Rationalising Denominators 2: Products

Posted on by Chris Warburton

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Last time we used Python’s int and Fraction types to implement a new type called Power, to represent nth roots.

We implemented a few normalisation steps, to avoid redundant values like Power(-1, Fraction(2, 1)) (negative one squared, which is just one), Power(1, Fraction(10, 1)) (one to the power of ten, which is also just one) and Power(0, Fraction(3, 1)) (the cube of zero, which is just zero).

We were still left with some redundancy though, like Power(4, Fraction(1, 1)) (four to the power one) and Power(2, Fraction(2, 1)) (two squared) both being the number four; or, conversely, Power(2, Fraction(1, 1)) (two to the power one) and Power(4, Fraction(1, 2)) (square root of four) both being the number two.

This time we’ll use Power to implement another type, called Product, which completely avoids these redundancies.


A product is a list of values multiplied together. We can define a Product type in Python, whose elements are Power values:

def Product(*powers: Power) -> List[Power]:
    return list(powers)

This simple implementation can represent all the same values as Power (by using a list with a single value), but it lets us represent some values in a different way. For example Product(Power(3, Fraction(1, 3)), Power(2, Fraction(1, 2))) is the cube root of three times the square root of two; which is equivalent to Power(72, Fraction(1, 6)) (the sixth root of seventy-two).

Here are some useful constants for this type:

product_zero = Product(power_zero)
product_one = Product(power_one)
product_neg = Product(power_neg)


Since a Product represents a multiplication of its elements, we can multiply Product values by concatenating their lists:

def multiply_products(*ps: Product) -> Product:
    return Product(*sum(ps, []))


There is plenty of redundancy in this simple definition, so we’ll build up a normalisation algorithm which consolidates such values to a single representation.


Since our multiplication is commutative (for the moment), changing the order of elements in the list does not affect the result. We can solve this quite easily by sorting the values (since each Power is a tuple, Python will use a lexicographic ordering of the fields; with a numerical ordering for the numbers inside a field; however the the actual order doesn’t matter, so long as some permutation of our list is used as the “normal” form):

def Product(*powers: Power) -> List[Power]:
    return sorted(list(powers))

Repeated Bases

A Product of Powers with the same base (like Product(Power(5, Fraction(1, 2)), Power(5, Fraction(3, 4)))) is equivalent to a single Power with the same base, but sum of those exponents (in this case Power(5, Fraction(5, 4))). We’ll prefer the latter, and normalise our Product values to that form. We’ll implement this by summing the exponents of given Powers in a dictionary, keyed on their base; then converting the final entries into the resulting list of Powers:

def Product(*powers: Power) -> List[Power]:
    combined = {}
    for base, exp in powers:
        if base in combined:
            combined[base] += exp
            combined[base] = exp
    return [Power(base, exp) for base, exp in sorted(combined.items())]

Absorbing Zero

All products which contain zero are equivalent (since zero is the absorbing value for multiplication). The simplest of these is the product which only contains zero, so we’ll normalise the others to that:

        # If any element is zero, the whole Product is zero
        if base == 0:
            return [power_zero]

Discarding Ones

The number one is the identity value for multiplication, so its presence in a product does not alter the result. Hence the normalisation of a Product should remove any such Power. Thankfully, we can rely on Power to normalise such values to Power(1, Fraction(0, 1)); and indeed we can spot them by checking if their exponent is zero:

    return [
        Power(base, exp) for base, exp in sorted(combined.items()) if exp != 0

Note that, if every Power given to a Product is one, then the result will be the empty product; and this is the normal form for the Product representing the number one!

Fixed Points

Relying on the normalisation of Power makes our life easier, but we may still miss redundancies due to each Power being normalised individually. In particular, consider a value like Product(power_neg, power_neg): the repeated base of -1 will be combined into a dictionary like { -1: Fraction(2, 1) }. Since that exponent is not 0, our previous check won’t skip it, and we’ll return a list containing the element Power(-1, Fraction(2, 1)), which normalises to Power(1, Fraction(0, 1)). Hence double-negatives will lead to redundant factors of one in a Product.

This is unfortunate, since the normalisation performed by Power has replaced the exponent with zero; so our check could skip it, if we perform it later. There are many ways we could adjust our code to fix this, but one particularly simple approach is to repeat the normalisation steps on our result, until the value no longer changes (i.e. until we reach a fixed point):

    result = [
        Power(base, exp) for base, exp in sorted(combined.items()) if exp != 0
    return result if list(result) == list(powers) else Product(*result)


Now we confront the main source of redundancy in both Product and Power: that different sets of powers can multiply to the same result; and indeed that raising different base values to appropriate exponents can also produce the same result.

