Useful Nix Hacks

Here are a few helpful Nix expressions I’ve accumulated over the years, in case they’re useful to anyone else. I’ll assume the following stuff is in context (where nixpkgs is some pinned checkout of the Nixpkgs repository; if you don’t care about reproducibility you can use nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};):

with builtins;
with nixpkgs;
with lib;

Since some of these things will reference others, let’s assume they’re all wrapped up in a big rec {...} expression.

Accessing Lists in Bash

If we put some Nix values in the environment of a Nix derivation, they will be converted to strings and made available to the build script, which is usually written in Bash. Annoyingly, lists are converted by simply separating their contents with spaces; this can sometimes be used as a quick and dirty hack, e.g. to loop through each element with for X in $myList, but in general this will barf if our data contains any whitespace, or other characters deemed to be “special” by Bash. We could instead use Nix’s builtins.toJSON function, but there’s no native support in Bash to pull out those values (we’d have to use something like jq). Both JSON and space-separated strings can also hit limits on the allowed length of environment variables

The solution is to use a Bash array, but there is a slight difficulty: if we try splicing values into our Bash script, those values may be forced earlier than we’d like (e.g. if they use import-from-derivation, then forcing the body of the script will force derivations to be built at eval time). We’re better off using individual environment variables for each list element, since those can remain unevaluated until the derivation is instantiated, and have them combined into an array in Bash:

nixListToBashArray = { args, name }: rec {
  # Store each arg in a separate variable, named numerically
  env = with foldl' (result: arg: {
                      # Increment the count, for the next arg (if any)
                      count = result.count + 1;

                      # Append a variable to the environment for this arg
                      vars  = result.vars // {
                        "${name}${toString result.count}" = arg;
                    # Start with variable 1 in an empty environment
                    { count = 1; vars = {}; }

  code = ''
    ### Auto-generated by nixListToBashArray

    for N in $(seq 1 "${toString (length args)}")
      # Use a "variable variable" to look up "$name$N" as a variable name
      ${name}=("''${${name}[@]}" "''${!NIXLISTTOBASHARRAYTEMP}")
    ### End of auto-generated code

We can use this by specifying a name to use for the resulting Bash array variable, and args for the list we want to convert. This gives us an attrset env which we can merge with our derivation’s environment, and a snippet of Bash called code which we can splice into our builder:

with nixListToBashArray {
    name = "myVars";
    args = [ "foo bar" "baz" hello ];
  runCommand "NLTBA" env ''
    for X in "''${myVars[@]}"
      echo "X = $X" 1>&2

    # Force an error to prevent caching (which would bypass the above messages!)
    exit 1

The code snippet turns the variables in env into a Bash array with the given name (in this case myVars). The loop output shows that the given values are preserved, e.g. the string foo bar doesn’t get split at the whitespace.

Preserving strings like this, in a way which avoids forcing them until needed, will be useful in the following utilities too.

Importing Directories

Nix provides the readDir primitive to get the contents of a directory. We can use this to import all files ending in .nix, for example:

nixFilesIn = dir: mapAttrs (name: _: import (dir + "/${name}"))
                           (filterAttrs (name: _: hasSuffix ".nix" name)
                                        (readDir dir));

This lets us do things like:

> nixFilesIn ./modules

  "bar.nix": [
  "baz.nix": {
    "attrs": {
      "from": "baz.nix"
  "foo.nix": "string from foo.nix"

This can be useful for making modular configurations, without needing to specify all of the required imports individually (in fact, that’s how I define these things in my nix-helpers repo). It can also be used for other sorts of file, or even recursively on sub-directories…

Converting Between Attrsets and Directories

If we have a directory full of files, we might want to access them in Nix, whilst maintaining their directory hierarchy. We can represent files using their paths, directories using attribute sets and hierarchies by nesting:

dirsToAttrs = dir: mapAttrs (n: v: if v == "regular" || v == "symlink"
                                      then dir + "/${n}"
                                      else dirsToAttrs (dir + "/${n}"))
                            (readDir dir);

