Benchmark Anything with Nix and Airspeed Velocity

Airspeed velocity (asv) is a benchmarking framework originally created for Python packages. UsingNix, we can extend it tosupport anything we like.

Using ASV

To benchmark a project with asv, we write a set of benchmarks in Python. These can just be standalone functions, or you can get fancy with classes, etc. if you want. Special handling exists for benchmarking time taken (CPU or wall-clock) or memory usage (output size or maximum resident), but benchmarks can also just return some arbitrary number (say, lines of code, or number of FIXMEs, or whatever).

Benchmark results are parameterised by two things: the version of the project being benchmarked (typically this is a git commit), and the dependencies used.

The former allows the benchmarks to live in a separate repo to the project, it ensures that we can benchmark historic versions (i.e. from before the benchmarks were written), and guarantees that every version is being compared on the same benchmark. None of these would be possible if the benchmarks were run directly from the repo under test.

The latter allows fundamentally different configurations to be tracked separately; for example, if we use a fast C library when available, and fall back to a slow interpreted version if not, then we don’t want to conflate the numbers from these two scenarios.

Benchmark results are written to disk as JSON, where they can be version controlled if desired, and static HTML reports can be generated.

So far so good, but officially asv only supports Python packages and dependencies.

Using Nix in ASV

Internally, asv runs benchmarks in an ‘environment’; typically constructed using virtualenv or conda. This is why asv doesn’t support non-Python projects out of the box.

Since I was after a robust benchmarking tool, but I don’t use Python, I’ve written asv-nix. This is a plugin for asv which uses Nix instead of virtualenv or conda. Since Nix is a general purpose package manager, we can set up environments for any sort of package rather than just Python.

The required dependencies can be found in the shell.nix file of asv-nix. With these available we can generate a default config file using:

asv quickstart

To use asv-nix we set the following options in the resulting asv.conf.json:

"plugins":          [ "asv_nix" ],
"environment_type": "nix"

Note the underscore in the plugin name (Python complains about hyphens…)

Now we can use Nix expressions to define our dependencies, although since asv is written with Python in mind we have to perform a little indirection compared to the official documentation. The idea is as follows:



If there’s only one configuration for our project, a config like the following will import bench-env.nix from the checked-out repo to provide the environment (i.e. the package which includes python):

"installer": "args: import ''${args.root}/bench-env.nix''",
"builders":  {},
"matrix":    {}

Of course, this requires the project to define a working environment in every commit we want to benchmark. Instead, we may prefer to define the environment alongside the benchmarks, and import it from there. That way, every commit will get an environment built in the same way.

To do this, we need to make two changes to installer:

    "installer": "args: import ''${args.dep}/bench-env.nix'' args",
    "builders" : { "dep": "given: given.dir" },
    "matrix"   : { "dep": [ "null" ]         }

Notice that the dependency dep now appears in the args of installer. The builder for dep just plucks dir out of its arguments. Since we don’t need to distinguish between different “versions” of dep, we just define a single version with the uninformative value null. This will appear as given.version in the builder, but we ignore it.

Note that I’ve used a variety of names here, to ease comprehension. Since each expression has its own scope, we can actually re-use names if we like:

"installer": "args: import ''${args.dir}/bench-env.nix'' args",
"builders" : { "dir": "args: args.dir" },
"matrix"   : { "dir": [ "null" ]       }

We can also write arbitrary Nix code in place of these definitions, but it’s generally cleaner to keep these in a separate file and use import.

Nix expressions

Here’s an example bench-env.nix that we might put in our project repo for the first version:

with import <nixpkgs> {};
runCommand "benchmark-env"
    # Use default Python package from nixpkgs
    inherit python;

    # Lets us override a command's environment
    buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];

    # The actual project we want to include, assuming we have a default.nix
    ourProject  = import ./.;

    # We can include arbitrary data via environment variables
    someVal = import ./data.nix;
    mkdir -p "$out/bin"

    # Add ourProject to PATH when python is run, and set SOME_VAR to someVal
    makeWrapper "$python/bin/python" "$out/bin/python" \
      --prefix PATH : "$ourProject/bin" \
      --set SOME_VAR "$someVal"

With this environment, our benchmarks can access someVal via os.getenv("SOME_VAR"), and any binaries defined by our project will be in PATH.

If we use the second config, then bench-env.nix will need to take an argument and use it to look up ourProject:

with import <nixpkgs> {};
args: runCommand "benchmark-env"
    # Use default Python package from nixpkgs
    inherit python;

    # Lets us override a command's environment
    buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];

    # The actual project we want to include, assuming we have a default.nix
    ourProject  = import args.root;

    # We can include arbitrary data via environment variables
    someVal = import "${args.root}/data.nix";
    mkdir -p "$out/bin"

    # Add ourProject to PATH when python is run, and set SOME_VAR to someVal
    makeWrapper "$python/bin/python" "$out/bin/python" \
      --prefix PATH : "$ourProject/bin" \
      --set SOME_VAR "$someVal"


With all of this in place, we can use asv as per the official documentation. For example, here’s a benchmark which parses someVal as an integer and returns it (this could be some arbitrary metric, gathered however we like):

import os
def track_stuff()
  return int(os.getenv('SOME_VAR'))
track_stuff.unit = "lightyears"

The track_ prefix tells asv that this is a generic, numeric benchmark. unit is an arbitrary label for the results.

Here’s a benchmark which times the ourBinary program:

import subprocess
import timeit

def time_prog():['ourBinary', 'some', 'tasty', 'arguments'])
time_prog.timer = timeit.default_timer

Note that we use timeit.default_timer to measure wall-clock time; otherwise, asv would measure the CPU time of the Python process, which won’t include the time spent waiting for ourBinary.

As with all asv benchmarks, we have the full power of Python at our disposal. By including Nix, it’s also easy to integrate data from non-Python sources, across project versions, as long as we can make a number available to Python:

import json
import subprocess

def setup_cache():
  with open('result.json', 'w') as f:

def track_passes():
  with open('result.json', 'r') as f:
    return json.loads(
track_passes.unit = "tests"

def track_failures():
  with open('result.json', 'w') as f:
    return json.loads(
track_failures.unit = "tests"

More Information

The asv-nix repository provides more information and examples, in its README and test suite. For general usage information, see asv’s own documentation.