Rationalising Denominators 1: Fractional Powers
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I’ve spent the last few weeks playing around with radicals, looking for a simple representation that will fit neatly into my Ivory Tower library. After a few false starts, I’ve cobbled together a neat little Python library, which I thought was worth sharing across a few blog posts.
We’ll start by defining a Power
as a pair of numbers, which we’ll
call a base
and an exp
The base
can be any natural number,
i.e. a whole number which is either positive or zero.
The exp
onent can be a Fraction
(a numerator
over a denominator
), but must obey certain
- We do not allow negative
onents - If the
is 0, theexp
onent cannot also be 0.
Here’s a simple implementation in Python:
from fractions import Fraction
def Power(base: int, exp: Fraction) -> Tuple[int, Fraction]:
assert base >= 0, f"Power {base}^{exp} cannot have negative base"
assert exp >= 0, f"Power {base}^{exp} cannot have negative exponent"
if base == 0:
assert exp != 0, f"Power 0^0 is undefined"
return (base, exp)
I’ve given this function an uppercased name, to indicate that we’ll
use Power
as a type annotation as
well as for constructing values. Here are some constants for this Power
type, as well as for exp
= Fraction(0, 1)
zero = Fraction(1, 1)
one = Fraction(1, 2)
= Power(0, one)
power_zero = Power(1, one) power_one
Thankfully, Python’s Fraction
will automatically reduce values to their “normal form”, e.g. calling
Fraction(2, 4)
will return the value Fraction(1, 2)
However, there are other redundancies in our Power
type that will not simplify
automatically; especially values involving the numbers 0 and 1. For
example the following values all represent the number 1:
Power(1, Fraction(1, 1))
Power(1, Fraction(2, 1))
Power(2, Fraction(0, 1))
Powers of zero
When the base
is 0, we don’t
allow the exp
onent to be 0 (since
that’s not well-defined mathematically). For every other exp
onent, there is redundancy, since 0
raised to any non-zero power is 0. We can avoid this redundancy by
choosing a particular exp
onent to
be “normal”, and replace all other exp
onents of 0 with the normal exp
onent. I’ll pick the number 1 to be
our normal exp
onent and add the
following lines to our Power
function to perform this normalisation:
if base == 0:
= one exp
Powers of one
When the base
is 1, we can add
1 to the exp
onent without
changing the overall value; since that corresponds to multiplying the
result by the base
, which in this
case means multiplying by 1, which is redundant. We can reduce these
onents to avoid this
redundancy, by repeatedly taking away 1 until it becomes less than 1.
This corresponds to the modulo operation, with
of 1:
if base == 1:
= exp % 1 exp
Zeroth powers
Our final normalisation applies when the exp
onent is 0: any non-zero number
raised to the power of 0 gives a result of 1. Hence we can choose a
“normal” value for the base
, say
the number 1, and replace any other base
with that:
if exp == 0:
= 1 base
This complements the previous rule, since the modulo operation could
result in the value Power(1, Fraction(0, 1))
Here’s our overall implementation of Power
from fractions import Fraction
def Power(base: int, exp: Fraction) -> Tuple[Base, Exponent]:
assert base >= 0, f"Power {base}^{exp} cannot have negative base"
assert exp >= 0, f"Power {base}^{exp} cannot have negative exponent"
if base == 0:
assert exp != 0, f"Power 0^0 is undefined"
# Normalise all other powers of 0 to 0^1, since they're equivalent
= one
exp if base == 1:
# Remove whole powers of 1, since they just multiply by one
= exp % 1
exp if exp == 0:
# Anything to the power of zero is one. Normalise to 1^1.
= (1, one)
base, exp return (base, exp)
= Fraction(0, 1)
zero = Fraction(1, 1)
one = Fraction(1, 2)
= Power(0, Fraction(1, 1))
power_zero = Power(1, Fraction(1, 1)) power_one
So far this is a pretty simple way to represent numbers, but it turns out to be quite powerful. We’ve implemented some normalisation steps, but there are still some redundancies; e.g. the number 4 can be represented in many ways, like:
Power(4, one)
Power(2, Fraction(2, 1))
Power(16, half)
- etc.
In the next post we’ll extend this to products of powers.