We can use these attribute sets however we like, e.g. importing the files, putting them in derivations, etc. If we give a path value, the files will be added to the Nix store (this is good for reproducibility):

> toJSON (dirsToAttrs ./modules)

  "bar.nix": "/nix/store/...-bar.nix",
  "baz.nix": "/nix/store/...-baz.nix",
  "foo.nix": "/nix/store/...-foo.nix",
  "notANixFile.txt": "/nix/store/...-notANixFile.txt"

We might prefer the hierarchy to be preserved in the store, which we can do by coercing our path to a string:

> toJSON (dirsToAttrs "${./modules}")

  "bar.nix": "/nix/store/...-modules/bar.nix",
  "baz.nix": "/nix/store/...-modules/baz.nix",
  "foo.nix": "/nix/store/...-modules/foo.nix",
  "notANixFile.txt": "/nix/store/...-modules/notANixFile.txt"

If we convert with toString, the path will be used as-is (this is good if we have relative paths, symlinks, etc.):

> toJSON (dirsToAttrs (toString ./modules))

  "bar.nix": "./modules/bar.nix",
  "baz.nix": "./modules/baz.nix",
  "foo.nix": "./modules/foo.nix",
  "notANixFile.txt": "./modules/notANixFile.txt"

Likewise, we might have a bunch of derivations or paths neatly arranged in Nix attribute sets which we’d like to write to disk, without wanting to write a bunch of boilerplate. We can do this as follows:

isPath  = x: typeOf x == "path" || (isString x && hasPrefix "/" x);

toPaths = prefix: val: if isPath val || isDerivation val
                          then [{ name  = prefix;
                                  value = val; }]
                          else concatMap (n: toPaths (if prefix == ""
                                                         then n
                                                         else prefix + "/" + n)
                                                     (getAttr n val))
                                         (attrNames val);

toCmds = attrs: map (entry: with {
                              n = escapeShellArg;
                              v = escapeShellArg entry.value;
                              mkdir -p "$(dirname "$out"/${n})"
                              ln -s ${v} "$out"/${n}
                    (toPaths "" attrs);

attrsToDirs = attrs: runCommand "merged" {}
  (''mkdir -p "$out"'' + concatStringsSep "\n" (toCmds attrs));

This makes it easy to structure the output of a derivation without having to resort to bash scripts:

> attrsToDirs { bin = { myProg = writeScript "myProg" "echo hello"; }; }


Sanitising Names

If we have an arbitrary string, we can’t just use it as a Nix derivation name since it may contain forbidden characters. We can strip them out like this:

sanitiseName = stringAsChars (c: if elem c (lowerChars ++ upperChars)
                                    then c
                                    else "");

Now we can do, for example:

> toFile (sanitiseName "a/b/c/d") "foo"


Of course, we could just hard-code a particular name when we’re generating a derivation (like "merged" above), but that makes it harder to see what’s going on during the build process (e.g. if we see 20 different builds called merged, it’s hard to tell what’s succeeded and what’s left to go).

Adding Extra Dependencies

Sometimes we might have a Nix package which builds, but we don’t want it to; for example if we want to check a bunch of tests and abort if they fail. Nix packages tend to run their tests in an attribute called testPhase, which is fine when we’re defining packages from scratch, but can be awkward if we’re trying to add extra tests to some existing derivation: not all derivations follow the testPhase convention, and appending to bash scripts isn’t a particularly simple or composable approach in any case (what if additions have already been added? What if we need extra buildInputs?)

What we can do instead is make our extra tests into one or more derivations (which may or may not depend on the original package), then append them as extra build dependencies of the package:

withDeps = deps: drv: overrideDerivation drv (old: {
  extraDeps = (old.extraDeps or []) ++ deps;

This way, we can make a new package which is equivalent to the original when our tests pass:

runCommand "passingTest" {} ''echo pass > "$out"''

But which breaks when our tests don’t pass:

runCommand "failingTest" {} "exit 1"

Hashless Git Fetching

The builtins.fetchGit function can do this now. If you want to see my old hack, check out this site’s git history.

