warbo-utilities: a2cc822004af49c27384007b3c106bb272dcefdb

     1: #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2: set -e
     4: ## Looks in the current directory for a git repo and integrates it with our git
     5: ## hosting infrastructure. This script should be idempotent, so we can run it in
     6: ## an existing repo to set up new parts of our infrastructure.
     8: REPOS="/home/chris/Programming/repos"
    10: # Ensure we're in an appropriate git repo, and get its top-level directory
    12: if echo "$PWD" | grep -q "$REPOS"
    13: then
    14:     echo "trackGit should be called from a working copy, not a bare clone" 1>&2
    15:     exit 1
    16: fi
    18: if ! ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
    19: then
    20:     echo "trackGit must be run from a git repo. Try 'git init' first." 1>&2
    21:     exit 1
    22: fi
    24: # Working dirs can be called anything, so check upstream for a repo name
    26: origin=""
    27: name=""
    28: if git remote | grep -q '^origin$'
    29: then
    30:     # We have an 'origin' remote. Check if it points to our $REPOS dir
    31:     origin=$(git remote get-url origin)
    32:     if echo "$origin" | grep -q "$REPOS"
    33:     then
    34:         name=$(basename "$origin" .git)
    35:     fi
    36: fi
    38: # Repo name is important since it's used in paths, etc. so confirm with user
    40: if [[ -n "$name" ]]
    41: then
    42:     read -r -p "Found repo name '$name', is this correct? (Y/n)? " answer
    43:     case "${answer:0:1}" in
    44:         n|N )
    45:             name=""
    46:             ;;
    47:     esac
    48: fi
    50: if [[ -z "$name" ]]
    51: then
    52:     echo "Enter project name (.git will be appended automatically)"
    53:     read -r name
    54: fi
    56: # Make sure we have a local bare clone in $REPOS, following our naming scheme
    58: localRepo="$REPOS/$name.git"
    60: if [[ -d "$localRepo" ]]
    61: then
    62:     echo "Found existing '$localRepo'" 1>&2
    63: else
    64:     pushd "$REPOS" > /dev/null
    65:         echo "Cloning $ROOT to $localRepo" 1>&2
    66:         git clone --bare "$ROOT" "$name.git"
    67:     popd > /dev/null
    68:     pushd "$localRepo" > /dev/null
    69:         git remote rm origin  # We're upstream, but default is downstream
    70:     popd > /dev/null
    71: fi
    73: # Make sure the local bare clone is setup to push to a remote bare clone
    75: remoteRepo="chris@chriswarbo.net:/opt/repos/$name.git"
    76: pushd "$localRepo" > /dev/null
    77:     rOrigin=""
    78:     if git remote | grep '^origin$'
    79:     then
    80:         rOrigin=$(git remote get-url origin)
    81:     fi
    82:     if [[ "$rOrigin" = "$remoteRepo" ]]
    83:     then
    84:         echo "$localRepo is setup to push to chriswarbo.net" 1>&2
    85:     else
    86:         if [[ -n "$rOrigin" ]]
    87:         then
    88:             echo "Expected $localRepo origin $remoteRepo not '$rOrigin'" 1>&2
    89:             read -r -p "Keep origin '$rOrigin' of $localRepo? (Y/n)? " answer
    90:             case "${answer:0:1}" in
    91:                 n|N )
    92:                     git remote rm origin
    93:                     rOrigin=""
    94:                     ;;
    95:             esac
    96:         fi
    97:     fi
    98:     if [[ -z "$rOrigin" ]]
    99:     then
   100:         echo "Pointing $localRepo to $remoteRepo" 1>&2
   101:         git remote add origin "$remoteRepo"
   102:     fi
   103: popd > /dev/null
   105: # Make sure the working dir is setup to push to the local bare clone
   107: origin=""
   108: if git remote | grep '^origin$' 1>&2
   109: then
   110:     # We have an 'origin' remote, we need to see if it's our $REPOS dir
   111:     origin=$(git remote get-url origin)
   112: fi
   113: if [[ "$origin" = "$localRepo" ]]
   114: then
   115:     echo "$ROOT is setup to push to $localRepo" 1>&2
   116: else
   117:     if [[ -n "$origin" ]]
   118:     then
   119:         echo "Expected $ROOT origin $localRepo not '$origin'" 1>&2
   120:         read -r -p "Keep origin '$origin' of $ROOT? (Y/n)? " answer
   121:         case "${answer:0:1}" in
   122:             n|N )
   123:                 git remote rm origin