We will avoid this redundancy by only allowing elements of a Product to have base values which are prime, or the special values 0 (the only factor of zero), -1 (a factor of every negative number) and 1 (if raised to a fractional power).

To implement this normalisation, we need some helper functions to factorise base values. There are many algorithms we could use, and the details aren’t too important for our purposes; you can expand the following box to see the implementation I’ve used.

Implementation of factorise

Factorising can be slow, and was the bottleneck in my initial experiments. The following function uses a few tricks to speed up calculations, compared to a naive approach:

  • The lru_cache decorator gives the function a memo table, so results which have previously been calculated can be quickly re-used.
  • During startup there is a one-time cost to calculate the primes up to 1000, which are used to factor small numbers.
  • If we have to calculate the factors of some large number, we use a “wheel factorisation” algorithm, which is at least faster than brute-force search!
from functools import lru_cache

def factorise() -> Callable[[int], Product]:
    # Precompute primes up to 1000 using Sieve of Eratosthenes
    sieve = [True] * 1001
    sieve[0] = sieve[1] = False
    for i in range(2, 32):  # sqrt(1000) ≈ 31.6
        if sieve[i]:
            for j in range(i * i, 1001, i):
                sieve[j] = False
    SMALL_PRIMES = [i for i in range(1001) if sieve[i]]

    # Slow, but works for arbitrary n
    def wheel_factorise(n: int) -> Product:
        factors = []

        # Handle 2, 3 and 5 separately for efficiency
        for p in (2, 3, 5):
            if n % p == 0:
                count = 0
                while n % p == 0:
                    count += 1
                    n //= p
                factors.append(Power(p, Fraction(count, 1)))

        # Wheel increments for numbers coprime to 2, 3 and 5
        increments = [4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6]
        i = 0
        f = 7

        while f * f <= n:
            if n % f == 0:
                count = 0
                while n % f == 0:
                    count += 1
                    n //= f
                factors.append(Power(f, Fraction(count, 1)))
            f += increments[i]
            i = (i + 1) % 8

        if n > 1:
            factors.append(Power(n, Fraction(1, 1)))

        return factors

    def factorise(n: int) -> Product:
        if n == 0:
            return [power_zero]
        if n == 1:
            return []
        if n < 0:
            # Combine -1 with factors of the absolute value
            return [power_neg] + factorise(-n)
        if n > 1000:
            # Fallback method for large numbers
            return wheel_factorise(n)
            # Small numbers can use precomputed primes
            factors = []
            for p in SMALL_PRIMES:
                if p * p > n:
                    if n > 1:
                        factors.append(Power(n, Fraction(1, 1)))

                if n % p == 0:
                    count = 0
                    while n % p == 0:
                        count += 1
                        n //= p
                    factors.append(Power(p, Fraction(count, 1)))
            return factors
    return lambda n: sorted(factorise(n))
factorise = factorise()

We use that factorise function to implement the following split_power function, which adjusts factors of a base to account for the given exponent:

def split_power(power: Power) -> Product:
    base, exp = power
    return [Power(b, exp * e) for b, e in factorise(base)]

This can then be used to normalise the elements of a Product:

def Product(*powers: Power) -> List[Power]:
    combined = {}
    for power in powers:
        for base, exp in split_power(power):
            # If any element is zero, the whole Product is zero
            if base == 0:
                return [power_zero]
            if base in combined:
                combined[base] += exp
                combined[base] = exp
    result = [
        Power(base, exp) for base, exp in sorted(combined.items()) if exp != 0
    return result if list(result) == list(powers) else Product(*result)

The redundancy in our earlier examples is now avoided, since any Power with base 4 will be replaced by an equivalent with base 2:

Note that we don’t perform this factorising in Power, since it may require a Product of multiple elements. For example, normalising Product(Power(18, Fraction(2, 1))) (eighteen squared) produces:

Product(Power(2, Fraction(2, 1)), Power(3, Fraction(4, 1)))

Roots Of Unity

Our final normalisation step concerns fractional powers of one. Consider the cube root Power(1, Fraction(1, 3)): this represents a value which, when multiplied by itself three times, results in one. The number one itself has this property, since 1×1×1=1, but it’s not the only number to do so. In particular, roots of unity have this property, whilst being distinct from the usual number line. Roots of unity will come in handy later, so we will not replace them with one (this is also why Power uses modulo one to normalise values with base one).

