writing: c64c6088064ac3d36971f43c9dbf43ba9b90a7ad

     1: { textWidth ? "345.0" }:
     2: with builtins;
     3: with { inherit (import ../../resources) bibtex nixpkgs styles; };
     4: with nixpkgs;
     5: with lib;
     6: rec {
     7:   # External repos, which contain useful data
     9:   # Implements hashspec (pseudorandom) and MLSpec (recurrent clustering)
    10:   bucketingSrc = fetchgit {
    11:     url    = http://chriswarbo.net/git/bucketing-algorithms.git;
    12:     rev    = "1efc1a3";
    13:     sha256 = "10i89hfn8yr64dqx25k982z7n78cacbbagxfg3ac9b7p0d5wkz53";
    14:   };
    16:   bucketing = import "${bucketingSrc}";
    18:   # Implements wrappers around QuickSpec 1 and contains runtime benchmarks
    19:   inherit (bucketing) haskellTE haskellTESrc;
    21:   # There is a bug in i686 nixpkgs which causes errors like:
    22:   #   ImportError:
    23:   #   /nix/store/...-scipy-1.1.0/.../_sparsetools.cpython-36m-i386-linux-gnu.so:
    24:   #   undefined symbol: __divmoddi4
    25:   # This is caused by the wrong GCC being used, affecting many packages (Qt,
    26:   # spidermonkey, etc.). Until it's fixed upstream (which hasn't happened as of
    27:   # nixpkgs18.09) the workaround is to add a version of libgcc_s.so.1 to the
    28:   # LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    29:   # See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/36947
    30:   libgccFix = ''
    31:     echo "Looking for libgcc" 1>&2
    32:     FOUND=0
    33:     for F in "${gcc.cc.lib}"/lib/libgcc_s.so.*
    34:     do
    35:       FOUND=1
    36:       echo "Forcing LD_LIBRARY_PATH to use '$F'" 1>&2
    37:       D=$(dirname "$F")
    38:       export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$D:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
    39:     done
    40:     if [[ "$FOUND" -eq 0 ]]
    41:     then
    42:       echo "Failed to find libgcc_s.so" 1>&2
    43:       exit 1
    44:     fi
    45:   '';
    47:   # Runs $script to put stuff in $out
    48:   runner = ''
    49:     ${libgccFix}
    50:     mkdir "$out"
    51:     cd "$out"
    52:     "$script"
    53:   '';
    55:   # Raw and analysed data
    56:   graphs   = callPackage ./graphs.nix {
    57:     inherit basicTex bucketingSrc runner textWidth;
    58:   };
    59:   data     = callPackage ./data.nix     { inherit haskellTESrc;  };
    60:   contents = callPackage ./contents.nix { inherit basicTex data textWidth; };
    61:   toxic    = callPackage ./toxic        {
    62:     inherit haskellTE;
    63:     inherit (contents.all) readableToxic;
    64:   };
    65:   survivalAnalysis = callPackage ./survival.nix {
    66:     inherit basicTex libgccFix runner textWidth;
    67:   };
    68:   allSurvival      = survivalAnalysis { data  = data.data.result;
    69:                                         label = "all"; };
    70:   nontoxicSurvival = survivalAnalysis { data  = contents.nontoxic.samples;
    71:                                         label = "nontoxic"; };
    73:   # Extract content (graphs, etc.) from the above analyses
    74:   content = runCommand "bucketing-content"
    75:     {
    76:       ds = [
    77:         contents.all.proportions
    78:         contents.nontoxic.proportions
    79:         allSurvival.survivalGraph
    80:         allSurvival.timeoutGraph
    81:         nontoxicSurvival.survivalGraph
    82:         nontoxicSurvival.timeoutGraph
    83:         graphs.boundsGraph
    84:         graphs.bucketingGraph
    85:         graphs.clustering-vs-random.graph
    86:       ];
    87:     }
    88:     ''
    89:       mkdir -p "$out/images"
    90:       mkdir -p "$out/text"
    91:       for D in $ds
    92:       do
    93:         find "$D" -type f | while read -r F