   124:                 origin=""
   125:                 ;;
   126:         esac
   127:     fi
   128: fi
   129: if [[ -z "$origin" ]]
   130: then
   131:     echo "Adding $localRepo as remote origin for $ROOT" 1>&2
   132:     git remote add origin "$localRepo"
   133: fi
   135: # Check if we need to generate HTML pages for this repo
   136: HTML="/opt/html/$name"
   137: if ssh chriswarbo.net true
   138: then
   139:     # shellcheck disable=SC2029
   140:     if ssh chriswarbo.net "test -e '$HTML/index.html'"
   141:     then
   142:         echo "Found existing HTML directory '$HTML' on chriswarbo.net" 1>&2
   143:     else
   144:         MAKEHTML=1
   145:         echo "No HTML '$HTML/index.html' found on chriswarbo.net" 1>&2
   146:         read -r -p "Should we create 'chriswarbo.net:$HTML'? (Y/n)? " answer
   147:         case "${answer:0:1}" in
   148:             n|N )
   149:                 MAKEHTML=0
   150:                 ;;
   151:         esac
   152:         [[ "$MAKEHTML" -eq 0 ]] || pushGitPages "$localRepo"
   153:         unset MAKEHTML
   154:     fi
   155: else
   156:     echo "Couldn't ssh to chriswarbo.net, not checking for HTML pages" 1>&2
   157: fi
   159: # Check if we have an asv.conf.json
   160: ASV_CONF=0
   161: # shellcheck disable=SC2034
   162: while read -r F
   163: do
   164:     ASV_CONF=1
   165: done < <(find . -name 'asv.conf.json')
   167: # If we have no asv.conf.json, ask to make one
   168: ASV_TEMPLATE="$HOME/.templates/asv.conf.json.template"
   169: if [[ "$ASV_CONF" -eq 0 ]] && [[ -e "$ASV_TEMPLATE" ]]
   170: then
   171:     read -r -p "No asv.conf.json, create from $ASV_TEMPLATE? (y/N)? " answer
   172:     case "${answer:0:1}" in
   173:         y|Y )
   174:             ASV_CONF=1
   175:             ;;
   176:     esac
   177:     if [[ "$ASV_CONF" -eq 1 ]]
   178:     then
   179:         sed -e "s/PROJECT_NAME/$name/g" < "$ASV_TEMPLATE" > asv.conf.json
   180:     fi
   181: fi
   182: unset ASV_TEMPLATE
   184: # If we have an asv.conf.json in the default location, see if its benchmark_dir
   185: # already exists, and ask to create if not
   186: ASV_CONF="$PWD/asv.conf.json"
   187: if [[ -e "$ASV_CONF" ]]
   188: then
   189:     BENCHMARK_DIR=$(grep -v '^ *//' < "$ASV_CONF" | jq -r '.benchmark_dir')
   191:     [[ -e "$BENCHMARK_DIR" ]] || {
   192:         read -r -p "Dir $BENCHMARK_DIR not found, create (y/N)? " answer
   193:         case "${answer:0:1}" in
   194:             y|Y )
   195:                 mkdir -p "$BENCHMARK_DIR"
   196:                 ;;
   197:         esac
   198:     }
   200:     # Benchmark dir should contain an __init__.py to avoid problems
   201:     [[ -e "$BENCHMARK_DIR" ]] && {
   202:         BENCHMARK_PY="$BENCHMARK_DIR/__init__.py"
   203:         [[ -e "$BENCHMARK_PY" ]] || {
   204:             read -r -p "No $BENCHMARK_PY found, create empty one (y/N)? " answer
   205:             case "${answer:0:1}" in
   206:                 y|Y )
   207:                     touch "$BENCHMARK_PY"
   208:                     ;;
   209:             esac
   210:         }
   211:         unset BENCHMARK_PY
   212:     }
   214:     # Should we ask to create a default.nix in the benchmark_dir?
   215:     BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE="$HOME/.templates/benchmark_default.template"
   216:     if [[ -e "$BENCHMARK_DIR" ]] && [[ -e "$BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE" ]]
   217:     then
   218:         BENCHMARK_NIX="$BENCHMARK_DIR/default.nix"
   219:         [[ -e "$BENCHMARK_NIX" ]] || {
   220:             read -r -p "No $BENCHMARK_NIX, create one? (y/N)? " answer
   221:             case "${answer:0:1}" in
   222:                 y|Y )
   223:                     cp -v "$BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE" "$BENCHMARK_NIX"
   224:                     ;;
   225:             esac
   226:         }
   227:         unset BENCHMARK_NIX
   228:     fi
   229:     unset BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE
   230:     unset BENCHMARK_DIR
   231: fi
   232: unset ASV_CONF
   234: echo "Checking $REPOS in case we made changes which need propagating" 1>&2
   235: cd "$REPOS" || exit 1
   236: sh check.sh

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