Rationalising Denominators 4: Ratios

Posted on by Chris Warburton

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So far we’ve represented numbers using:

In this post, we introduce a Ratio of two Sum values, which is the most expansive numerical representation in this series (if you want to go even further, you might like my Ivory Tower library, which is very much a work-in-progress at the moment!)


Our initial implementation is simply a tuple of two values, representing the numerator and denominator. We’ll forbid zero as a denominator, since that isn’t well-defined:

def Ratio(numerator: Sum, denominator: Sum) -> Tuple[Sum, Sum]:
    assert denominator != sum_zero

    # 0/n normalises to 0/1
    if numerator == sum_zero:
        return (sum_zero, sum_one)

    return (numerator, denominator)

I’ve also added a simple normalisation step for Ratio values whose numerator is zero: since every such Ratio is equivalent (they are all the number zero), we make their representations the same by replacing their denominators with the number one.

Arithmetic With Ratios

Here are some useful constants:

ratio_zero = Ratio(sum_zero, sum_one)
ratio_one = Ratio(sum_one, sum_one)
ratio_neg = Ratio(sum_neg, sum_one)

Addition and multiplication are defined as usual for fractions:

def add_ratios(r1: Ratio, r2: Ratio) -> Ratio:
    n1, d1 = r1
    n2, d2 = r2
    return Ratio(
        add_sums(multiply_sums(n1, d2), multiply_sums(n2, d1)),
        multiply_sums(d1, d2)

def multiply_ratios(r1: Ratio, r2: Ratio) -> Ratio:
    n1, d1 = r1
    n2, d2 = r2
    return Ratio(multiply_sums(n1, n2), multiply_sums(d1, d2))

Normalising To Lowest Terms

In this post we’ll only cover one part of the normalisation process: reducing to lowest terms, by removing common factors. Since our Product representation is already broken down into prime factors, we can perform this normalisation by removing those factors which occur in every term of the numerator and denominator.

Finding Common Factors

To find the common factors of a Sum we begin with the contents of its first Product, then look through any remaining Products to keep only those Powers whose base appears in all of them. We take the minimal exponent for each factor, since that can be subtracted without turning any exponent negative (which we don’t allow):

def common_factors_of_sum(s: Sum) -> Product:
    """Returns a Product whose Powers appear in every term of the given Sum.
    This takes into account bases with differing exponents, by returning the
    return product_one if s == sum_zero else Product(*reduce(
        lambda common, product: {
            base: min(common[base], product[base])
            for base in common
            if base in product
        map(dict, s[1:]),

Removing Common Factors

We can use the following remove_common_product function to “divide through” a Sum by a Product of its common factors, which we implement by subtracting the common exponent of each base in each term:

def remove_common_product(s: Sum, p: Product) -> Sum:
    return Sum(*reduce(

def remove_common_factor(s: Sum, p: Power) -> Sum:
    base, exp = p
    return Sum(*[
        Product(*[Power(b, e - exp if b == base else e) for b, e in product])
        for product in s

Reducing Ratios

To reduce Ratio values to lowest terms, we just need to extend our Ratio function to find and remove common factors:

def Ratio(numerator: Sum, denominator: Sum) -> Tuple[Sum, Sum]:
    assert denominator != sum_zero

    # 0/n normalises to 0/1
    if numerator == sum_zero:
        return (sum_zero, sum_one)

    # Find common factors in the numerator and denominator
    num_factors = dict(common_factors_of_sum(numerator))
    common_product = Product(*{
        base: min(exp, num_factors[base])
        for base, exp in common_factors_of_sum(denominator)
        if base in num_factors

    # Remove common factors from top and bottom of ratio
    return (
        remove_common_product(numerator, common_product),
        remove_common_product(denominator, common_product)

No Negative Denominators

There is another redundancy in Ratio, since values like Ratio(sum_neg, sum_one) and Ratio(sum_one, sum_neg) are equivalent (they are -1/1 and 1/(-1), respectively). We can transform between these by multiplying both numerator and denominator by negative one; which we’ll use to normalise whenever the denominator has a common factor of negative one:

    # Remove common factors from top and bottom of ratio
    num_reduced, den_reduced = (
        remove_common_product(numerator, common_product),
        remove_common_product(denominator, common_product)

    # Prefer negatives to be in the numerator
    multiplier = \
        sum_neg if -1 in dict(common_factors_of_sum(den_reduced)) else sum_one
    return (
        multiply_sums(multiplier, num_reduced),
        multiply_sums(multiplier, den_reduced)

Fixed Point

It’s not strictly needed here, but for consistency with the normalisation procedures of our other types we’ll have our normalisation keep repeating until the Ratio reaches a fixed point:

    result = (
        multiply_sums(multiplier, reduced_num),
        multiply_sums(multiplier, reduced_den)
    # Recurse if we haven't reached a fixed point
    return result if result == (numerator, denominator) else Ratio(*result)


In this post we’ve introduced a Ratio type. With this, we can finally represent fractions, like a half:

    Sum(Product(Power(2, Fraction(1, 1))))

This may seem rather convoluted, considering that we started with Fraction right at the beginning (it’s there in the above example!). Alternatively, we could have supported fractions via negative exponents, but instead we explicitly forbade them. Indeed, negative exponents would behave perfectly reasonably, and work nicely with our normalisation algorithms.