Fetch Latest Git

The builtins.fetchGit function can do this now. If you want to see my old hack, check out this site’s git history.

Cached Latest Git

Use the tarball-ttl option to control how Nix caches online queries (including builtins.fetchGit uses). If you want to see my old hack, check out this site’s git history.

Use Nix in Builders

We might want to use Nix commands from within a builder, for example to evaluate a dynamically-generated expression, to add a file to the store or to invoke some other build. This tends to fail due to missing environment variables. The following will augment a given attribute set to contain the needed config:

withNix = attrs: attrs // {
  buildInputs = (attrs.buildInputs or []) ++ [ nix ];
  NIX_PATH    = if getEnv "NIX_PATH" == ""
                   then "nixpkgs=${toString nixpkgs.path}"
                   else getEnv "NIX_PATH";
  NIX_REMOTE  = if getEnv "NIX_REMOTE" == ""
                   then "daemon"
                   else getEnv "NIX_REMOTE";

With this, we can say things like:

runCommand "foo" (withNix { myVar = "hello"; }) ''
  echo "$myVar" > myFile
  nix-store --add myFile > "$out"

This uses nix-store to add a file to the Nix store, and puts the resulting path into its output. On its own that’s a pretty useless thing to do, but it may be useful to run such Nix commands as part of a more complicated build process. For example, we’ve seen that we can blur the eval/build distinction by using import on a derivation, which triggers a build and makes the result available to the evaluator. withNix goes the other way: it allows evaluation to be performed during a build, which may be required if the expression we want isn’t available at eval time.

An example of this is projects which use Nix as their build system: if we want to include such a project in our Nix config, there are two ways to do it:

Which of these approaches is preferable depends on the situation. In any case, it’s advisable to avoid nesting Nix commands inside each other too much, as it can be difficult to control and/or override things as they get wrapped up.


Those relying on impure paths like <nixpkgs> may find this useful, but I’ve come to hold the opinion that it’s always better to specify exact Nixpkgs revisions in our expressions (as the default value of an argument, if we want to support overriding)

Also note that we can vary the values we use for the environment variables; for example, if we want to override the nixpkgs collection that’s used by the build, we can just pass some other value for NIX_PATH. One thing to keep in mind is that embedding a path directly into a string, like "nixpkgs=${myPath}" or "nixpkgs=" + myPath, will cause that path to be added to the Nix store; this may or may not be what you want (e.g. it might break symlinks and relative paths). To use the path as-is you should pass it to builtins.toString, e.g. "nixpkgs=${toString myPath}".

Another trick you might like to use if you’re overriding nixpkgs is to avoid causing an infinite loop when you want to reference the “real” nixpkgs. For example, say we want to force a particular package to be available, we might say:

with rec {
  myNixpkgs = attrsToDirs {
    "default.nix" = writeScript "default.nix" ''
      args: (import ${toString nixpkgs.path} args) // {
        foo = runCommand "foo" {} '''
          mkdir -p "$out/bin"
          printf '#!/usr/bin/env bash\necho "foo"' > "$out/bin/foo"
runCommand "bar"
  (withNix {
    # Override NIX_PATH to use our augmented copy
    NIX_PATH = "nixpkgs=$(myNixPkgs)";
    nix-shell -p foo --run foo 1>&2
    echo "done" > "$out"

The idea is that the builder for bar will use myNixpkgs as its <nixpkgs> path, and hence nix-shell will find the foo package we define in there. The problem is that pretty much all Nix definitions, including those for myNixpkgs and foo, use something from <nixpkgs> somewhere; hence if we try to use myNixpkgs as <nixpkgs>, it will end up importing itself, which will end up importing itself, and so on forever.