There is still some redundant structure in these fractional powers of one, since any with an exponent greater than Fraction(1, 2) is equivalent to the negative of some Power with exponent less than Fraction(1, 2). We can account for this by having split_power replace factors of Power(1, Fraction(1, 2)) with power_neg:

def split_power(power: Power) -> Product:
    base, exp = power
    if base == 1:
        if exp >= Fraction(1, 2):
            # Half-way-round the roots of unity, we can split off a power of -1
            return [power_neg] + split_power(
                Power(base, exp - Fraction(1, 2))
    return [Power(b, exp * e) for b, e in factorise(base)]

Extra Helpers

We’ll be needing the following helper functions, so might as well define them here alongside Product:

def eval_product_int(p: Product) -> int:
    result = 1
    for base, exp in p:
        assert exp.denominator == 1, f"Can't eval {base}^{exp} as int"
        result *= base**exp.numerator
    return result

def product_is_rational(p: Product) -> bool:
    return all(exp.denominator == 1 for _, exp in p)


We’ve extended our representation of numbers from Power, which suffered from redundancy; to Product, which does not have any redundancies. Normalising this Product representation has exposed some structure that will be useful in future installments: namely the use of prime factors and roots of unity.

In the next post we’ll extend our representation again: to sums of products of powers!



Here’s the final implementation of Product, assuming that we have an implementation of Power defined:

def Product(*powers: Power) -> List[Power]:
    combined = {}
    for power in powers:
        for base, exp in split_power(power):
            if base == 0:
                # If any element is zero, the whole Product is zero
                return [power_zero]
            if base in combined:
                combined[base] += exp
                combined[base] = exp
    result = [
        Power(base, exp) for base, exp in sorted(combined.items()) if exp != 0
    return result if list(result) == list(powers) else Product(*result)

def multiply_products(*ps: Product) -> Product:
    return Product(*sum(ps, []))

def eval_product_int(p: Product) -> int:
    result = 1
    for base, exp in p:
        assert exp.denominator == 1, f"Can't eval {base}^{exp} as int"
        result *= base**exp.numerator
    return result

def product_is_rational(p: Product) -> bool:
    return all(exp.denominator == 1 for _, exp in p)

def split_power(power: Power) -> Product:
    base, exp = power
    if base == 1:
        # Half-way-round the roots of unity, we can split off a power of -1
        if exp >= Fraction(1, 2):
            return [power_neg] + split_power(
                Power(base, exp - Fraction(1, 2))
    return [Power(b, exp * e) for b, e in factorise(base)]

def factorise() -> Callable[[int], Product]:
    # Precompute primes up to 1000 using Sieve of Eratosthenes
    sieve = [True] * 1001
    sieve[0] = sieve[1] = False
    for i in range(2, 32):  # sqrt(1000) ≈ 31.6
        if sieve[i]:
            for j in range(i * i, 1001, i):
                sieve[j] = False
    SMALL_PRIMES = [i for i in range(1001) if sieve[i]]

    # Slow, but works for arbitrary n
    def wheel_factorise(n: int) -> Product:
        factors = []

        # Handle 2, 3 and 5 separately for efficiency
        for p in (2, 3, 5):
            if n % p == 0:
                count = 0
                while n % p == 0:
                    count += 1
                    n //= p
                factors.append(Power(p, Fraction(count, 1)))

        # Wheel increments for numbers coprime to 2, 3 and 5
        increments = [4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6]
        i = 0
        f = 7

        while f * f <= n:
            if n % f == 0:
                count = 0
                while n % f == 0:
                    count += 1
                    n //= f
                factors.append(Power(f, Fraction(count, 1)))
            f += increments[i]
            i = (i + 1) % 8

        if n > 1:
            factors.append(Power(n, Fraction(1, 1)))

        return factors

    def factorise(n: int) -> Product:
        if n == 0:
            return [power_zero]
        if n == 1:
            return []
        if n < 0:
            # Combine (-1, 1) with positive factorization
            return [power_neg] + factorise(-n)
        if n > 1000:
            # Fallback method for large numbers
            return wheel_factorise(n)
            # Small numbers can use precomputed primes
            factors = []
            for p in SMALL_PRIMES:
                if p * p > n:
                    if n > 1:
                        factors.append(Power(n, Fraction(1, 1)))

                if n % p == 0:
                    count = 0
                    while n % p == 0:
                        count += 1
                        n //= p
                    factors.append(Power(p, Fraction(count, 1)))
            return factors
    return lambda n: sorted(factorise(n))
factorise = factorise()

product_zero = Product(power_zero)
product_one = Product(power_one)
product_neg = Product(power_neg)

