warbo-utilities: 2d386d0d4aa875e0d0a7d0ca6f2953032842c668

     1: { attrsToDirs, bash, ipfs, runCommand, wrap, writeScript }:
     3: with rec {
     4:   ipfsBin = wrap {
     5:     name = "ipfsBin";
     6:     script = ''
     7:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
     8:       if command -v ipfs > /dev/null
     9:       then
    10:         ipfs "$@"
    11:       else
    12:         echo "Can't find 'ipfs', using potentially incompatible fallback" 1>&2
    13:         "${ipfs}/bin/ipfs" "$@"
    14:       fi
    15:     '';
    16:   };
    17: };
    18: wrap {
    19:   name = "git2ipfs";
    20:   paths = [ (attrsToDirs { bin = { inherit ipfsBin; }; }) ];
    21:   script = ''
    22:     #!${bash}/bin/bash
    23:     set -e
    24:     [[ -n "$1" ]] || {
    25:       echo "No repo given, aborting" 1>&2
    26:       exit 1
    27:     }
    29:     NAME=$(basename "$1" .git)
    31:     ipfsBin key list | grep -q -Fx "$NAME" || {
    32:       echo "Couldn't find key for '$NAME', can't push" 1>&2
    33:       exit 1
    34:     }
    36:     if [[ -n "$PAGES" ]]
    37:     then
    38:       echo "Using pages from '$PAGES'" 1>&2
    39:     else
    40:       echo "Generating pages" 1>&2
    41:       PAGES=$(repoPath="$1" htmlInOut=1 inNixedDir genGitHtml)
    42:       echo "Saved in $PAGES" 1>&2
    43:     fi
    45:     echo "Pushing to IPFS" 1>&2
    46:     IPFSHASH=$(ipfsBin add -rHq "$PAGES" | tail -n1)
    48:     echo "Hash is $IPFSHASH" 1>&2
    50:     echo "Publishing to IPNS" 1>&2
    51:     ipfsBin name publish -k "$NAME" "$IPFSHASH"
    52:   '';
    53: }

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