warbo-utilities: 14f91bd725cefebf691c9b47b8470766ef87eac9

     1: #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2: set -e
     4: function fail {
     5:     echo "$*" 1>&2
     6:     exit 1
     7: }
     9: # Simple, quick sanity check. Useful as a git pre-commit hook.
    10: find . -name "*.nix" -type f | while read -r F
    11: do
    12:     echo "Checking '$F'" 1>&2
    13:     nix-instantiate --parse "$F" > /dev/null
    14: done
    16: echo "Looking for dodgy path references" 1>&2
    17: find . -not -path '*/\.*' -name '*.nix' | while read -r F  # grep -R is slow
    18: do
    19:     if grep '\.\./raw' < "$F"
    20:     then
    21:         echo "Don't use 'raw' as a path in '$F', use the 'raw' variable" 1>&2
    22:         echo "since that preserves relative paths between files."        1>&2
    23:         exit 1
    24:     fi
    25: done
    27: echo "Checking dependencies are up to date" 1>&2
    28: F="warbo-packages.nix"
    29: diff "$F" <(update-nix-fetchgit < "$F") || {
    30:     echo  "Out of date: $F"
    31:     exit 1
    32: } 1>&2
    34: echo "Checking that haskell-nix derivations are cached" 1>&2
    35: grep -R -l 'haskell-nix' | grep '\.nix$' | while read -r F
    36: do
    37:     grep -q 'plan-sha256' < "$F" || {
    38:         echo "File '$F' uses haskell-nix without caching a plan-sha256" 1>&2
    39:         fail "Build the package and follow the instructions in 'trace'"
    40:     }
    41:     grep -q 'materialized' < "$F" || {
    42:         echo "File '$F' uses haskell-nix without a materialised plan"   1>&2
    43:         fail "Build the package and follow the instructions in 'trace'"
    44:     }
    46:     GOT=$(grep -o 'raw\.[^;]*plan[^;]*' < "$F") ||
    47:         fail "Couldn't find any '../raw' reference in haskell-nix file '$F'"
    48:     D=$(echo "$GOT" | head -n1 | sed -e 's@raw\.@raw/@g' -e 's@$@/.plan.nix@g')
    49:     unset GOT
    51:     [[ -d "$D" ]] || fail "Couldn't find cache directory '$D' for '$F'"
    52:     COUNT=$(find "$D" -type f -name '*.nix' | wc -l)
    53:     [[ "$COUNT" -gt 0 ]] || fail "No .nix files in '$D'"
    54:     if [[ "$COUNT" -eq 1 ]]
    55:     then
    56:         X=$(readlink -f "$D"/*.nix)
    57:     else
    58:         # There are multiple files which may contain the main definition we're
    59:         # using. Try finding one whose name also appears in $F.
    60:         FOUND=0
    61:         for POSSIBLE in "$D"/*.nix
    62:         do
    63:             N=$(basename "$POSSIBLE" .nix)
    64:             if grep -q "\"$N\"" < "$F"
    65:             then
    66:                 [[ "$FOUND" -eq 0 ]] ||
    67:                     fail "Ambiguity: Multiple files in '$D' are found in '$F'"
    68:                 X="$POSSIBLE"
    69:             fi
    70:         done
    71:         unset FOUND
    72:         unset POSSIBLE
    73:     fi
    75:        FOUNDNAME=$(grep 'identifier' < "$X"      |
    76:                    grep -o 'name *= *"[^"]*"'    |
    77:                    grep -o '"[^"]*"'             ) || fail "No name in '$X'"
    78:     FOUNDVERSION=$(grep 'identifier' < "$X"      |
    79:                    grep -o 'version *= *"[^"]*"' |
    80:                    grep -o '"[^"]*"'             ) || fail "No version '$X'"
    81:     unset D
    83:     grep -q -F "$FOUNDNAME" < "$F" ||
    84:         fail "Expected name '$FOUNDNAME' in '$F', not found"
    85:     grep -q -F "$FOUNDVERSION" < "$F" ||
    86:         fail "Expected version '$FOUNDVERSION' in '$F', not found"
    87:     unset FOUNDNAME
    88:     unset FOUNDVERSION
    89: done

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