warbo-utilities: 9bae5374720aaab51bfed15ad8ef5c287545b1a4

     1: #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2: set -e
     4: # Mark the given filename as read, in mu's database and mu4e's Emacs buffers
     6: function fail {
     7:     echo "$*" 1>&2
     8:     exit 1
     9: }
    11: [[ -e "$1" ]] || fail "Maildir file '$1' not found"
    12: F=$(readlink -f "$1")
    13: [[ -f "$F" ]] || fail "File '$F' not found"
    15: # We need the msgid from mu's database. Getting this is convoluted, since mu
    16: # doesn't seem to allow querying by filename, so we use the sender instead
    17: FROM=$(grep '^From:' < "$F" | head -n1 | sed -e 's/^From: //')
    18: [[ -n "$FROM" ]] || fail "No From line in '$F'"
    20: # If the From address has the form '"Foo Bar" <foo@bar>' then get just the
    21: # address (foo@bar)
    22: if echo "$FROM" | grep -q '<[^>]*>'
    23: then
    24:     FROM=$(echo "$FROM" | grep -o '<[^>]*>' | grep -o '[^<>]*')
    25: fi
    27: # Look for messages with this subject line and print their filename and msgid
    28: FOUND=0
    29: MSGID=""
    30: while read -r PAIR
    31: do
    32:     LOCATION=$(echo "$PAIR" | cut -f2)
    33:     [[ "$LOCATION" = "$F" ]] || continue
    35:     FOUND=1
    36:     MSGID=$(echo "$PAIR" | cut -f1)
    37:     break
    38: done < <(mu find "from:$FROM" --fields 'i	l')
    40: [[ "$FOUND" -eq 1 ]] || fail "Couldn't find '$F' in mu DB (from '$FROM')"
    41: [[ -n "$MSGID"    ]] || fail "No msgid for '$F'"
    43: # We set the flags via mu4e, rather than calling 'mu server' ourselves, since
    44: # it will automatically update any mu4e displays to show it as read
    45: OUT=$(emacsclient -e "(mu4e~proc-move \"$MSGID\" nil \"+S-u-N\")") ||
    46:     fail "Emacs gave an error, aborting (stdout: $OUT)"
    48: # We expect the output 'nil', otherwise alert the user
    49: [[ "$OUT" = "nil" ]] || fail "Unexpected response from Emacs: $OUT"

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