Property Tests

The following test suite uses Hypothesis and Pytest to check various properties that should hold for our Product type:

import pytest
from hypothesis import assume, given, strategies as st, note

debug = lambda **xs: (note(repr(dict(**xs))), list(xs.values())[0])[-1]

def is_prime(n: int) -> bool:
    if n == 0:
        return False
    factors = factorise(n)
    return len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1

# Test strategies
def primes(draw):
    n = draw(st.integers(min_value=2, max_value=7))
    return next(p for p in range(n, n+5) if is_prime(p))

def prime_factors(draw, rational=None):
    base = draw(primes())
    num = draw(st.integers(
            True: 1,
            False: 0,
            None: 0
    den = draw(
                True: 1,
                False: 2,
                None: 1
                True: 1,
                False: 2,
                None: 1
        ).filter(lambda d: (d != num) if rational == False else True)
    normalised = list(filter(
            True: lambda x: product_is_rational([x]),
            False: lambda x: not product_is_rational([x]),
            None: lambda x: True
        split_power(Power(base, Fraction(num, den)))
    assume(len(normalised) > 0)
    return normalised[0]

def powers(rational=None):
    just_powers = prime_factors(rational)
    with_negatives = st.one_of(st.just(power_neg), just_powers)
    return {
        False: just_powers,
        True: with_negatives,
        None: with_negatives

def products(draw, rational=None):
    main = draw(st.lists(
            # Rational products need entirely rational powers (when in normal
            # form), but irrational products don't need *all* of their powers
            # to be irrational
            True: True,
            False: None,
            None: None
    # We make it more likely for our product to be irrational by appending an
    # extra power that's definitely irrational. This may end get cancelled-out
    # by something we already have, so we still need a post-filter; we just do
    # this to prevent a lot of discarding in the post-filter.
    extra = [draw(powers(rational))] if rational == False else []
    normal = Product(*(main + extra))
    if rational == None:
        return normal
    is_rat = product_is_rational(normal)
    assume(rational == is_rat)
    return normal

def test_strategy_products(data):

def test_strategy_products_can_force_rational(p):
    assert product_is_rational(p)

def test_strategy_products_can_force_irrational(p):
    assert not product_is_rational(p)

@given(st.integers(min_value=2, max_value=1000))
def test_prime_factors_are_prime(n: int):
    prime_factors = factorise(n)
    for base, _ in prime_factors:
        assert is_prime(base)

@given(st.integers(min_value=2, max_value=1000))
def test_prime_factors_multiply_to_input(n: int):
    prime_factors = factorise(n)
    product = eval_product_int(prime_factors)
    debug(prime_factors=prime_factors, product=product)
    assert product == n

def whole_products():
    return products().map(
        lambda xs: Product(*[
            Power(base, Fraction(exp.numerator)) for base, exp in xs

def test_normalise_product_idempotent(p: Product):
    assert p == Product(*p)

    st.integers(min_value=-1000, max_value=1000),
def test_normalise_product_composites(l: List[int]):
    normal = Product(*[Power(base, Fraction(1)) for base in l])
    for base, exp in normal:
        assert exp.denominator == 1, f"{normal} contains fractional power {exp}"

@given(products(), products())
def test_normalise_product_absorbs(pre: Product, suf: Product):
    assert Product(*(pre + [power_zero] + suf)) == product_zero

@given(whole_products(), whole_products())
def test_multiply_products_agrees_with_evaluated(p1, p2):
    i1 = eval_product_int(p1)
    i2 = eval_product_int(p2)
    i3 = eval_product_int(multiply_products(p1, p2))
    assert i3 == i1 * i2

def test_multiply_products_identity(p: Product):
    assert multiply_products(p, product_one) == p, "1 is right identity"
    assert multiply_products(product_one, p) == p, "1 is left identity"

@given(products(), products())
def test_multiply_products_commutative(p1: Product, p2: Product):
    result_12 = multiply_products(p1, p2)
    result_21 = multiply_products(p2, p1)
    assert result_12 == result_21

@given(products(), products(), products())
def test_multiply_products_associative(p1: Product, p2: Product, p3: Product):
    result_12 = multiply_products(p1, p2)
    result_23 = multiply_products(p2, p3)
    assert multiply_products(result_12, p3) == multiply_products(p1, result_23)