: From: Chris Warburton
     2: Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 15:11:14 +0000
     3: State: resolved
     4: Subject: Make trackGit generate git pages
     5: Message-Id: <fd89c9031a755dc0-0-artemis@nixos>
     6: resolution: fixed
     8: Each repo gets a 'foo.git' directory on chriswarbo.net, but it should
     9: also get a 'foo' directory.
    11: We should use 'genGitHtml' to create these pages in
    12: ~/Programming/git-html, then run 'pushGitPages' to push them upstream.

Generated by git2html.