However, a problem arises regarding fractional powers (i.e. roots), since they break our assumptions regarding divisibility and factoring. For example, consider the value 1/(1 + √2), which we could write like:

sum_root_two = Sum(Product(Power(2, Fraction(1, 2))))
numerator = sum_one
denominator = add_sums(sum_one, sum_root_two)
Ratio(numerator, denominator)

If we multiply the numerator and denominator by the same non-zero value, we should get back the same result; since that’s equivalent to multiplying by one. However, if we try that with 1 - √2 it won’t work:

sum_one_minus_root_two = add_sums(sum_one, multiply_sums(sum_neg, sum_root_two))

new_numerator = multiply_sums(numerator, sum_one_minus_root_two)
new_denominator = multiply_sums(denominator, sum_one_minus_root_two)
old = Ratio(numerator, denominator)
new = Ratio(new_numerator, new_denominator)
assert new == old, f"{new} should equal {old}"
AssertionError: ([[(-1, Fraction(1, 1))], [(2, Fraction(1, 2))]], [[]]) should
equal ([[]], [[], [(2, Fraction(1, 2))]])

Decoding these values, we see that the normal form for old is unchanged from how we wrote it, as 1/(1 + √2); whilst new has normalised to (-1 + √2)/1, or √2 - 1. It turns out that these are equivalent values, but reducing them down to the same representation requires a more sophisticated normalisation algorithm, called “rationalising the denominator”, which this whole series has been building to.

Next time we’ll see how to rationalise denominators; but in order to implement that, we need a way to split values into a numerator and a denominator. Keeping them separate using this Ratio type makes that trivial; whereas allowing fractions or negative exponents inside sums and products would be much more tedious to unravel!



def Ratio(numerator: Sum, denominator: Sum) -> Tuple[Sum, Sum]:
    assert denominator != sum_zero

    # 0/n normalises to 0/1
    if numerator == sum_zero:
        return (sum_zero, sum_one)

    # Find common factors in the numerator and denominator
    num_factors = dict(common_factors_of_sum(numerator))
    common_product = Product(*{
        base: min(exp, num_factors[base])
        for base, exp in common_factors_of_sum(denominator)
        if base in num_factors

    # Remove common factors from top and bottom of ratio
    num_reduced, den_reduced = (
        remove_common_product(numerator, common_product),
        remove_common_product(denominator, common_product)

    # Prefer negatives to be in the numerator
    multiplier = \
        sum_neg if -1 in dict(common_factors_of_sum(den_reduced)) else sum_one
    result = (
        multiply_sums(multiplier, num_reduced),
        multiply_sums(multiplier, den_reduced)

    # Recurse if we haven't reached a fixed point
    return result if result == (numerator, denominator) else Ratio(*result)

def add_ratios(r1: Ratio, r2: Ratio) -> Ratio:
    n1, d1 = r1
    n2, d2 = r2
    return Ratio(
        add_sums(multiply_sums(n1, d2), multiply_sums(n2, d1)),
        multiply_sums(d1, d2)

def multiply_ratios(r1: Ratio, r2: Ratio) -> Ratio:
    n1, d1 = r1
    n2, d2 = r2
    return Ratio(multiply_sums(n1, n2), multiply_sums(d1, d2))

def common_factors_of_sum(s: Sum) -> Product:
    """Returns a Product whose Powers appear in every term of the given Sum.
    This takes into account bases with differing exponents, by returning the
    return product_one if s == sum_zero else Product(*reduce(
        lambda common, product: {
            base: min(common[base], product[base])
            for base in common
            if base in product
        map(dict, s[1:]),

def remove_common_product(s: Sum, p: Product) -> Sum:
    return Sum(*reduce(

def remove_common_factor(s: Sum, p: Power) -> Sum:
    base, exp = p
    return Sum(*[
        Product(*[Power(b, e - exp if b == base else e) for b, e in product])
        for product in s

ratio_zero = Ratio(sum_zero, sum_one)
ratio_one = Ratio(sum_one, sum_one)
ratio_neg = Ratio(sum_neg, sum_one)