    94:         do
    95:           NAME=$(basename "$F")
    96:           case "$NAME" in
    97:             *.pgf);&
    98:             *.pdf);&
    99:             *.png)
   100:               cp -v "$F" "$out/images/$NAME"
   101:               ;;
   103:             *.tex)
   104:               cp -v "$F" "$out/text/$NAME"
   105:               ;;
   107:             *)
   108:               echo "Error, don't know where to put '$F'" 1>&2
   109:               exit 1
   110:               ;;
   111:           esac
   112:         done
   113:       done
   114:     '';
   116:   # Just enough LaTeX packages to render PDF graphs
   117:   basicTex = texlive.combine {
   118:     inherit (texlive)
   119:       scheme-small
   120:       type1cm
   121:       ucs
   122:       ;
   123:   };
   125:   # All of the LaTeX and related tools for rendering the paper
   126:   fullTex  = buildEnv {
   127:     name = "bucketing-tex";
   128:     paths = [
   129:       pythonPackages.pygments  # For minted
   130:       which                    # For minted
   131:       (texlive.combine {
   132:         inherit (texlive)
   133:           algorithm2e
   134:           algorithmicx
   135:           algorithms
   136:           framed      # Required by minted
   137:           fvextra     # Required by minted
   138:           ifplatform  # Required by minted
   139:           minted      # Code listings
   140:           scheme-small
   141:           tikzinclude
   142:           tikz-qtree
   143:           xstring     # Required by minted
   144:           ;
   145:       })
   146:     ];
   147:   };
   149:   render = wrap {
   150:     name  = "render-bucketing-paper";
   151:     paths = [ fullTex gnumake ];
   152:     vars  = {
   153:       inherit bibtex content;
   155:       go = wrap {
   156:         name   = "go";
   157:         script = ''
   158:           #!${bash}/bin/bash
   159:           set -e
   160:           DRAFT='-draftmode'
   161:           [[ "$FINAL" -eq 1 ]] && DRAFT=""
   162:           echo "Running pdflatex $DRAFT" 1>&2
   163:           pdflatex -interaction=batchmode $DRAFT \
   164:                    -halt-on-error \
   165:                    --shell-escape report || {
   166:             echo "ERROR: pdflatex $DRAFT gave error code $?" 1>&2
   167:             exit 1
   168:           }
   169:         '';
   170:       };
   172:       source = filterSource (path: _: hasSuffix ".tex" path ||
   173:                                       hasSuffix ".cls" path)
   174:                             ./..;
   176:       styles = concatStringsSep " " (attrValues styles);
   177:     };
   178:     script = ''
   179:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
   180:       set -e
   181:       cp -r  "$source" ./src
   182:       chmod -R +w      ./src
   183:       cp     "$bibtex" ./src/Bibtex.bib
   185:       for D in "$content"/*
   186:       do
   187:         cp -rL "$D" ./src/"$(basename "$D")"
   188:       done
   190:       for STYLE in $styles
   191:       do
   192:         cp "$STYLE" ./src
   193:       done
   195:       cd ./src
   196:       [[ -z "$FIDDLESOURCE" ]] || $FIDDLESOURCE
   198:       "$go"
   199:       echo "RUNNING bibtex"
   200:       bibtex report
   201:       "$go"
   202:       FINAL=1 "$go"
   203:     '';
   204:   };
   206:   #inherit graphs;
   208:   checks = callPackage ./check.nix { inherit bibtex render; };
   210:   paperUntested = runCommand "bucketing-paper" { inherit render; } ''
   211:     "$render"
   212:     mkdir "$out"
   213:     mv src/report.pdf "$out"/
   214:   '';
   216:   paper = withDeps (allDrvsIn checks) paperUntested;
   217: }

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