To work around this, we can give the “real” nixpkgs a different name, then use that to break the cycle. I tend to call it <real>:

with rec {
  myNixpkgs = attrsToDirs {
    "default.nix" = writeScript "default.nix" ''
      with tryEval <real>;
      with rec {
        # Will be <nixpkgs> at the 'top level', and <real> in recursive calls
        path = if success then <real> else <nixpkgs>;
      args: (import path args) // {
        foo = runCommand "foo" {} '''
          mkdir -p "$out/bin"
          printf '#!/usr/bin/env bash\necho "foo"' > "$out/bin/foo"
runCommand "bar"
  (withNix {
    # Override NIX_PATH to use our augmented copy
    NIX_PATH = "nixpkgs=${myNixPkgs}:real=${toString nixpkgs.path}";
    nix-shell -p foo --run foo 1>&2
    echo "done" > "$out"

Wrapping Binaries

nixpkgs provides a useful script called makeWrapper which allows a program or script to be “wrapped” such that it’s run in a particular environment; for example, using a PATH which contains its dependencies. Since makeWrapper is a Bash function it’s a little horrible to use. We can make a nicer interface inside Nix (and since I often use makeWrapper in conjunction with writeScript, we can combine both):

wrap = { paths ? [], vars ? {}, file ? null, script ? null, name ? "wrap" }:
  assert file != null || script != null ||
         abort "wrap needs 'file' or 'script' argument";
  with rec {
    set  = n: v: "--set ${escapeShellArg (escapeShellArg n)} " +
                   "'\"'${escapeShellArg (escapeShellArg v)}'\"'";
    args = (map (p: "--prefix PATH : ${p}/bin") paths) ++
           (attrValues (mapAttrs set vars));
  runCommand name
      f           = if file == null then writeScript name script else file;
      buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
      makeWrapper "$f" "$out" ${toString args}

Here’s an example of a script being wrapped in its dependencies and some variables:

wrap {
    name    = "wrapped-script";
    paths   = [ bash jq ];
    vars    = { VAR1 = toJSON { someKey = "someValue"; }; };
    script  = ''
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      jq --arg var "$VAR1" '. + $var.someKey'

Alternatively, we can pass a file instead of a script:

wrap {
  name  = "wrapped-file";
  paths = [ python3 ];
  vars  = { foo = "bar"; };
  file  = ./;

Piping Data to the Nix Store

The nix-store --add command is really useful for adding data to the Nix store, and also for making better use of it as a cache (since it chooses a filename based on a hash of the content, we can use it to spot duplicate data).

The downside is that our data must be written to files first; we can’t just stream it in. Often Bash’s process substitution would work around this, but not in this case (it causes /dev/fd/... symlinks to be added rather than the content).

The following pipeToNix command will write its stdin to a temporary file, then add it to the Nix store:

pipeToNix = attrsToDirs {
    bin = {
      pipeToNix = wrap {
        name   = "pipeToNix";
        script = ''
          #!/usr/bin/env bash
          set -e

          # If an argument is given, it's used as the file name (which Nix will
          # prefix with a content hash).

          [[ -z "$1" ]] || NAME="$1"

          SCRATCH=$(mktemp -d)
          trap "rm -rf $SCRATCH" EXIT

          cat > "$F"

          nix-store --add "$F"

With this in PATH, we can say things like:

$ echo "foo" | pipeToNix myFilename
patching script interpreter paths in

Note how we get back the Nix store path, which we can use elsewhere in a script, for example.

Inheriting Function Arguments

Nix functions have two sorts of arguments: variables, like x: ...; and named argument sets, like { foo, bar }: .... If we use the latter, those names can be found by passing the function to builtins.functionArgs:

> functionArgs ({ foo, bar, baz ? 42 }: 1337)

{ bar = false; baz = true; foo = false; }

This is used by common utility functions like callPackage to figure out which arguments to pass in.

