search-optimisation-streams: diff c8a9284f 6cea3562

Branch: master

Commit: c8a9284f55c91c1db7c8809e01f285a87f1f51cd

Author: Chris Warburton <>
Date: Sat Mar 19 05:08:22 PM UTC 2016
Parent: 6cea3562c0f84c096b2a78e8355a0f5a813a7d2a
Log message:

    Merge branch 'master' of /home/chris/Programming/repos/search-optimisation-streams

    1: diff --git a/search.js b/search.js
    2: index f87fbd8..addcd26 100755
    3: --- a/search.js
    4: +++ b/search.js
    5: @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
    6:  //    and state, but they must be curried into the
    7:  //    stream functions. This minimises shared state
    8:  //    and other such nastiness.
    9: -// 
   10: +//
   11:  // As a consequence of this currying, we generally
   12:  // don't ending up define streams directly, but
   13:  // rather curryable functions (combinators, or
   14: @@ -195,6 +195,130 @@ var array_compare = c(function(a, b) {
   16:  var identity = function(x) { return x; };
   18: +var n_point_crossover = c(function(points, first, second) {
   19: +    // Takes two array-like solutions (first and
   20: +    // second) and swaps their elements at n points,
   21: +    // chosen by rand.
   22: +    var new_first = first.slice(0);
   23: +    var new_second = second.slice(0);
   24: +    points.forEach(function(n) {
   25: +        var chunk1 = new_first.splice(n * new_first.length);
   26: +        var chunk2 = new_second.splice(n * new_second.length);
   27: +        new_first = new_first.concat(chunk1);
   28: +        new_second = new_second.concat(chunk2);
   29: +    });
   30: +    return [new_first, new_second];
   31: +});
   32: +
   33: +var flip_bit = c(function(rand, string) {
   34: +    // Takes an array of booleans and a random number
   35: +    // between 0 and 1. Indexes the array using the
   36: +    // random number and flips the bit.
   37: +    if (string.length === 0) return string;
   38: +    var index = Math.floor(rand * string.length - 1);
   39: +    var copy = string.slice(0, index);
   40: +    copy.push(!string[index]);
   41: +    return copy.concat(string.slice(index));
   42: +});
   43: +
   44: +/////////////////////////////
   45: +// Streams and combinators //
   46: +/////////////////////////////
   47: +
   48: +var constant = function(val) {
   49: +    // A constant stream always gives the same
   50: +    // value. This combinator makes constant
   51: +    // streams.
   52: +    return function() {
   53: +        return val;
   54: +    };
   55: +};
   56: +
   57: +var zeros = function() {
   58: +    // A stream of 0s
   59: +    return constant(0);
   60: +};
   61: +
   62: +var ones = function() {
   63: +    // A stream of 1s
   64: +    return constant(1);
   65: +};
   66: +
   67: +var reduce = c(function(init, f, stream) {
   68: +    // Reduce combines the results of a
   69: +    // stream using a reduction function.
   70: +    // For function f, initial value init
   71: +    // and stream values a, b, c, ...
   72: +    // reduce returns:
   73: +    // f(init, a)
   74: +    // f(f(init, a), b)
   75: +    // f(f(f(init, a), b), c)
   76: +    // ...
   77: +    var comb = function() {
   78: +        comb = function() {
   79: +            init = f(init, stream());
   80: +            return init;
   81: +        };
   82: +        return init;
   83: +    };
   84: +    return function() {
   85: +        return comb();
   86: +    };
   87: +});
   88: +
   89: +var counter = function() {
   90: +    // A useful example of a reduction.
   91: +    // Produces a stream of the Naturals
   92: +    return reduce(0, plus, ones());
   93: +};
   94: +
   95: +var hoard = function(comb) {
   96: +    // A reducer which appends all results to an
   97: +    // array
   98: +    return reduce([], catenate, comb);
   99: +};
  100: +
  101: +var delayer = c(function(vals, stream) {
  102: +    // Returns each element of the given
  103: +    // array, then becomes the given stream
  104: +    var index = 0;
  105: +    return function() {
  106: +        if (index < vals.length) return vals[index++];
  107: +        else return stream();
  108: +    };
  109: +});
  110: +
  111: +var delay = c(function(val, stream) {
  112: +    // Returns the given value, then becomes
  113: +    // the given stream
  114: +    return delayer([val], stream);
  115: +});
  116: +
  117: +var map = c(function(f, comb) {
  118: +    // Maps the given function over the given
  119: +    // stream.
  120: +    return function() {
  121: +        return f(comb());
  122: +    };
  123: +});
  124: +
  125: +var iterate = c(function(f, val) {
  126: +    // Takes a function f and a value x, returns
  127: +    // the stream f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))), ...
  128: +    var result = val;
  129: +    return function() {
  130: +        result = f(result);
  131: +        return result;
  132: +    };
  133: +});
  134: +
  135: +var simple = function() {
  136: +    // SIMPLE, as defined by Jurgen Schmidhuber.
  137: +    // Returns every binary sequence in ascending
  138: +    // order.
  139: +    return enumerate([0, 1]);
  140: +};
  141: +
  142:  var bbj = c(function(i, o, inc, input, n) {
  143:      // A simple, potentially Turing Complete language,
  144:      // BitBitJump. We have an unbounded memory full of
  145: @@ -945,6 +1069,15 @@ var make_fittest = function(comb) {
  146:      };
  147:  };
  149: +var mutate = c(function(choices, step) {
  150: +    return map(function(a) {
  151: +        if (choices()) {
  152: +            return step(a);
  153: +        }
  154: +        return a;
  155: +    });
  156: +});
  157: +
  158:  var extremal_optimiser = c(function(source, fitness, size) {
  159:      // Performs extremal optimisation. This is similar
  160:      // to a genetic algorithm but rather than finding
  161: @@ -1073,7 +1206,7 @@ var exhaustive = c(function(stream, symbols) {
  162:      // Makes the given search stream exhaustive by
  163:      // taking every other result from a brute-force
  164:      // enumeration of the given symbols
  165: -    return interleave(stream, enumerate(symbols));
  166: +    return interleave([stream, enumerate(symbols)]);
  167:  });
  169:  var tabu = c(function(ns, stream) {
  170: @@ -1117,4 +1250,4 @@ var aixi = function(predictor, experimentor, inputs, rewards) {
  171:      // Once we have a good model, we find
  172:      // a good output for the model using
  173:      // experimentor.
  174: -}
  175: \ No newline at end of file
  176: +}

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