Unfortunately, this introspection ability is lost if we wrap up a function somehow, for example via composition:

> with rec {
    func    = { foo, bar }: 42;

    compose = f: g: x: f (g x);
    id      = arg: arg;
  toJSON {
        funcArgs = functionArgs func;
    composedArgs = functionArgs (compose id func);

  "composedArgs": {},
  "funcArgs": {
    "bar": false,
    "foo": false

Even though compose id func accepts the same arguments as func, Nix will only see it as taking some variable x. We can work around this by generating Nix code for a function with named arguments, whose body calls the function that Nix can’t inspect:

withArgs = args: f:
  with rec {
    # Build a string "a,b,c" for the arguments "args"
    arglist = concatStringsSep "," args;

    # Strip any dependencies off our string, so it can be embedded in a file
    # without causing a bunch of derivations to be built.
    arglistF = unsafeDiscardStringContext arglist;

    # Write a function which eta-expands its argument, by accepting "args" and
    # passing them on
    eta = "f: args@{${arglistF}}: f args";
  # Eta-expand the function "f"
  import (toFile "withArgs.nix" eta) f;

With this, we can recover the inspection capabilities for our composed function, such that it’ll work with callPackage and the like:

> with rec {
    func    = { foo, bar }: 42;

    compose = f: g: x: f (g x);
    id      = arg: arg;
  functionArgs (withArgs [ "foo" "bar" ] (compose id func))

{ bar = false; foo = false; }

Of course, specifying the arguments manually is a bit naff; even if we know what the arguments are when writing the code, we’ll be repeating ourselves and will have to keep the list up to date.

Instead, we’d rather work them out automatically. An easy way to do this is to get the original function’s arguments using functionArgs, and use these as the arguments for our augmented/derived function:

withArgsOf = f: with { fArgs = functionArgs f; };
                withArgs (filter (n: !fArgs."${n}") (attrNames fArgs));

For the common case of function composition, we can automatically set the result’s arguments by using the following:

compose = f: g: withArgsOf g (args: f (g args));

Multiple Nixpkgs Versions

Sometimes a package is broken in the version of nixpkgs we’re using, but a fix exists upstream; other times, a package may be broken by an upgrade. Thankfully Nix lets pick and choose where to get our packages from. Here’s a way to define multiple nixpkgs repos, which minimises boilerplate if we want to add another:

with {
  get = { rev, sha256, version }:
    with {
      repo = builtins.fetchTarball {
        inherit sha256;
        name = "nixpkgs-${version}";
        url = "${rev}.tar.gz";
      "repo${version}" = repo;

      # Explicitly pass an empty config, to avoid infinite loops.
      "nixpkgs${version}" = import repo { config = {}; };
builtins.foldl' (x: y: x // get y) {} [
    rev    = "d231868990f8b2d471648d76f07e747f396b9421";
    sha256 = "0m2b5ignccc5i5cyydhgcgbyl8bqip4dz32gw0c6761pd4kgw56v";
    version = "1603";
    rev    = "f22817d8d2bc17d2bcdb8ac4308a4bce6f5d1d2b";
    sha256 = "1cx5cfsp4iiwq8921c15chn1mhjgzydvhdcmrvjmqzinxyz71bzh";
    version = "1609"
    rev    = "1849e695b00a54cda86cb75202240d949c10c7ce";
    sha256 = "1fw9ryrz1qzbaxnjqqf91yxk1pb9hgci0z0pzw53f675almmv9q2";
    version = "1703";

Checking for Broken Derivations

If a derivation is broken, Nix will abort whatever it’s doing. This can be frustrating, since we sometimes want derivations to fail. For example, we might be overriding something from nixpkgs because it’s broken; but we don’t want to maintain our patches forever: we only want our version to be built if the one in nixpkgs is broken. We can express that using an isBroken function which builds successfully if a given derivation doesn’t, and vice versa:

# Wrap the buildCommand in a script which checks whether it fails. Note that
# we do this in a crude way by replacing the attribute, rather than using some
# override function; this is to ensure that buildCommand contains everything
# needed (e.g. phases, etc.)
  with rec {
    orig = if drv ? buildCommand
              then writeScript "buildCommand-${}" drv.buildCommand
              else writeScript "builder-${}" ''
                "${drv.builder}" ${toString (drv.args or [])}
    newBuildScript = writeScript "isBroken-${}-script" ''
      if "${orig}"
        echo "Derivation '${}' should have failed; didn't" 1>&2
        exit 1
      echo "${} is broken" > "$out"
  # As per
  lib.overrideDerivation drv (old: {
    name    = "isBroken-${}";
    builder = "${bash}/bin/bash";
    args    = [ "-e" newBuildScript ];

This way, we can add isBroken as a build dependency of our overridden foo package; as soon as the nixpkgs version starts to build properly, our override will break and we can investigate.

NPM Packages

I have, on occasion, found programs which only seem to be distributed via npm. Whilst Nix does have some associated tools to convert npm packages to Nix, they seem to be used outside of Nix itself. I’ve found the following Nix function useful for calling out to these tools automatically:

  with rec {
    converted = runCommand "convert-npm"
        inherit repo;
        __noChroot  = true;
        buildInputs = [ nodePackages.node2nix ];
        cp -r "$repo" "$out"
        chmod +w -R "$out"
        cd "$out"

    generatedPackages = callPackage "${converted}" {};

Hackage DB

Haskell has a package repository called Hackage, which is used by the Cabal tool to figure out which versions of each dependency to use in a project (such that all dependency constraints are satisfied, transitively).

Unfortunately, this isn’t very reproducible. To begin with, the cabal update command (the recommended way to fetch the list of available packages) only ever gets the latest list, which cause Cabal to find a different solution to some constraints.

Here we use a project called all-cabal-files, which tracks the contents of Hackage in a git repository, to emulate the behaviour of cabal update, but in a deterministic way:

with rec {
  all-cabal-files = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner  = "commercialhaskell";
    repo   = "all-cabal-files";
    rev    = "c008e28";
    sha256 = "0kfcc7dw6sahgkv130r144pfjsxwzq8h479fw866nf875frvpblz";

  # 00-index.tar, used by Cabal to check versions, dependencies, etc. This takes
  # a while to build, so we keep it in a standalone derivation to reduce the
  # chance that it'll need to be rebuilt (e.g. due to a dodgy test)
  repoCache = stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "hackage-00-index.tar";
    src  = all-cabal-files;

    unpackPhase = "true";  # Without this, src will be copied, which takes ages
    buildPhase  = ''

      tar cf 00-index.tar -T /dev/null

      echo "Adding package dirs to 00-index.tar" 1>&2
      pushd "$src"
        for F in *
          echo "Adding $F" 1>&2
          tar rf "$BASE/00-index.tar" "$F"

    installPhase = ''
      cp -r 00-index.tar "$out"

  # Command to install repo cache into ~/.cabal
  makeCabalConfigCmd = writeScript "makeCabalConfig" ''
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    [[ -e "$HOME" ]] || {
      echo "makeCabalConfig requires HOME to put config into" 1>&2
      exit 1
    mkdir -p "$DIR"
    TARGET=$(readlink -f "$REPOCACHE")
    cp "$TARGET" "$DIR/00-index.tar"

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name        = "stable-cabal-config";
  src         = makeCabalConfigCmd;
  buildInputs = [ cabal-install ghc makeWrapper ];
  REPOCACHE   = repoCache;
  unpackPhase = "true";

  doCheck     = true;
  checkPhase  = ''
    echo "Making config" 1>&2
    export HOME="$PWD"

    echo "Testing non-sandboxed install" 1>&2
    cabal install list-extras

    echo "Testing install into a sandbox" 1>&2
    cabal sandbox init
    cabal install list-extras

  installPhase = ''
    mkdir -p "$out/bin"
    ln -s "$REPOCACHE" "$out/00-index.tar"
    makeWrapper "$src" "$out/bin/makeCabalConfig" \
      --set REPOCACHE "$out/00-index.tar"

We can use this to generate a canonical Hackage DB via the following:

runCommand "stable-hackage-db"
    __noChroot  = true;
    buildInputs = [ stableHackage ];
    mkdir -p "$out"
    HOME="$out" makeCabalConfig

Resolving with Tinc

Tinc is a program which uses Cabal to resolve Haskell package dependencies, but does so in a deterministic way. We can call out to tinc from Nix to resolve the dependencies of our Haskell packages, given a few hacks:

with rec {
  defHPkg = haskellPackages;

  withTincDeps =
    { extras ? [], haskellPackages, includeExtras, nixpkgs, tincified }: args:
      with rec {
        resolver = withTincPackages {
          inherit extras haskellPackages nixpkgs tincified;

        pkg = resolver.callPackage "${tincified}/package.nix" args;
      if includeExtras
         then resolver.ghcWithPackages (h: [ pkg ] ++ map (n: h."${n}") extras)
         else pkg;

  withTincPackages =
    # Augments a given Haskell package set using definitions taken from a
    # "tincified" Haskell package, i.e. one where the dependencies have been solved
    # by Cabal and turned into a set of (mutually-recursive) Nix expressions by tinc
    # and cabal2nix.
    # We also allow "extra" packages to be supplied, since we can't easily use the
    # "add source" facility of Cabal/tinc.
    # Since the generated definitions in <tincified>/tinc.nix reference each other
    # directly, the callPackage function we pass in only has to resolve the extras.
    # We assume the extras are present in the given haskellPackages, so we use its
    # callPackage function.
    { lib }: with lib;

    { extras ? [], haskellPackages, nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, tincified }:
    with rec {
      # Loads the package definitions generated by tinc
      deps = import "${tincified}/tinc.nix" { inherit haskellPackages nixpkgs; };

      # We pass a callPackage function to resolve any "extra" dependencies which
      # weren't given definitions by tinc (usually, those which aren't on Hackage)
      newPkgs = deps.packages { inherit (haskellPackages) callPackage; };

      # We extract the "extra" packages from the given haskellPackages, so they can
      # be included in our new overrides.
      extraPkgs = genAttrs extras (name: haskellPackages."${name}");
    # Combine the given extras with those generated by tinc
    haskellPackages.override { overrides = self: super: extraPkgs // newPkgs; };

  yq = python3Packages.buildPythonPackage {
    name = "yq";
    src  = fetchurl {
      url    =;
      sha256 = "0g7rbmfn7k4rz77iqg29kp24fjpl678gy1g17hx435sdwjns00pd";
    propagatedBuildInputs = with pythonPackages; [
  # Where to find cached tinc/cabal data. If global, we'll use it in place and
  # potentially update/overwrite it; otherwise we'll use a copy. We try to use a
  # global cache by default, since it's faster; unless we're on Hydra.
  cache           ? if getEnv "NIX_REMOTE" == ""
                       then { global = false; path = stableHackageDb;     }
                       else { global = true;  path = "/tmp/tincify-home"; },

  # Names of extra dependencies to include in the resulting Haskell package set;
  # useful for things which are in your Nix haskellPackages but not in Hackage.
  extras          ? [],

  # Whether to include the given 'extras' in the result using ghcWithPackages.
  includeExtras   ? false,

  # The Hackage DB for Cabal to use, if is true:
  #  - stableHackageDb is built from a fixed revision of all-cabal-files. This
  #    means it's a constant, deterministic value which Nix caches nicely.
  #  - hackageDb runs 'cabal update' to get the latest versions. This doesn't
  #    cache well, which causes a lot of extraneous rebuilding.
  hackageContents ? stableHackageDb,

  # Haskell package set to use as a base. 'extras' names should appear in here.
  haskellPackages ? defHPkg,

  # Name to use for the resulting package
  name            ? "pkg",

  # A nixpkgs set, used for non-haskell dependencies (e.g. zlib)
  nixpkgs         ? import <nixpkgs> {},

  # We allow other attributes, so Haskell package derivations can be passed in
  # (giving us 'name' and 'src')
  ... }@args:
  with rec {
    # The Haskell package source to run tinc against. Seems to behave funny when
    # specified in the arguments above, so we inherit it here instead.
    inherit (args) src;

    # By default, tinc runs Cabal in a Nix shell with the following available:
    #   haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [ p.cabal-install ])'
    # This can be fiddled a bit using TINC_NIX_RESOLVER, but overall we're
    # stuck using a Haskell package set that's available globally with a
    # particular attribute path. We don't want that; we want to use the
    # Haskell package set we've been given (haskellPackages), which might not
    # be available globally.
    # To make tinc use this version, we rely on the fact it's only using
    # cabal-install, as above. We build that derivation, using our Haskell
    # package set, write it to disk, then set NIX_PATH such that tinc's
    # nix-shell invocation uses the derivation we built. Phew!
    env = runCommand "tinc-env"
        __noChroot = true;
        expr       = writeScript "force-tinc-env.nix" ''
            import <real> {} // {
            haskellPackages = {
              ghcWithPackages = _:
                ${ghcPackageEnv haskellPackages [ "cabal-install" ]};
        mkdir -p "$out/pkgs/build-support/fetchurl"
        cp "$expr" "$out/default.nix"
        cp "${<nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/fetchurl/mirrors.nix>}" \

    tincified = runCommand "tinc-of-${name}"
      (newNixpkgsEnv env (withNix {
        inherit hackageContents;
        __noChroot = true;
        src        = unpack src;

        buildInputs = [
          (haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (h: [ h.ghc h.cabal-install ]))

        TINC_USE_NIX = "yes";

        # Should we share an impure cache with prior/subsequent calls?
        GLOBALCACHE = if then "true" else "false";

        # Where to find cached data; when global this should be a
        # string like "/tmp/foo". Non-global might be e.g. a path, or a
        # derivation.
        CACHEPATH = assert -> isString cache.path ||
                    abort ''Global cache path should be a string, to
                            prevent Nix copying it to the store.'';

        # Otherwise cabal2nix dies for accented characters
        LANG           = "en_US.UTF-8";
        LOCALE_ARCHIVE = "${glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive";

        addSources = writeScript "tinc.json" (toJSON {
          dependencies = map (name: {
                               inherit name;
                               path = unpack haskellPackages."${name}".src;
        function allow {
          # Allows subsequent users to read/write our cached values
          # Note that we ignore errors because we may not own some of
          # the existing files.
          chmod 777 -R "$HOME" 2>/dev/null || true

        if $GLOBALCACHE
          # Use the cache in-place
          export HOME="$CACHEPATH"

          # (Re-)Initialise the cache's Hackage contents
          cp -r "$hackageContents"/.cabal "$HOME"/
          # Use a mutable copy of the given cache
          cp -r "$CACHEPATH" ./cache
          export HOME="$PWD/cache"

        [[ -d "$HOME" ]] || {
          echo "Cache dir '$HOME' not found" 1>&2
          exit 1

        cp -r "$src" ./src
        chmod +w -R ./src

        pushd ./src
          if ${if extras != [] then "true" else "false"}
            echo "Adding extra sources" 1>&2
            if [[ -f tinc.yaml ]]
              echo "Merging dependencies into tinc.yaml"
              mv tinc.yaml tinc.yaml.orig
              yq --yaml-output '. * $deps' --argfile deps "$addSources" \
                 < tinc.yaml.orig > tinc.yaml
              yq --yaml-output '$deps' --argfile deps "$addSources" > tinc.yaml


        cp -r ./src "$out"
  withTincDeps {
    inherit extras haskellPackages includeExtras nixpkgs tincified;

This is quite complicated, but it basically lets us use our deterministic Hackage database from within tinc, which will resolve dependencies of a given Haskell package. tinc converts these dependencies into Nix expressions, which we import and turn into dependencies of the given package.

Note that this also requires tweaks to tinc itself, which can be found in my fork.

The result is that we can say, e.g. tincified haskellPackages.pandoc {} and get a derivation for Pandoc with all of its dependencies satisfied by solving against a particular Hackage snapshot.

This is much easier than attempting to choose only those package versions which are mutually compatible (like, for example, the Stackage project tries to do; as well as the Haskell package set offered by nixpkgs).